Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Video #2 of 6 - Signs Attending the outpouring of insight about the schedule of the Reset of Time

(This post was formerly titled, "Part 20 - About the Schedule of the Pending Reset of Time")

We just published a second video about signs witnessed in connection with our receiving this insight into the schedule. This one covers the most memorable ones witnessed on June 18.

When Aaron went into the village of Beaver on errands he took a picture of a turtle pond fountain in a special area. We show how this is a "Back to the Future" resonant zone and connect it with a time tunnel scene from the closing ceremonies of the Winter Olympics in PyongChang. And, there's a connection with Coco, which I had been compelled to watch a day and a half earlier. Why do we see this as a sign? Watch the video!

We also mention the sign of the latest episode of, Into the Badlands (on AMC): (3.08) "Leopard Catches Cloud" - It was broadcast on the 17th and Aaron watched it on the 18th. Very timely - and relevant to our expanding insight into the stone circles that are the tabernacle and ark-throne!

Part 2 - Reset of Time - Signs Attending


  1. I started a new painting this week, in photoshop CC no less... of the teenage mutant ninja turtles. I had wondered why they popped back into my psyche all Of a sudden. I don’t draw and paint much fiction stuff from my childhood of the 80s.

    Also, have you or Aaron seen this?

    1. The 12-21-12 Hotel California Mega Ritual of Time Discussion

      Looks interesting. I added it to my queue. Thanks, Brant.
