Please note, if you're a victim of ritual abuse who is still being delivered there may be triggers in the following content.
The word, “heliofant,” is a made up word that is not in the dictionary, but “helio” means “sun,” or the personification of the sun, the sun god. The word ending -fant is like “fan” in FANaTic, so it suggests that a heliofant is something of a fan of Helio, a sun or sun god fanatic. Given what we see in the video, that much is evident. The ending -fant, is like -phant, which is Greek, like “helio.” It means “one who shows.” A heliophant would be the sun or sun god who shows. This is what the Horus Eye is about.
“609c. he has equipped thee with his eye; Horus has adapted to thee his eye. 610a. Horus has opened for thee thine eye that thou mayest see with it.” (Utterance 364 from The Pyramid Texts, As translated by Samuel A. B. Mercer)
The stylized title graphic features a simple encoding of the name of the sun and sun god transliterated as IO, calling out both the i and O for special attention.

I've been illustrating how the celestial symbolism is evident in the video, overtly and covertly. The covert or subliminal is the more powerful. The title graphic illustrates the golden sun Helio or IO as the golden letter O. It's subtle. The dot of the “i” is an orbiting satellite, the Earth, perhaps. The way the Sun looks is how it appears when it's eclipsed by the Moon. It is the dot that is most brightly illuminated, which suggests another celestial body with a luminous satellite. I believe the Earth and Moon are implied. If we perceive it as a hole in the Sun the picture suggests a portal. Students of the mysteries like Dr. Robert Hieronimus have revealed the belief that the Blazing Star Sirius is behind the sun, and that there is a dimensional portal with a realm and entities represented in the matter. The Sun and Moon are overlaid in an eclipse, lining up symbols of the Golden and Silver Gates. With the link to Sirius, given all that has been opened to me in recent weeks, what I see in this is Horus coming through the Silver Gate. It will probably take me a while to effectively express why, so bear with me.
Since the eclipse alignments of the Sun and Moon are historically such potent events, and because of how I see the Golden and Silver Gate symbols are so frequently superimposed, I'm taking this opportunity to give that some attention. Like Heliofant's stylized logo, Will.i.am's large golden chain represented both stargates in Ke$ha's Crazy Kids video. The chain itself is a twinned torus, a Gemini-Taurus or Silver Gate symbol. His was golden, right?
These stargates are connected, as front and back doors of access to the “Milky Way” realm. These stargates occupy opposing positions in the celestial heavens, which can be illustrated by drawing a line through the planisphere represented in the Dendera Zodiac at the markers I identified in the previous post. When you see this as a bisected circle you have come to what is concealed and revealed in some popular branding.

Vehicles traveling underground suggest Anubis traversing the underworld, the Duat. The red ring is as the sun, and so we see a sun rising above the horizon. This is a familiar allegory and ritual about Horus, emerging from the underworld into our earthly realm. The squared circle signaling ritual sodomy enlightenment makes this a Horus Eye symbol. A witch's magic circle is referred to as the squared circle, and the London Underground symbol aptly pictures that protective dimensional container that is bisected by the plane of the surface the circle is cast upon. Without the blue band, the sign is a near match to the Heliofant logo as picturing a solar eclipse and portal.
Now, here's where the paired stargates become evident. The red sun ring also represents the path of the sun called the ecliptic. The ecliptic intersects the Milky Way, which is represented by the blue band with white lettering. The red ring of the ecliptic intersects the blue-white band of the Milky Way in two places, one opposite the other. These intersections represent the Golden and Silver Gates!
Give attention to how the letter N appears at both of those points of intersection. The letter N is a stargate symbol! When I decoded the branding for Nationwide Insurance recently the letter N was featured as a dimensional gateway symbol through which Horus gains access to our realm. Some figure I'm just making stuff up as I go along. I think, not.

This image presents the circle of the Zodiac in a different orientation.

Notice how the letter G in “UNDERGROUND” is centered in the circle. Here's a comparison of a pair of images that I made when decoding Nationwide's branding.

The London Underground brand imagery represents the Golden and Silver Gates at the two opposing intersections of the ecliptic and the Milky Way, marking them with the letter N. It may be considered how, at each intersection, an X is formed at each crossing.

It may be seen that the Silver Gate is implied in the number 47, which is the atomic number of silver and the number implied by the form of a 4 sided figure framing the 7th letter of the alphabet. The number 47 (47th Problem of Euclid: Osiris union Isis) represents the production of Horus, and so it is that we see his introduction into this realm modeled as through the Silver Gate.

Now, when the double X is being signaled we should be mindful of these two celestial stargates, where X marks the spot. I've given the Dos Equis brand plenty of ink but here it is again. I see the central figure as a hint of the Silver Gate. I see the figures of 2 squares overlaid as the superimposed stargates, aligned, looking through the axis from one to the other. Pyramids seen from above sit upon square bases, and each presents a letter X.

Why do you suppose Team Orion brands with the double X?
There's usually a vortex represented in symbol, so picture a whirling energetic torus. The shape is a circle rotated around an axis like a donut or bagel.

It seems to me that a more accurate representation involves two related fields, one counter to the other, making each stargate both a front door and a back door at the same time.

In the Wizard of Oz, which is an obfuscation of On, Heliopolis, and is also “the land down under” or underworld, Glinda the Witch of the North lands her transdimensional bubble vehicle right by the starting point of the Yellow Brick Road. That is the center of a spiral, apparently, the Golden Gate vortex. Dorothy and Toto had arrived there in a whirlwind, which was only seen in black and white. Apparently, that's the Silver Gate! The quest to return home follows the yellow brick road to its end, Emerald city, a gemstone.

Elton John tapped into that Golden Gate symbolism.
The value of the name “heliofant” is 153 in English gematria, where z=1. The number 153 is a special resurrection number. The scheme to open the Silver Gate is about resurrecting Osiris into Horus through the agency of Isis. Counterfeits are always based on something genuine, and the esoteric 21st chapter of John is where you'll find a basis for this scheme.

10 Jesus said to them, “Bring some of the fish which you have now caught.” 11 Simon Peter went up and drew the net to land, full of large fish, a hundred and fifty-three; and although there were so many, the net was not torn. ~ John 21:10-11
When I wrote this study on The Twenty-First Chapter of John I described how the Bride Theft was in view, triggered by 144k sons of Israel in a notable Romans 11:15 fulfillment. There's a Passing Through the Iron Gate in that event. The catch of 153 fish is subsequent to that, involving a multitude. (Oh, this is good stuff!) The Heliofant scheme will also capture a multitude of fish in a net.
Watch the video. Do you see fish going into the boat?
John 21:6 declares how the 153 fish were caught when the net was cast at Jesus' direction on the right side of the boat. Biblically, people are represented in a metaphor as fish in the sea, and also as sheep and goats. Of sheep and goats, you want to be the sheep. In the following scriptures, when all the nations are gathered before the Son of Man when He has come in His glory, it is the sheep that are collected on my Lord's right side for blessing.
31 “But when the Son of Man comes in His glory, and all the angels with Him, then He will sit on His glorious throne. 32 All the nations will be gathered before Him; and He will separate them from one another, as the shepherd separates the sheep from the goats; 33 and He will put the sheep on His right, and the goats on the left. 34 “Then the King will say to those on His right, ‘Come, you who are blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. ~ Matthew 25:31-34
Remember what I wrote in the previous post about the opening scene of Auschwitz and the bellwether? What Heliofant is saying by, “I, Pet Goat,” is this: “This will soon be YOU!” A goat, captive, enchanted, and barcoded (mark of the beast). They are not trying to warn you to help you escape the net but rather to entangle you in it.

41 “Then He will also say to those on His left, ‘Depart from Me, accursed ones, into the eternal fire which has been prepared for the devil and his angels;
46 These will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life.” ~ Matthew 25:41 and 46
46 These will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life.” ~ Matthew 25:41 and 46
Hey, don't be the goat. Don't be captivated by the pharmakeia of the Heliofant kind of net.
ReplyDeleteThe "Helio-fant" is the dude in the dress. Yes, ALICE is, and always was, a BOY, that is a EUNUCH. Then MAN CHILD from Revelation. "Helio" = Sun and mixing "enfant" or infant. That is Michael the Archangel...the great prince that stands for God's children... https://youtu.be/MgpZ5-yDzhk