Friday, March 08, 2024

See, it's the "i" of Horus! Signs of Horus Worship

In this video: When celebrities hide one eye, are they just signaling their submission to the industry elite as if by some kind of gang sign, or is there some important meaning behind it? Is there a secret national religion in your country? How is the ancient "Harmerty" symbol relevant today, which signals, "Horus who rules with two eyes"? Why is the letter "i" so frequently decorated in some way? You should really want to know the answers to these questions - the CORRECT answers!

To Watch: "See, it's the "i" of Horus! Signs of Horus Worship"

(full HD version for streaming or download)

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Resources referenced in the video:
Series Links: See, it's the "i" of Horus!
Evil Eye Gloves at the March for Our Lives
Series Links: Signs of Horus Worship

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  1. Anonymous7:32 PM

    Thanks for the refresher! I have a picture 'Harlequin' by Brittini and it has the 'sign of Horus' hand. I noticed your photo also had a Clown. Do you see a connection between the Harlequin/Clown and the sign?

  2. I'm not sure what are you referring to by "your photo also had a clown."

  3. Anonymous1:10 AM

    Greetings, first of all, even though I've only commented here twice and have known about your ministry (if that's an appropriate name to call it) for a few months maybe, I would like to thank you for serving the Lord and passing on the wisdom and knowledge and insight you've been given from Him. I've felt a call for a while now to leave the Internet, and let's say "formal" society as a whole, and to go to the wilderness to be alone with the Lord, and this night before I've fallen asleep (it's 10 AM while I'm writing this), connecting it to the October 4th time of this year, and this is just an interesting fact to say the least, the Internet has become publicly available in 1991, roughly 33 years ago, the same age that Jesus died (and I acknowledge that it was for our sins, and that He was buried and rose again the third day, whether it was that age, I don't know whether it is or not), could it connect to AI and the image of the beast, dying/resurrecting or shutting off/coming back to life on the third day, I pass it on. May God keep us all and may our faith never fail.

    1. Anonymous1:29 AM

      Also forgot to mention electronics, and I've gotta say, these devices are like interdimensional portals to another reality, and as a young guy who has grown up using them through my teenage years, have me forget who I am, made me think what's portrayed is realer than real life, had me putting my faith and my trust in them instead of God, etc. May God have mercy on this generation. And regarding the resurrection, there's this concept of the antichrist merging with the beast system to become a hybrid or Nephil that I've seen here although I don't stand for everything he says like if I remember correctly lordship salvation.

    2. Hey Anon, thanks for sharing your thoughts. May the Lord Y'shua bless and prosper you on your journey as you follow His leading.

  4. Anonymous7:31 AM

    Hey Bob, I just wanted to tie this into a few topics you've talked about and even add some vital intel for your readers. First, I wanna start off with Horus is key to understanding freemasonry and the rest of this satanic nonsense. The Freemasons come out of the Knights Templar who were "French" aristocrats, actual the sons of kings, dukes, counts, the highest of the high nobility princes in their own right, but because of the Vertical Rule Feudal System of Salian Law, they were not entitled to any land or titles due to the law of the Primogeniture i.e. "the divine right" the first born son inherits everything. The reason I said french in air quotes is because the European Nobility and for that matter all nobility no matter race color or creed are the descendants of the Pharaohs of ancient egypt. That's actual where the etymology of the word pharaoh comes from in Demotic the spoken language of the Ancient Egyptians. Pr = a House or a Royal Lineage and Ah = Big/Pregnant because a woman is big when she is pregnant. Per-ah or Pharaoh means the big house or world wide bloodline of pharaoh. The Egyptologists will say it meant a big palace but its not sense a house is a lineage. Now that i gave a brief background on where they come from now i will get into the symbolism. The Allegory goes that Set (Set-On; Satan) wanted to kill his brother the sun god Osirus and tried to get his wife Isis to betray her husband initially Isis had threw a huge fit at Set and cast him away but when Osirus and Isis had a big argument the biggest they ever had Isis ran into the wild and screamed out Set! SET! WHERE ARE YOU? I DONT WANT THIS DISOBEDIANT MAN ANYMORE I WANT TO MAKE AN ALLIANCE AGAINST OSIRUS. Set and Isis had made a pact that if Isis betrays her husband they dont need to recreate mankind in the image of god anymore but could shape mankind however they wanted in the image of the evil one. Needless to say Set had setup Osirus and had tricked him killed him and cut up his body into 13 different pieces and cast them into the nile river. They only found 12 pieces the 13th piece being his phallic symbol. There goes 12 and 13 for you.

    1. A popular alternate version has Osiris in 14 pieces, which is why Podesta is pictured with fish and the number 14 on the palms of his hands.

  5. Anonymous7:32 AM

    It's actually the reason why the number 12 and 13 are important alone of the other stuff is really a bunch of Exoteric BS for the most part. The Obelisk is not only the symbol of the pharaonic domination of the world but is also carved on top representing how Osirus was circumcised. The Circumcision is thus a pact with Set. The Pharaohs circumcised their slaves because it made perfect slaves without any foreskin causing their slaves to become aroused more easily and thus they would only want to work and reproduce and make more slaves for Pharaoh. Now Isis through a sex magic had got the last of Osirus sperm and had used it in a ritual to impregnate herself and conceiving, that's right, Horus. This is what they have done to mankind. This is what they amongst themselves call the Horus Matrix. They send us off to the battlefield and we die by the millions. The battle of the somme, verdun, the second world war, the thirty years war, etc etc. All the men, real men, go off to war and they die needlessly, sacrificed to Isis Horus and Set, and after the war our children will grow up with out a father and they the pharaohs the freemasons the media (i.e. music, social media, drugs,) will step in and mold that boy and make a good obedient weak pink list killer (xbls+ if you get what i mean i use certain anticensorship prowords to avoid getting my censored). Because Sodomy is the essence of hierarchy, like am i going to dominate you or you going to dominate me?

  6. Anonymous7:32 AM

    Thus being the reason why the freemasons still practice sodomy using it to "cement the bond" in their rituals. A practice that they got from the templars. They call it "Squaring the Circle". The concept of 3 and 4, The square and the compass. With a compass you can use it to make a perfect circle or use it to to make a 60-degree triangle which is the side of a pyramid. That represents them, the side of the pyramid above the sand that you can see, and the inner circle of Freemasonry. And using a square well its self explainatory it's 90-degrees and is the base of a pyramid. It represents us we support them they parasite on us. As above so below, below the base of the pyramid is the inversed pyramid of death. Like they had sewn on the jews pajamas at auschwitz. 3+4=7 G=7TH Letter in the Alphabet. The Square and Compass with the G.The only difference between the templars and freemasons is that the freemasons are the political wing and the templars are the military and executional wing. When you connect the sides of a templar's cross you get an octogon, a templar's cross is a two dimensional pyramid. i gave you alot of information to go over but i want you to heed this we are well into the marking of the beast and i know where the beast resides. In the book of revelations they talk about the beast with seven heads and 10 horns that the mother of all harlots is riding that the whole world will do business in and who trick the world and it also talks about shortly there after that nearby their will be 7 hills and that the 7 hills were once kings. And there was an 8th that was once a king but is no longer and is on his way to perdition. The beast is Switzerland with their 7 heads of states who share 10 Ministeries amongst them. And Switzerland was founded by the templars in 1291 on August 1. Its actually where they went to when they got persecuted by King Phillipe le Bel in 1307. See Switzerland was the first modern NWO country. If there's a NWO there has to be an old one and the OWO is the Feudal System. When these dirty pharaohs were in monasteries sodomizing each other they came up with the idea, well they came up with the modern Idea the idea is far older it goes back to their ancestors in Ancient Egypt, of it not being fair that their older brother inherits everything while they get nothing. They thought why should he get to rule when I have just as much pharaonic blood in me as he does. Thus the system of modern democracy was born but they had another dilemma how would they choose who gets to rule as king, or president for a set period of time? Its the reason why there were so many wars in the middle ages and throughout history. One of them put forth the idea that they allow the slaves to vote for who becomes king. You see freemasonry is the NWO its it in practice. When we vote for president or we participate in the system we are participating in the NWO. God Bless you brother!

  7. Anonymous7:49 AM

    The seven hills who are kings are the 7 Chürfürsten (7 Kürfüsten or Prince Electors in German) next to Lake Wallensee near Geneva. and theres and 8th hill nearby that was once a king represents the Federal Council's Chief of Staff. The 7 heads and their 10 depts of ministry horns whose banks the whole world has done business with the mother of all harlots Isis riding its back.
    Revelation 17:3: "And I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast that was covered with blasphemous names and had seven heads and ten horns."
    Revelation 17:9-11: "This calls for a mind with wisdom. The seven heads are seven hills on which the woman sits. They are also seven kings. Five have fallen, one is, the other has not yet come; but when he does come, he must remain for only a little while. The beast who once was, and now is not, is an eighth king. He belongs to the seven and is going to his destruction."
    Thats why they are named swiss or suisse. Suisse a contraction of "Soeur des isis" the sisters of isis, isis the mother of harlots. It's what they called the swiss in french, the language the templars originally spoke before learning allemannic when they first arrived in switzerland.

  8. Anonymous7:56 AM

    "This calls for wisdom: let the person who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man. That number is 666." VI VI VI. = WWW. as in the internet started at, thats right CERN switzerland. Im afraid John didnt know what a W was back when he had his revelation. The letter W wasn't invented until the 7th or 8th century. 666 = WWW.
