Thursday, August 01, 2024

2024 Paris Olympics - Drag Queen Disciples in daVinci's The Last Supper? Can we be sure?

In this video: By now, most of you are aware of the controversy surrounding the Opening Ceremony of the Paris Olympic Games, where drag queens and the LGBTQ+ community performed in a tableau seen by many as a reference to da Vinci's mural, The Last Supper. We're going to take a deeper look to get more insight. Based on the very incriminating details brought forward, you can decide for yourself whether the scene was meant to evoke The Last Supper or some other work, as some claim. And, we're not going to ignore the elephant in the room!

To Watch: "2024 Paris Olympics - Drag Queen Disciples in daVinci's The Last Supper? Can we be sure?"

(full HD version for streaming or download)

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  1. Anonymous12:02 PM

    Hello Bob. Hope you are doing well. After seeing this I was immediately reminded of something I saw last Wed. I was watching Beavis and B*tthead (I know crude but sometimes funny). In each episode they break to the two of them watching and commenting on a music video. This time they were watching a video by "Lil Naz". Using CGI he was duplicated several times in complete drag along with other bearded male dancers also made up as slutty women. Naz makes his way over to Satan's throne and begins simulated sex with him, most prominently with anal sex being performed on him by satan. It was literally nasty and grotesque. The two couch sitters came down pretty hard on this video. This is what is popular with kids today. Sad.

  2. I'm well, thanks. About that B and B scenario, sad, indeed. Thanks for calling it to our attention.

  3. Anonymous8:44 PM

    I would have appreciated the thoughts from any of the christian athlete participants.

  4. Anonymous6:06 AM

    The olympics have always been pagan games, why does the 'christianity' cult need to make it about them?

    1. Pagan Games, yes, and why, you should ask, do they have to make it about mocking the Creator and the peoples of His book?
