Monday, January 06, 2020

Announcing 2 new interactive studies from John 18 and 19

We're excited to announce that two new interactive presentations have just been published to The Open Scroll!

John 18:10-19:16a
John 19:16b-30

Lord willing, these will soon be featured in video presentations. We invite you to study these and become familiar with them in advance, as the Lord may lead.

Announcing 2 new interactive studies from John 18 and 19

Curious about the pending reset of time? See The Pending Reset of Time


  1. Greetings, Bob and Aaron!

    On Monday (Jan 06, 2020), I was on my way to undergo a scheduled medical exam early in the morning (circa 6:06 AM local time, 9:06 GMT), when I had to stop at a traffic light; beside the traffic light there is one of those digital panels that inform people of the traffic ahead, detours AND date, time and temperature; well, the panel was showing the following "Jan 14, 8:18 AM (11:18 GMT), 19°C (66,2F)"; I was like "What?!", then turned to my dad and asked if he was seeing the same and he told me "And Jan 14 is not even a Monday! At least, they got the temperature right"!

    I felt so uneasy, as if someone/something had stolen 8 days and 2 hours of my life! Anyway, I remembered the speculations about a possible stock market crash on Jan 14 and couldn't help but wonder if this was a sign.


    1. I don't know if it is a sign, but stay alert and watchful for anything that might follow that. Thanks for sharing that with us here.
