Monday, November 30, 2020

12/21 and the Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn on the Solstice - Spiritual Warfare and Saturnalia

A conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn will take place on December 21. Look to the southwest just after sunset for this rare planetary alignment. The planets will conjoin on same day as the solstice, in the constellation Capricorn. While this great conjunction occurs every 20 years, this one is special because the planets will appear closer together than they have since 1623, almost four hundred years ago.

What we know for sure is that the numbers 12/21 (the date) are interesting to us, having been featured in many time signs Aaron and I have received in recent years. That date is also interesting because of the attention given to it back in 2012, with respect to the Mayan Calendar, as it was being interpreted by some. The date is of special interest because of what it will mean to Pagans and Occultists as they perform rituals to exploit the increased energy available to them. That will be a season of increased ritual sacrifice - and of intense spiritual warfare. That date is historically significant because of the celebration of Saturnalia, and that is still being celebrated under the guise of Christmas. We note that there is some interest in the event relative to the potential for initiating the release of the fallen angels who have been imprisoned.

12/21 and the Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn on the Solstice - Spiritual Warfare and Saturnalia

Some links to content that appears in this video:

Peppermint Decoded - Time Ritual - Part 1

Part 46 - Rango - Hyper-Kaaba, The Immortals and the Marvel Universe Cosmic Cube

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Curious about the pending reset of time? See The Pending Reset of Time

Thursday, November 26, 2020

Lil Nas X Holiday Trailer / Smart Phone as Compliance Device / Decoding: The Dana Coverstone Brand

In our latest video, Bob and Aaron offer insights and observations about a wide spectrum of items

Lil Nas X Holiday Trailer / Smart Phone as Compliance Device / Decoding: The Dana Coverstone Brand


The Smart Phone as Big Brother's Surveillance/Tracking/Compliance device

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It's like "Back to the Future" meets "The Santa Clause" meets "Rango"

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Israeli scientists claim to reverse aging process
- “We are going backwards in time,” Prof. Shai Efrati said.

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Decoding: Elmo HBO MAX ad: XO * 666 XO mark of the beast + Space-Time + celestial throne of the goddess

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Decoding Imagery: Dana Coverstone Ministries

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"Shattered Union" video game trailer

Some Additional Links Of Interest:

Like Songbird (2020) ... COVID 21 LETHAL VIRUS Trailer 2020
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Elon Musk recently claimed that he took 4 tests with mixed results.

Q: In what world does this make sense?
A: Ours, apparently.

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Curious about the pending reset of time? See The Pending Reset of Time - The Essential Guide

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Aaron's Reflections on the Inspiration of the Testimony of Dumitru Duduman and The Lord's Faithfulness

We are fast approaching a season where many of us may be forced to make life-and-death decisions in the face of intense persecution. So with that in mind, in this video Aaron reflects on the remarkable testimony of brother Dumitru Duduman and The Lord's faithful provision during extreme trials and persecution.

Aaron's reflections on the inspiration of: Testimony of Dumitru Duduman and The Lord's Faithfulness

For those of you who are not familiar with brother Duduman's story, I encourage you check out the links below:

Dumitru Duduman - Prophecy for America

Dumitru Duduman - Message for Christians - 1997

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Curious about the pending reset of time? See The Pending Reset of Time

Saturday, November 21, 2020

Operation Warp Speed, Beast Time Spells, and more 1:13 Time-bindings

* 60 Minutes / Operation Warp Speed and Beast Time Spells
* Tiberius/Star Trek "Bones" memes
* Insights into the sequences
* and more Time-binding indicators of the 13th day of the 1st month on the Lord's calendar

Some notable observations made by people with a certain kind of influence:

"Public safety," "national security," and the phrase, "If you have nothing to hide, then you shouldn't be afraid" come straight out of the 1934 Hitler Youth Handbook.

"A lie told often enough becomes the truth."
Vladimir Lenin

"The press should be not only a collective propagandist and a collective agitator, but also a collective organizer of the masses."
Vladimir Lenin

"Think of the press as a great keyboard on which the government can play."
Joseph Goebbels

"None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free."
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Operation Warp Speed, Beast Time Spells, and more 1:13 Time-bindings

Some links to content that appears in this video:

Operation Warp Speed: Planning the distribution of a future COVID-19 vaccine
"Great Reset" Mastermind Suggests Risk Assessment "Brain Scans" Before Allowing Travel
WHAT IS "THE GREAT RESET"? Paul Joseph Watson with James Delingpole
Dr. McCoy - He's dead Jim
Series Links:
When Will the Lawless One be Revealed? - The Sign for the Bride - Part 2
John 17:1 - 18:9 - Interactive

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Curious about the pending reset of time? See The Pending Reset of Time

Sunday, November 15, 2020

Lessons About Faith, Concealed and Revealed - "Keys to Developing a Hearing Ear" - Part 4

In this study we explore some key passages of scripture where lessons about faith and the hearing ear are conveyed using figurative language. As we give our attention to unveiling these figures of speech you'll discover the great value in the unveiling process! I believe that, if you're attentive, you'll become better able to contend with the mechanisms of concealing and revealing like figures of speech, parables, riddles and prophecies! I believe you will find yourself having more insight, greater faith and an ear that hears better, being able to hear more of the word of God and being better prepared to do it without hesitation!

The study on Lessons About Faith, Concealed and Revealed - "Keys to Developing a Hearing Ear" - Part 4

Lessons About Faith, Concealed and Revealed - "Keys to Developing a Hearing Ear" - Part 4

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Curious about the pending reset of time? See "The Pending Reset of Time"

Thursday, November 12, 2020

On the subject of self-defense and the protection of family, friends and neighbors

If you have come to the place in your walk with the Lord where you are willing to be sacrificed as a martyr for His sake, I commend you. Yet, your position may be compromised by factors to which you haven't given adequate consideration.

We are part of a community, with friends, neighbors, and family, and we, therefore, have certain obligations to each other. Our natural instinct is along the line of the strong protecting and providing for the weak and disadvantaged, of fathers and mothers protecting their children, and husbands their wives. What are we to do when our own willingness to be martyred conflicts with our natural inclinations, putting those at risk who might be depending on us? What do we do in circumstances where we ourselves or those we have obligations toward are threatened and it's not a matter of being persecuted for Jesus' sake? What, if any, measures might be taken to protect ourselves and others from those who pose a threat?

These are questions that beg answers. We're going to try to help you answer for yourselves.

On the subject of self-defense and the protection of family, friends and neighbors

The study on On the subject of self-defense and the protection of family, friends and neighbors

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Curious about the pending reset of time? See The Pending Reset of Time

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

The Husband and Wife as the Model of Christ and His Bride in Ephesians 5:22-33 (Interactive)

What is the model of Christ and his Bride in the earth? A husband and a wife - who walk in love according to the Lord's appointment of authority! Here's a timely new video presentation on a favorite passage of scripture!

The Husband and Wife as the Model of Christ and His Bride in Ephesians 5:22-33 (Interactive)

Ephesians 5:22-33 - Interactive

The Obedient Family

The presentation that inspired my interactive version: Ephesians 5:22-33 on Chiasmus Exchange

Is being subject to someone not good enough for you, saints?

25 But Jesus called them to him and said, “You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great ones exercise authority over them. 26 It shall not be so among you. But whoever would be great among you must be your servant, 27 and whoever would be first among you must be your slave, 28 even as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” ~ Matthew 20:25-28

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Curious about the pending reset of time? See The Pending Reset of Time

Friday, November 06, 2020

The Great Reset (of) TIME (magazine) and our scripted reality

We decode the recent cover of Time Magazine's double issue and find some VERY significant elements and meaning! With commentary and wisdom for the hearing ear, we also touch on some other timely items of note.

If people only knew the reality of our situation their anxieties about the socio-political-economic spheres would disappear!

The Great Reset (of) TIME (magazine) and our scripted reality

Some links to content that appears in this video:

Time Magazine announces ‘The Great Reset’ to usher in world socialism

Global communism disguised as The Great Reset

Creators of dystopian sci-fi are as shocked by the events of 2020 as you are

Watch "V for Vendetta" (2006) (* So far as we know, it's not currently streaming for free on any of the major platforms)

V for Vendetta: Spilling the Beans on Pandemics and Vaccines (Series: A Bioforming Pandemic)

Colour revolution (Wikipedia)

Trailer for Songbird * our distopian reality

Meet the Witches Who Are Hexing Trump’s Re-Election

Artificial Intelligences [will] make deepfakes so perfect even other AIs can't detect them
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Curious about the pending reset of time? See The Pending Reset of Time