Wednesday, September 05, 2018

Walmart's REAR END of summer savings

I found this today on Walmart's shopping site; a hot radiant sun in the blue sky. Labor Day in the US is over, school is back in session - and all Mystery Babylon the Great's spells of pharmakeia are still in full swing.

I call this Walmart's REAR END of summer savings because that's their secret. When there's a summer savings event happening, it's a pretty safe bet that they are leveraging their sodomite brand to the max! You do know their "ASSterisk" logo is only "a sun" if you can dismiss the anagram: "anus," right? Search our blog for walmart to see examples.

Decoding the promo, there are clusters of "anus" and "arse" as you can see from our highlighting graphics. In both cases, they obfuscate one letter that is obviously hidden inside and disguised as another. A case could easily be made that there's another cluster, a phonetic - Enus. En (from, End) + us (from, summer).

For many more examples of the summer sun clustering from last summer's posts, see these posts: Summer Sun: Don't Get Burned by the Sodomite Sun god and goddess Subliminals and Decoding: The Tuscan Sun and Summit Entertainment

We've left one cluster out, for you to find. Hint: It's a 3 letter word.

Not seeing it? Start with the, a, in, savings.

Need more help? Move over to the adjacent letter, s.

Okay. Move up to the, s, in, summer.

Thare's more to the Walmart promo than the word clustering and A SUN imagery. See the mm as signaling Code 33. Just rotate it 1/4 turn clockwise.

The three concentric circles that compose the big sun disk decode to 666. Each circle is a letter O, and O is the 15th letter. 1+5=6. OOO = 666
XO, with the blue rays crossing or X-ing the circles - meaning: establishing the celestial throne of the goddess and signaling space-time.

Are you seeing what you're looking at?


  1. My surname is Moss! which equals 66 does that mean I'm from the abyss?

    1. No. But "moss" may be used as an abyss symbol in a context where related layers of symbolism are loaded up. Either the word, or moss itself in a visual. Context is everything.

  2. Thanks Brant! He commented this link to a video about a Mattel toy called Flushing Frenzy.

  3. Crazy right! Ever since your blog made me aware of the sodomite agenda it’s in your face.
