By elongating the upper right extension of (x)it creates the same sodomic image found in Krispy Kremes (k's). The XO MOB is the X bisected by the magick circle, squaring the circle, more sodomy. By removing the XA we are left with Tact defined by Mirriam Webster - aesthetic perception or the ability to do or say things without offending or upsetting other people, primarily sodomy without offense. I'm probably just scratching the surface.
By elongating the upper right extension of (x)it creates the same sodomic image found in Krispy Kremes (k's). The XO MOB is the X bisected by the magick circle, squaring the circle, more sodomy. By removing the XA we are left with Tact defined by Mirriam Webster - aesthetic perception or the ability to do or say things without offending or upsetting other people, primarily sodomy without offense. I'm probably just scratching the surface.