February 14, 2013
"Tell my people I see their struggles. I shall not fail them."
The Lord Sees Our Struggles and He Shall Not Fail Us!
June 29, 2013
"Tell my people to call upon me for their strength. I will renew and refresh them."
A Word from the Front Lines - Call Upon the Lord
September 25, 2013
Tell my people, "The day of reckoning is upon us."
The Day of Reckoning is Upon Us
October 06, 2013
A Vision
I saw bright orange flowing rivers of lava in some sort of underground tunnel, an immense underground cavern or cave. I thought at first it might be the lake of fire, or Hell and I was a bit afraid at first, and continued to see this huge flowing river of bright orange lava. It was moving incredibly fast and moving with great force. I felt as if I were moving along with it as if I were surrounded by it.
The next thing I saw was from an aerial perspective. I was taken very high into the air. Exactly how high I cannot say, but it was high enough for me to see a large mountainous figure from a seemingly great distance. It was a very bright and clear day. I remember how clear and blue the sky was and how beautiful it all looked when I saw the landscape of the mountain and trees.
As I was in the air looking down at the mountain the entire right side collapsed as a huge pillar of black smoke, ash, and lava exploded and flew high into the air. It seemed that the ash was going much higher into the air than where I was placed. It reminded me of the pictures of Mt. St. Helens erupting.
The next image was of heavy ash falling from the sky like a thick, dark, grayish snow. People were running and it seemed like many feet of ash covered the ground.
Oddly, "western Montana" seemed to come into my mind.
When the experience was over I was very deeply troubled and disturbed by what I had seen. I asked the Lord where this had taken place and He told me, "Western Montana."
My Vision of the Yellowstone Caldera Eruption
November 12, 2013
"Tell my people to hold fast to that which they have been given for the hour of their testing will soon be upon them."
Hold Fast to that Which You Have Been Given for the Hour of Testing is Soon Upon Us
December 22, 2013
"The pain you feel is for the people that will soon perish in what is coming. Tell my people that destruction will soon be upon them. Those who have strayed, those who have not anchored themselves to Me, the Truth, will not be able to stand against that which will come against them."
"The enemy will attack the areas of your greatest weakness. If you attempt to stand on your own in the midst of such an assault, and do not draw near Me in prayer you will fall. If you do not call upon Me in that hour you will perish. You must draw near to Me in prayer, and stay close to Me."
Draw Near to the Lord for Destruction Will Soon Be Upon Us
January 14, 2014
"Tell my people that the hour is almost at hand. Love one another, pray for one another, and weep for one another for the hour draws near. The force of the enemy will be great, but for those in whom My Spirit truly dwells my strength will prevail, those who have made Me their refuge shall succeed as overcomers and take their rightful place with me in my everlasting Kingdom.
Do not fear what lies ahead. Do not succumb to the terror that will befall you. Keep your eyes upon Me and your faith will not fail you in your hour of testing. All that I have written and spoken of will soon come to pass. Keep your eyes upon Me and not upon the travails that surround you for all that surrounds you is passing away, yet I will endure forever and those who have followed My path will endure with Me."
A Word from the Lord: The Hour is Almost at Hand
February 7, 2014
"Tell my people they must fight to keep the ground they have gained and they must fight even harder to take the ground that yet remains. The enemy will look to seduce you to your destruction by appealing to your weakest points. The enemy seeks to open the doors and destroy you through legal right. Draw near to Me, repent of your sins and fleshly indulgences and take shelter under My wing of protection. To those of you in bondage because of sin now is the time, and I am the way, for your freedom.
Tell my people that the great storm is nearly upon them and unless they are firmly placed in Me and covered with My spirit they shall perish.
Do not allow your love to grow cold in this late hour as bitterness and strife are as fuel to the enemy and will be the downfall of many of My people. Do as I commanded you and love one another as you love yourselves. My love will overcome all of the hate of the enemy and My light will overcome the darkness that will soon engulf the world.
Hold fast to the faith and in Me you shall be overcomers."
A Word from the Lord: The Great Storm is Nearly Upon Us
By Aaron Hermann
Please feel free to contact me through my Gmail account. (theultimateplan@)
This isn't part of the 'Word received' category but I think this past vision Aaron Hermann got last year is noteworthy and should get a place in the review of past messages received:
ReplyDeleteSunday, October 06, 2013
My Vision of the Yellowstone Caldera Eruption
"I was taken very high into the air. Exactly how high I cannot say, but it was high enough for me to see a large mountainous figure from a seemingly great distance. It was a very bright and clear day. I remember how clear and blue the sky was and how beautiful it all looked when I saw the landscape of the mountain and trees.
As I was in the air looking down at the mountain the entire right side collapsed as a huge pillar of black smoke, ash, and lava exploded and flew high into the air. It seemed that the ash was going much higher into the air than where I was placed. It reminded me of the pictures of Mt. St. Helens erupting.
The next image was of heavy ash falling from the sky like a thick, dark, grayish snow. People were running and it seemed like many feet of ash covered the ground.
Oddly, "western Montana" seemed to come into my mind.
When the experience was over I was very deeply troubled and disturbed by what I had seen. I asked the Lord where this had taken place and He told me, "Western Montana." "
Thanks Andy! It's just been updated to include that vision.
DeleteThanks Andy!
DeleteNo problem Bob and Aaron. :-)
DeleteI'm happy to help with the organisation of proper archiving of articles, to preserve some of the 800+ articles for ease in accessibility in this blog. It is difficult to remember each of them with their own specific and rich content. The new search system gives you entire pages rather than snippets, making it less efficient to find articles than the old search system.