Thursday, September 20, 2018

The Lord's End Time Calendar - Part 5

The fifth installment of the time reset end time calendar series has just been published to our YouTube account!

With 17 more examples we raise our tally to 43, but you can score it however you please. It's not the number attained in our generally rather conservative accounting that's important so much as the sense of the scope conveyed in the presentation of this substantial body of evidence, which manifests a stunning level of agreement across the range of it. Some folks would deny that there's even a single one that means what we say it does, but this presentation is not for those with eyes that see not and ears that hear not.

Although it's a radical concept to imagine that time will actually be reset into the past and return us to the year 2012, we can't deny that this is where the evidence has led us, which was first inspired by revelation insight. And, we cannot argue against the weight of the evidence that suggests that the appointed shemitah will arrive as the grand finale of this age within a year from now, in the fall of 2019.

Whether or not you can accept that time is going to be reset into the past, the next shemitah cycle is still approaching with every appointed trial of refinement! What benefit those of you who grasp that time is going to be reset have involves your strategy, because assumptions based on the strict continuity of the past will fail.

If the formula we've been putting on exhibit doesn't mean what we say, what then does it mean? Nothing at all? Does that seem feasible to you? Have the signs that have attended the outpouring of this insight, which we and others have experienced, been witnessed for the sake of leading us all astray down the same narrow and clearly marked path? We understand that there was a necessary season where this model of the Lord's intricate end time schedule had been masked, and this is consistent with the message of the esoteric prophetic scriptures. We believe the season for masking it has passed. The insight we offer bears witness to that. You sit as judge and jury in your own life as we make a case with this evidence. Does this bear witness with the spirit of God that works in you? We leave you with that question.

The Lord's End Time Calendar - Part 5 - 17 more examples to make 43, so far!

1 comment:

  1. Have you watched any episodes of, Person of Interest? Big Brother of "1984" in our day, PK Dick's world manifesting, Dark Mirror - Nosedive... a shadow of the BEAST with the mark of the beast...
