Monday, August 12, 2024

Announcement - The Open Scroll is on X

Hey everybody. The Open Scroll is now on the X platform. Follow me on @BobSchlenkerTOS

I know many of you aren't on X, so you're not going to be following me there. I'll probably be publishing the same content on the blog, just not as frequently.

Here's what I wrote about in my first post to X:

I watched, Nefarious, last week.

I heard about it here: Blurry Creatures: EP: 253 Nefarious with Directors Chuck and Cary

I watched it on Amazon Prime here.


  1. Wow! Have you joined with *ahem* Elon Musk whom you have already identified as as a Luceferian Satinist along with his Matriarch. Oh, I guess that's nothing anymore since you joined. Just because of this relationship you have chosen shows me a lot and that I should question all your posts in the future. I was really looking forward to your analysis of the 2024 Ozempic Closing Ceremoneys but I will not visit "X" to enrich my thoughts about it. Thanks for all you do and have done... until now. ~ Just a silly clown.

    1. Where was your dig when I signed up for all my other hosting platforms, Rumble, Brighteon, Bitchute, YouTube and blogger? You're kind of late to the party, Art.

  2. Christine from the UK12:50 AM

    Hi Bob, I’ve followed you on X - @HealthyLass1

  3. Thanks so much! Blessings in Y'shua!
