Saturday, October 17, 2020

updated - Keys to Developing a Hearing Ear - Part 1: The Hidden Treasure of Luke 8

We're following up on the previous post with another announcement of the refreshing of a legacy page that we're very excited about! 

This work represents a coming around full circle for me, and for Aaron and I, together! 

The writing: Keys to Developing a Hearing Ear - Part 1: The Hidden Treasure of Luke 8

Update: Video with Aaron reading that study: Part 1: The Hidden Treasure of Luke 8

In the gospel of Luke there is a passage in the 17th chapter that complements the lessons of chapter 8. I previously introduced what I like to refer to as the Hear-Do cycle, the operative principle of the trending ways of the increasing or decreasing of our ability to hear. This can be equated to faith. There are some truths involved that are rather hidden and that are really quite profound. Most Christians believe that having "more faith" is the key to a more powerful life. The apostles did too, but Jesus challenged that, giving those who would have a hearing ear more insight into this essential of life!

Thanks so much for all your support. What a blessing to be serving together in this season!

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