Tuesday, July 16, 2024

The Luzhin Defence (2000) - Pt10: Is Chess Linked to Death in Media Productions?

In this video: When it comes to the featuring of chess rituals in media, it's not always about death and life. Sometimes, the themes linked with chess involve prison breaks, or stargates, like with the examples found in our series with pianos and stargates. Lord willing, I'll be presenting some examples of those at some point, but here in this 10th installment of the series, we're going to feature more chess-death-life ritual.

Back in the year 2000, a film called, The Luzhin Defence was released. It didn't receive a lot of attention or critical acclaim, but this chess movie is notable for its substantial chess-death ritual.

To Watch: "The Luzhin Defence (2000) - Pt10: Is Chess Linked to Death in Media Productions?"

(full HD version for streaming or download)

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Collateral studies for this video:
The Game of Chess - Beyond Entertainment to the Manipulation of Reality
Janus Ritual - Real, Effectual - and Common!

Curious about the pending reset of time? Learn more here: The Pending Reset of Time

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→ YouTube: Stormy's Reverse Speech


  1. Christine from the UK3:00 AM

    Hi Bob, thanks for continuing to give us these examples. I was looking again at a BBC TV series ‘Line of Duty’ (2012-2021) which developed a mass cult following here. The first series was aired in June and July of 2012, which made me look at it again. In the first scenes we get 911 signalling. Also AC12 is the police unit with Gates the name of the ‘bent copper’. There is also a piano featured in episode 2, around 13th minute. I’m seeing exactly why this got a massive following.

    1. Hi Christine - it seems like they had some symbolism programmed in.

  2. Anonymous12:58 PM

    Not related to this post but related with what you say on your blog! What they tell to their minions through music! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GZpqq9mw4Sg

  3. Time and space distorted. Yup.
