No, It's not the Mandela Effect. Our legacy collection known as, Beyond the Veil, has just been retitled to, When Cometh That Thief in the Night.
What prompted the update is our being recently contacted about trademark infringement. Somebody trademarked it last year and threatened our YouTube account over it because of the videos we've been publishing in that series. So, we complied with their demands, and, in the process, went through the website and made substantial updates to reflect the change. We'll modify and re-upload the videos to YouTube. They'll still feature the pages bearing the legacy title, but the headers will reflect the change. The mp3 files in the series will also be modified somewhat in the intro and the filenames. Updating that content and those links that will have new targets will take us a while to complete.
May day, may day, popes were celebrating thier power to conqure with a Black mass in cairo/camp of mars, god of War, day before may day. In line with satanic holidays. https://afrolegends.com/2014/09/08/why-the-name-cairo/
ReplyDeleteEgypt=sodom, ref Book of Rev.
Think theyll visit the pyramids on a donkey?
Fr. Craig Wolfe
DeleteRev 11:8 , the Great city is referred to as sodom and egypt. Doing evil in the this place is not good. Supernatural consequences come to mind.
Not to mention destruction of the peace process, or should i say the perception of.
Fr Craig Wolfe
Ps. Im certain matching sodom and egypt together is referring to sex magik.
DeleteFr. Craig Wolfe
Last debate in france, french/languge of oil. Libertines are restless. Delacroixs libery painting comes to mind. https://www.google.com/search?client=ms-android-americamovil-us&hl=en-US&q=Liberty+Leading+the+People&stick=H4sIAAAAAAAAAONgVeLUz9U3MDKszEozkk0rSs1LzlAoSi3LzyktyczPSyyqVChIzMwrycxLP8UIVpqSZFaUC2WDtZ1i5AaxDY2KS0qKyx8x7mbkFnj5456w1EbGSWtOXmNcxcgl4JOfX5yaUxmUmpNYkpoSki-kwsXmCjS1pFJIiotHigNsWHxGlQaDFBcXnCdUwMUdnFoSku-bn5KZVimUKBTPxembmpuUWlTsnyYUxMXlnJ-Tk5oMcqmQC5eilKx-MlxAH-bu-MSikvL8ouxioOHyXPiV8AAAgSe5JBEBAAA&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiql-i2ndXTAhXr54MKHczGCR8Qri4IIA#imgrc=9LmoRUZgpHm_5M:
ReplyDeleteMore so your article on the painting, Bob.
Fr. Craig Wolfe
You know Bob and Aron. Liberty aint leading the people. The kid with 2 pistols is actually leading. He's carrying extra ammo too. One in each hand. Cant remember if that came up in your article. My perseption ,looking at their feet.
ReplyDeleteFr. Craig Wolfe
New research into third Fatima secret
ReplyDeleteKaty Perry - Bon Appétit (Official) ft. Migos
PIZZA (See our pizza esoterica videos) - extended to cannibalism - harvesting demonic energy and illustrating passionate worship as the Illumined serve their gods.