Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Head Coverings: 1 Corinthians 11 Interactive * TWO VERSIONS

In this video: Check it out - the signature of the Divine, TWICE OVER!

To Watch: "Head Coverings: 1 Corinthians 11 Interactive * TWO VERSIONS"
Watch here on Rumble
Watch here on BitChute
(full HD version for streaming or download)
Watch here on Brighteon
Watch on YouTube

Please leave your comments here on this blog post or on the Bitchute video.

Resources referenced in the video:
Thematic Symmetry of 1 Corinthians 11:1-17 - Interactive * TWO VERSIONS
Head Covering: The Modeling of Divine Order
Ronny Prophet plays Yankee Doodle and Dixie while singing Old MacDonald

Curious about the pending reset of time? Learn more here: The Pending Reset of Time

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Find our published video and audio linked on this blog's posts, and much of it here:
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→ Bitchute: The Open Scroll
→ Brighteon: The Open Scroll
→ Rumble: The Open Scroll Mirror
→ YouTube: When Cometh That Thief in the Night
→ YouTube: The Open-ish Scroll
→ YouTube: These Patterns are Amazing
→ YouTube: Stormy's Reverse Speech

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Head Covering: The Modeling of Divine Order

In this video: Few, today, give head covering much thought. Have we been deceived by those whom we have trusted to teach and model proper God-fearing behavior? The 11th chapter of 1 Corinthians is not about the legalistic bondage of religious requirement, and neither is it, as some suppose, a matter of cultural tradition. It's about bearing the responsibility to model the truth of God's order to all creation, and it's a way of entering into great blessing, power, and freedom in Christ!

To Watch: "Head Covering: The Modeling of Divine Order"
Watch on Rumble
Watch on BitChute
(full HD version for streaming or download)
Watch on Brighteon
Watch on YouTube
Listen to or download mp3 audio

Please leave your comments here on this blog post or on the Bitchute video.

Resources referenced in the video:
Head Covering: The Modeling of Divine Order
1 Corinthians 11:1-17 * as chiasmus and parallelism - Interactive

Curious about the pending reset of time? Learn more here: The Pending Reset of Time

Follow me on X @BobSchlenkerTOS

Find our published video and audio linked on this blog's posts, and much of it here:
Video & Audio Catalog
Video "Playlist" Catalog

Our Channels

→ Bitchute: The Open Scroll
→ Brighteon: The Open Scroll
→ Rumble: The Open Scroll Mirror
→ YouTube: When Cometh That Thief in the Night
→ YouTube: The Open-ish Scroll
→ YouTube: These Patterns are Amazing
→ YouTube: Stormy's Reverse Speech

Monday, August 12, 2024

Announcement - The Open Scroll is on X

Hey everybody. The Open Scroll is now on the X platform. Follow me on @BobSchlenkerTOS

I know many of you aren't on X, so you're not going to be following me there. I'll probably be publishing the same content on the blog, just not as frequently.

Here's what I wrote about in my first post to X:

I watched, Nefarious, last week.

I heard about it here: Blurry Creatures: EP: 253 Nefarious with Directors Chuck and Cary

I watched it on Amazon Prime here.

Thursday, August 01, 2024

2024 Paris Olympics - Drag Queen Disciples in daVinci's The Last Supper? Can we be sure?

In this video: By now, most of you are aware of the controversy surrounding the Opening Ceremony of the Paris Olympic Games, where drag queens and the LGBTQ+ community performed in a tableau seen by many as a reference to da Vinci's mural, The Last Supper. We're going to take a deeper look to get more insight. Based on the very incriminating details brought forward, you can decide for yourself whether the scene was meant to evoke The Last Supper or some other work, as some claim. And, we're not going to ignore the elephant in the room!

To Watch: "2024 Paris Olympics - Drag Queen Disciples in daVinci's The Last Supper? Can we be sure?"

(full HD version for streaming or download)

Please leave your comments here on this blog post or on the Bitchute video.

Curious about the pending reset of time? Learn more here: The Pending Reset of Time

Find our published video and audio linked on this blog's posts, and much of it here:
Video & Audio Catalog
Video "Playlist" Catalog

Our Channels

→ Bitchute: The Open Scroll
→ Brighteon: The Open Scroll
→ Rumble: The Open Scroll Mirror
→ YouTube: When Cometh That Thief in the Night
→ YouTube: The Open-ish Scroll
→ YouTube: These Patterns are Amazing
→ YouTube: Stormy's Reverse Speech