Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Signs in the Heavens and ancient codes pushing back the timeline

There are some unusual signs of the times that really need to be considered! We discuss some recent news and conclude our session with the reading of some timely and relevant passages of scripture!

Signs in the Heavens and ancient codes pushing back the timeline (full HD version for streaming or download)
Signs in the Heavens and ancient codes pushing back the timeline
Signs in the Heavens and ancient codes pushing back the timeline

Articles of interest:
A Total Amateur May Have Just Rewritten Human History With Bombshell Discovery
Our entire Solar System is changing rapidly, but nobody is really talking about it
Once in 50,000-year comet may be visible to the naked eye

Curious about the pending reset of time? Learn more here: The Pending Reset of Time

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Our Channels

→ Bitchute: The Open Scroll
→ Brighteon: The Open Scroll
→ Rumble: The Open Scroll Mirror
→ YouTube: When Cometh That Thief in the Night
→ YouTube: The Open-ish Scroll
→ YouTube: These Patterns are Amazing
→ YouTube: Stormy's Reverse Speech


  1. Anonymous12:07 AM

    hey i just found your posts. im reading everything from beginning to end. thanks for the years of dedication & hard work!
