Saturday, December 15, 2018

Another Snow Job from Make-A-Wish: CHOMO PORN

What's wrong with this picture?

It looks as pure as the driven snow. Yet, it's just another snow job from the Disney charity, the Make-A-Wish Foundation.

Did you know that a slang term for "child molester" is "chomo"?

In this marketing promo, they are so brazen that "chomo" is the lead-off NLP cluster! Intersecting that instance is "porn." Chomo Porn. In more of the ad copy we read the following, "gettable for child" and right under that phrase is a simple anagram cluster, "rape." There's so much more going on in there with accursed NLP clusters that we could easily make another video to follow up on the 2 we did a few weeks ago.

Decoding Make-A-Wish - Santa Gets His Wish
Make-A-Wish #ShareYourArse Exposed

May you find the Lord's blessings of insight as you dare to see what you're looking at - the world as it is and not as the Enemies of God want you to see it. May you be set free from the demonic influence, in Y'shua!

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