When I read where folks claim Christianity is an Osiris cult I understand their reasoning. What the worldly generally recognizes as the church really is an Osiris cult. Jesus appears to many just like Osiris, with the focus on resurrection and with Mary as Isis. Given the usual story and symbols, I would not argue against the validity of these associations. Osiris is a counterfeit to Jesus, as some know to be the truth of the matter, but what the church signals through symbolic imagery definitely confuses the identities. Mystery Babylon is the biblical label for the mother church and her daughters. The amalgamation that is Mystery Babylon incorporates the deities and worship of the cultures and civilizations of such as Rome, Greece, Sumeria and Egypt. The cross was a pagan symbol long before it was adopted (borrowed, stolen, hijacked) by the church.
You can whitewash something but it doesn't transform it into something else. Pagan symbols are pagan symbols. There is no Christian symbol, no matter how many lies are told to the contrary. The second commandment is no less valid than the first or fourth. I've presented the familiar symbols of the Abrahamic faiths in the set of images you see here

I found this note on the site of Philip Coppens, who I recognized as being featured on the History Channel's Ancient Aliens series. “A cross tucked away in a corner of the Cathedral of Auch (France). But then the explanation reads it stands is a 1/180 (if memory serves me correctly) of the Great Pyramid! Symbolism... I like it!” I'm apparently not the first one to link the cross and pyramid.
Those who will want to justify their claim on the pagan symbol as a reminder or memorial of the death (body still hanging on the crucifix) and/or resurrection (no body on the cross) enter first into a conflict with the second commandment, which forbids such symbols. It's good to remember what was accomplished by the death and resurrection, but the witness the world needs is His life as He lives in you, when you are truly a living sacrifice - not a pagan symbol wielded in defiance.
A cross that appears without a body hanging on it is a poor symbol of a resurrection. Think about it. Everyone executed on such an instrument is removed from the cross, then typically buried. The empty cross is either pre- or post- the hanging of the body. One might argue that an empty tomb is a more logical choice if you want a resurrection symbol of that sort, but surely, no symbol at all is the best way to go.
I have long suspected that the actual instrument of execution my Lord gave up His life upon was of a simpler form than we typically see. The basic meaning of the Greek word translated cross is stauros, “an upright "stake", esp. a pointed one, used as such in fences or palisades” Tradition means little, unless it is faithful to the truth.

In the meetings I attended recently, I was confronted with the irony of hearing about the need to tear down the high places while it was so readily apparent that such a thing would most certainly include our meeting place!
In several posts on this blog I've given consideration to the architectures of the institutions of worship, of churches and cathedrals and temples. (See here, here and here for examples) In the image of the high place with wooden shingles, the pyramids and rather special arches (squaring the circle) in the bell tower are featured.
The buildings that promote the pyramid-cross are typically a blend of Greek and Roman styles that derive from high places dedicated to the ancient gods, even featuring bell towers and obelisks. An obelisk is a tapering column with a square base topped with a pyramid-like cap. Many churches have steeples and spires that are just that. Some substitute a cross for the pyramid cap. To me, I now see that as an equivalent substitution, just like how a "Christmas Tree" is capped with either a star or an angel. “ SAME DIFFERENCE!”

The devil knows all this. A mockery is made of the Lord when His people forsake Him to follow the Rebel Serpent and his ways. It's no wonder the Christian witness is so widely labeled as one of gross hypocrisy, and devoid of genuine authority. We have been deceived, and largely exposed as willing to remain being deceived. Judgment remains on the church. Soon, hypocrisy will be exposed on a far greater scale. Let us be found repenting of our rebellious ways.
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