Wednesday, June 05, 2024

Atlas (2024) on Netflix - Pt5: Is Chess Linked to Death in Media Productions?

In this video: In this 5th installment in the series, we explore a scene from a new Netflix movie called, Atlas, starring Jennifer Lopez. The game of chess is a recurring theme in the film. When a robot says that he can't die, Atlas uses her favorite chess piece as a weapon and "kills" him. The conspiratorially-minded among us will see this film as I do, as an effort to get people to overcome their mistrust of AI, like how Atlas, the protagonist, does by the end of the film. The kinds of magic ritual I call out are there to support that goal. Ultimately, this kind of production is drawing people to embrace the beasts and to accept the mark of the beast, as per Revelation 13.

NOTE: The name of the robot head in a suitcase who can't die: 'Casca' is the pen name of Albert Pike, Freemason and influential author of "Morals and Dogma." Documentation: Manly P. Hall talking about Albert Pike: Further documentation: "The anonymous letters, signed “Casca” after one of the Roman politicians who assassinated Julius Caesar, were considered very persuasive and secured for him (Albert Pike) a statewide reputation as a writer." (Moneyhon, Carl H. "Albert Pike (1809–1891)". Encyclopedia of Arkansas History & Culture (EOA. Central Arkansas Library System) )

To Watch: "Atlas (2024) on Netflix - Pt5: Is Chess Linked to Death in Media Productions?"

(full HD version for streaming or download)

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Collateral study: The Game of Chess - Beyond Entertainment to the Manipulation of Reality

Curious about the pending reset of time? Learn more here: The Pending Reset of Time

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1 comment:

  1. The name of the robot head in a suitcase who can't die: 'Casca' is the pen name of Albert Pike, Freemason and influential author of "Morals and Dogma." Documentation: Manly P. Hall talking about Albert Pike:
    Further documentation: "The anonymous letters, signed “Casca” after one of the Roman politicians who assassinated Julius Caesar, were considered very persuasive and secured for him (Albert Pike) a statewide reputation as a writer." (Moneyhon, Carl H. "Albert Pike (1809–1891)". Encyclopedia of Arkansas History & Culture (EOA. Central Arkansas Library System) )
