Thursday, December 20, 2018

Decoding Amazon's "12 Days of Deals" - Part 2 - The Solar Barge of Ra

Encoded into the same Amazon marketing graphic that features Fear and Death and Hex and Sex is set of NLP clusters that should get your attention.

We illustrate the arrangement of the names of the gods Ra, Thoth, and Maat, in a modeling of how they ride the solar barge of Ra across the sky. While that's a remarkable thing - and we know that many folks will have a hard time wrapping their minds around it - what we have to share about other arrangements of related NLP clustering embedded in the same graphic will take that to another level. We intend to put some time war layering on exhibit, and link it to the year 2012!

Decoding Amazon's "12 Days of Deals" - Part 2 - The Solar Barge of Ra

1 comment:

  1. You are right about all that. Good observations. We have an abundance of notes on Home Alone, and I think we published some of our insight on that during our Pizzagate video series.
