Monday, February 25, 2013

Signs and Seasons, High Drama Ahead

There is a situation developing that should be watched closely.

When it comes to watching according to the Lord's command in Mark 13:37, I've learned that not all days are equal. A single day of the year has been identified through a study of biblical history as the one to watch most particularly for the revealing of the lawless one. I've documented this in a three part study about the sign for the Bride. I began watching with insight into what to watch and when to watch for it about 15 years ago, and I've observed what can be considered shadows twice, in 2001 and 2008. This demonstrates the heptadic pattern of the Shemittah, projecting back in time from the event casting the shadow in 2015. No shadows were noted in any of the other years so, on that basis, I wouldn't expect this year's watch season to be fruitful. However, now that we're in the target Shemittah, I wouldn't be at all surprised to see some more shadowing. The timely activity surrounding the offices of those who were involved in the past two shadows is making this developing situation one that may be very instructive. Because of what Tom Horn is suggesting during the ongoing media blitz relative to Petrus Romanus and Exo-Vaticana and how much buzz is being generated, this is another element that factors in to this watch season.

Here's when knowing the times confidently comes in pretty handy. This is not yet the year for the revealing of the lawless one. When you know when something is, you know when it's not. When I say, “pretty handy,” that's being really casual. For now, “casual” works, but as the day of revealing draws close there's going to be nothing casual about it. If you don't share my confidence that should really be starting to bother you. If you're gambling on being able to just keep getting reports like you have with access to everything, like now, and plan to gauge things as they come with a plan to just jump onboard at the last minute, well, good luck with that. Meaning, that's a bad bet. Bet hedging is not faith. The Lord is not fooled. There is no “smart enough” to see through supernatural delusion. What's required is the seeing eye and hearing ear that comes through practicing obedience. The Lord's own provision is our only dependable resource. This is not a matter of taking your best guess. This is not a matter of “blind” faith. Real faith sees, my friend, the intangible reality, the truth.

OK. Let's identify the critical time feature. I can't yet say when the 1st day of the 1st month will be because it depends upon the ripening barley and sighting of the new moon.

According to Nehemia Gordon in the Karaite Korner Newsletter #581 : “If the barley is Aviv by March 12 and the new moon is sighted on March 12, then the Feast of Unleavened Bread (Passover) will be from sunset March 26 through sunset April 2. If the barley is Aviv by March 12 and the new moon is NOT sighted on March 12, then the Feast of Unleavened Bread (Passover) will be from sunset March 27 through sunset April 3. If the barley is NOT Aviv by March 12, then the Feast of Unleavened Bread (Passover) will be from sunset April 25 through sunset May 2.

Since the Feast is accounted from the 15th-21st, you can calculate the potential dates for the 13th day from there. It may be as early as 3/25, beginning at sunset the previous day, Jerusalem time.

What I'm watching for on that day looks like this: Modeled on the baptism of my Lord, a false prophet will baptize the lawless one, a man with a history as a global leader, in a ceremony that will involve extraterrestrial presence and be attended by supernatural signs as he receives the anointing. Back in 2008, the two involved were Pope Benedict XVI and Bill Clinton. In 2001, Bill Clinton was involved, but instead of the Pope it was a Priest in a ceremony dedicating him to the Hindu gods. Faithful watching bears fruit as we see what we see, what the Lord reveals, and we receive valuable instruction. Whether Bill will be the lawless one or whether it will be another who holds or formerly held the office of POTUS, I can't say I know. It seems pretty likely that a Pope will be the baptizer, invested with a higher authority than granted by any earthly body. Given that, current developments are really interesting!

Obama to visit Israel in March for first time since taking office.Israel's Channel 10 television station cited unnamed sources in Washington last week saying the visit to Israel would start on March 20.

Hmmm. The POTUS is expected to travel to the region in what may be a window of time comparing to the Pope's trip to the USA in 2008, when I watched the shadow of the sign to the Bride dramatically unfold.

A Seat for the Pope at King David's Tomb Israeli authorities have granted the Pope an official seat in the room where the Last Supper is believed to have taken place. I'm far from convinced the room is as claimed, but in a symbolic sense, for the sake of ritual, Judas the betrayer had such a seat before him. Reports by Barry Chamish over the years have revealed how the Pope has long had a claim on some real estate in Jerusalem.

With Joseph Ratzinger retiring his Papal crown in a few more days, the vacancy is expected to be filled in short order by a cardinal who will be identified by some as the final Pope, and biblical false prophet, according to the Prophecy of St Malachy.

To reiterate my take on this, regardless of what happens during this season, even on what will be the 13th day of the 1st month, this is not yet the year for the revealing. The Messiah will not come to reign, and I don't expect the false prophet to anoint the lawless one. I do expect to learn more as we watch in this season, informed about the biblical patterns and those of recent history. There’s things that have to happen before the revealing of the lawless one that take some time to develop. America still has to be “reset”, and we haven’t yet really even begun to seriously engage Iran, which will result in the victory that will ultimately signal America's reset.


  1. Thanks and blessings, Toroth!

