Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Ominous! Trump on Iran, Daniel 8 and the Blood Moon Eclipse

In this video: POTUS Donald Trump recently stated that, "Something's going to happen with Iran very soon..." Since he's got a history of following through with what many perceive as threats, this situation has great potential for unsettling geopolitical stability. In this video, a clip of Trump making the very serious statement. I share some of my personal history on the subject, having had a revelation insight granted to me back in the 90s that had a fairly quick fulfillment - in part. As for the other part, which involves a war between the USA and Iran, I've been waiting and watching for many years. What does this mean for the destiny of Iran - and of the USA? You should find this very interesting!

Also of interest is the upcoming lunar eclipse. This total lunar eclipse, known as a 'Blood Moon' due to its red appearance, will begin late in the night on March 13th. It will mostly occur March 14th, 2025 and be visible across the Western Hemisphere - really bracketing North America. This and similar celestial events typically raise concerns about apocalyptic events, even biblical events. Is this warranted?

Jesus commanded us to watch, and this season's items of note certainly qualify as things to watch!

To Watch: "Ominous! Trump on Iran, Daniel 8 and the Blood Moon Eclipse"
Watch here on Rumble
Watch here on BitChute
(full HD version for streaming or download)
Watch here on Brighteon

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