Friday, October 19, 2018

Poppy - The Bewitching Opiate

Poppy's 3:36 (Music to Sleep To) is a 2016 self-released album of ambient music, produced with polysomnographists from the Washington University School of Medicine. Rolling Stone magazine called the album "intentionally soporific" - and such is the way of the opium poppy.

Poppy will put them to sleep. Sleeeep...

Poppy - The Bewitching Opiate


  1. A guy in YouTube reposted your other video. I am concerned many of them coming here will need to catch up and could be taken aback at how prevelant the sodomite agenda is. I was at first. Anyway, things are getting crazy out there. 😟

  2. Pray, Brant, pray. Few people are able to accept the reality of our situation. But some will.
