Friday, June 21, 2024

The Copper Scroll, Decoded, and Israel's Treasure as a Bride's Dowry

In this video: In 1952, an ancient manuscript known as the Copper Scroll was found in a cave near Qumran. It was recognized as a treasure map, but despite the best efforts of the experts, no one could make enough sense of it to find anything. That is, until Oklahoman Jim Barfield, it appears. When Jim presented his findings to the leading Rabbi of Israel and other authorities they were convinced he had indeed found the treasure of ancient Israel. Because the location is still very politically sensitive, the sites have not been excavated, even 18 years later. The use of ground penetrating radar has, however, confirmed the presence of objects consistent with what is expected to be found. Many see this treasure, which could be accessed in short order, as the dowry for the Bride of the Messiah. While the Rabbi's take on this is that the Messiah's coming is near, and I don't generally disagree with that interpretation, there really is more to be said about the situation! So, I say it!

To Watch: "The Copper Scroll, Decoded, and Israel's Treasure as a Bride's Dowry"

(full HD version for streaming or download)

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  1. Anonymous7:02 AM

    Hey Bob,
    Have you seen this?

    1. Anonymous7:50 AM

      Also this

  2. Christine from the UK10:07 AM

    Hi Bob, do you remember that phrase ‘a storm is coming’? Well I heard it said on Doctor Who - The Legend of Ruby Sunday and also it’s in the latest Karin Slaughter book ‘ This is Why We Lied’ (2024).

    1. I do remember that! It still resonates with me.

  3. Christine from the UK12:49 AM

    Hi Bob (again), WOW! Just seen Coldplay played at Glastonbury on the pyramid stage. It reminded me of 2012. They also had Michael J Fox as a guest with guitar, so feeding Back to the Future into the energy raising ritual.

  4. Yes! Good observations. Thanks for passing it on, Christine.
