Sunday, June 11, 2023

Decoding: The Lazarus Project - In the Clockmakers-666 House-22

In this video: This British (now on TNT [Code 54] channel) series pilot is an occult media production. There's time-soaked dialog about the resetting of time, major exploitation of the "return back and reset" Code 22, Janus (god of time) ritual, and some precision ritual time-binding magic in the 21st and 22nd minute. We decode a fraction of what's there in the pilot episode.

To Watch: "Decoding: The Lazarus Project - In the Clockmakers-666 House-22"

(full HD version for streaming or download)

Please leave your comments here on this blog post or on the Bitchute video.

Collateral study: Janus Ritual - Real, Effectual - and Common!

Here's two articles (wikiwand and romanpagan.wordpress websites) that will help you learn about Janus and Janus worship, so you can be better able to recognize when Janus rituals are being performed in media productions.

Curious about the pending reset of time? Learn more here: The Pending Reset of Time

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→ Brighteon: The Open Scroll
→ Rumble: The Open Scroll Mirror
→ YouTube: When Cometh That Thief in the Night
→ YouTube: The Open-ish Scroll
→ YouTube: These Patterns are Amazing
→ YouTube: Stormy's Reverse Speech


  1. Christine from UK2:19 AM

    Thanks so much for pointing me in the direction of this series. I binged it all. Wow! It has given me such a clear perspective on life post reset 2012. It has answered my questions on what ‘same but different’ might mean.

  2. Thanks for leaving the comment here. We are eagerly anticipating the reset of time!
