If you have taken an interest in David Flynn's Temple at the Center of Time, and have been making your own study of the time-distance principles - good news! There's a new tool available, the TCOT Converter. I had been using the ruler tool in Google Earth but recently became aware of how the measurements were inconsistent. I found a more reliable method, calculating dates from GPS coordinates. It was a rather tedius undertaking, so I made a tool to streamline the process.
If you like it, bookmark it and use it as the Lord leads.
Temple at the Center of Time - Conversion Tools
This was expanded on July 6 to include a second feature:
Find the Coordinates at a Given Distance and Bearing. This is useful for plotting points for the drawing of date-time arcs from the temple mount.
Blessings in Y'shua!
Bob for president!
ReplyDeleteHey Anthony, just pencil me as your running mate. :)