Saturday, August 24, 2024

Head Covering: The Modeling of Divine Order

In this video: Few, today, give head covering much thought. Have we been deceived by those whom we have trusted to teach and model proper God-fearing behavior? The 11th chapter of 1 Corinthians is not about the legalistic bondage of religious requirement, and neither is it, as some suppose, a matter of cultural tradition. It's about bearing the responsibility to model the truth of God's order to all creation, and it's a way of entering into great blessing, power, and freedom in Christ!

To Watch: "Head Covering: The Modeling of Divine Order"
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Please leave your comments here on this blog post or on the Bitchute video.

Resources referenced in the video:
Head Covering: The Modeling of Divine Order
1 Corinthians 11:1-17 * as chiasmus and parallelism - Interactive

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  1. Hello Robert,
    I would like to correct something from a comment I left a few days ago. It was actually on Vigilante Citizen's web site that mentioned The Musk's come from a very wealthy Kazahr lineage and not you who posted this. Currently I sit corrected, but I will gladly *stand* corrected before you. As I have no unearthly idea when you might come across this comment I will get up off my chair and stand corrected in front of my monitor for 22 seconds just to show some respect and remorse for my comment. ( starting now....) There,,, it is done.
    I have been reading all of your material for years now; and yes, it does answer questions unexpectedly at times. 🤔🙂 I have always and do still appreciate your hard work. I believe a heartfelt Thank You is in order.

    1. Thanks for clarifying, Art. Much appreciated.

  2. And an apology as well.

  3. (did I get my name right this time>) :)

  4. Anonymous10:05 PM

    Maybe I could start calling myself Are O'Smith. Whilst I dance around the strawberry beds that sweep down to the Liffey.
