One benefit in continuing to explore these vehicles (like the Beijing Olympics London Presentation, the Threshold movie, Olympic posters, NCR.com's marketing sequence - see The Open Scroll Blog: Movies that prepare us for transformation ...) is that I usually discover some new insight. Another benefit is that I always find elements I've observed elsewhere, and this redundancy of the symbols and their meanings let's me know I'm on the right path, giving me assurance as I continue to track the clues.
Because there is at the present time such deceit in the world and the overspreading delusion so pervasive, the confidence inspired by the validating redundancy is a necessary provision for our time.
We need to know the Lord who is with us is trustworthy and sure. "My sheep hear my voice," He has declared. (John 10:27) This must be learned through practicing obedience even as the good shepherd leads those who will follow through some difficult terrain.
The discovery of a movie titled "9" that promotes the Beast agenda should be no surprise at all. If you've been following this blog you have seen the number appear regularly in the context of the mark of the Beast transformation. "Nine" is code for "mark of the Beast"! Several posts back I pointed out how The Iron Giant, in addition to having several other "nine" features, was released in 1999. I count three nines. "9" was released in 2009, as was District 9, another of the antichrist vehicle kind.
I've noticed how those who practice the art of occult signaling apply the technique of summing digits to derive meaningful equivalence. I presented examples already, such as with Threshold, which first aired on CBS beginning September 16, 2005 (9-16-2005) then on the Sci Fi Channel on Friday, October 13, 2006. (10-13-2006) Doing the math: 9+1+6+2+0+0+5=23 ("sex" chromosomes) 1+0+1+3+2+0+0+6=13 (beast)
16) And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
17) And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
18) Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.
Revelation 13:16-18
Six hundred threescore and six is commonly referenced as 666. 6+6+6=18 then 1+8=9 So we can see how 666 resolves to 9. The single digit 9 is then considered a magical form of 666. Nine is the number of months associated with human gestation, and what
Followers of

Did you watch the
Now, as you watch one of the trailers, the number 9 appears by itself as the only element in the title screen, then, it transforms into 9-9-09.

The graphical effects applied to the 9 and to the other numbers suggest ectoplasm, which is consistent with the main themes and visual themes of the movie. The soul transfer and disembodied life forces are pictured with imagery familiar to anyone who has read about or seen presentations about the paranormal. Ectoplasm is purported to be a tangible substance of life from a realm where the dead live. Presenting the 6 to 666 transformation with ectoplasm seems fitting.
More coming - Lord willing!
Donald Trump and the number 9. The 45th President, 4+5=9.