Thursday, December 12, 2024

Time Magazine Plays the Devil-horns Card with Trump

In this video: Symbols matter - a lot! Also, we look at some trends: Bible sales are up 22 percent, repeating Nascar champion car #22, Witchcraft on the rise globally, Human trafficking rises sharply after pandemic, Google the search company facing challenges.

To Watch: "Time Magazine Plays the Devil-horns Card with Trump"
Watch here on Rumble
Watch here on BitChute
(full HD version for streaming or download)
Watch here on Brighteon

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  1. Christine from the UK12:30 PM

    Hi Bob, I’ve just watched the first episode of the new Dexter series Original Sin. Some timebinding is going on in the 13th minute from the end.Its 1991 and Dexter is performing his first kill. At the same time, we see his sister Debs playing basketball 22 and wearing a 13 sports top. Interesting eh!
    Ps thanks for all your wonderful video and posts. I would not know what I am seeing without the Open Scroll

    1. Christine - It's an honor to be serving with you in the Lord's harvest field! Thanks for being alert and attentive and for sharing with me what you do here and on X. I'll look into that new Dexter Series.
