All the noisy signaling of terrorist activity that had built before the games faded during the season spanning the Olympics and Paralympics.

The Paralympics closing ceremony seemed to many like a Coldplay concert that was accompanied by non sequitur entertainments and occasionally interrupted by various ceremonial activities relating to closing out the London Paralympics. Questions are raised about the integrity of what we're told about the games even if we consider the ceremony very superficially, as just a big UK festival-style party thrown to celebrate the end of the Olympics season.

Because so much attention was given to the flame, even labeling the ceremony, “Festival of Flame,” it must be seen that special emphasis was placed on the ceremonial extinguishing of the Olympic flame. Underlying that act is the death curse of ritual magick called the bell, book and candle. (See Part 12 - 2012 London Olympics - Death Rituals: A "Bell, Book and Candle" Mega-Ritual on the BBC)

For whom were these curses of death intended? Take a hint from what happens to the accursed “candle,” which had acquired the dark energy of the entire London Olympic season that had begun with the lighting of the torch in Greece.

The way that fire was featured during some very dark post-apocalyptic scenes strengthens the theme of death and destruction. The mega ritual as one celebrating the bringing of death was highlighted by the theme of the passing of the seasons. The cycles of life and death would be the expected symbolism there but, along with the theme of good vs evil that was also featured, one side dominated. Evil. Death. My point is emphasized with some punctuation in the title of Coldplay's last song, “Every Teardrop Is A Waterfall.” Think about it. Tears will be multiplied. Not tears of joy, I can assure you! Despite the "feel good" party version we are still being sold, I'm betting it will be revealed to some as akin to a trip to the dentist, where the laughing gas comes just before the root canal.

Londoners will some day see the logos for the Olympic season for what they really are. One presents London being sodomized by the Olympics. The other presents London being sodomized by the Paralympics. The XXX Olympiad closed, in my NBC version, with “Take That.” The Paralympics closed with “Every Teardrop Is A Waterfall.” Ominous. Very, very ominous.

I intend to present Coldplay's closing song as a Monarch slave anthem (in the Sodomite Gateway series) and then step through some of the ceremony to document what I've been proposing. That will be forthcoming, Lord willing,

The Paralympic motto had been “Mind, Body, Spirit” during the “Tae-Geuk” era. The Agitos era motto is, “Spirit in Motion.” London's Channel 4 writes that, “The three Agitos, from the Latin meaning "I move", surrounds a central point symbolising motion, and emphasises the role of the Paralympic movement in bringing athletes together from all corners of the world to compete.” “The shape also symbolises the Paralympic vision "To Enable Paralympic Athletes to Achieve Sporting Excellence and to Inspire and Excite the World"” Excite the world? I think we can read between the lines about the excitement being sexual, and that the inspiration is the enlightenment of ritual sodomy.
agito - wiktionary
- “I put something in motion, drive, impel; drive by rowing, row about; shake, throb.
- I brandish, wield.
- (of cattle) I drive, conduct; tend, control.
- (of animals) I hunt, chase, pursue.
- I drive to and fro, toss about, agitate, disturb.
- I rouse or stir up, excite, move, urge, drive or impel someone to something, insist on.
- I disturb, disquiet, provoke, agitate, vex, trouble, torment.
- I reprove, assail, blame, decry, scoff, deride, insult, mock.
- I am engaged in, do, accomplish, have, hold, keep; celebrate; practise, exercise.
- (of time) I pass, spend.
- I live, dwell, abide, sojourn.
- (of the mind) I drive at something in the mind; turn over, study, weigh, consider, meditate upon.
- (of the mind) I am occupied with, devise, contrive, plot, design, intend.
- I deliberate upon, confer about, discuss, debate, investigate.
- (with sat and genitive) I have enough to do, have trouble with, I am fully engaged in.”
agito - wiktionary

The brand really crosses over to overlap the Sodomite Gateway series because the Paralympics is even more symbolic of sodomy than the other London Olympic imagery. The London guy's anal triangle is the same triangle that is the illuminating head of the Paralympic guy's phallus. Sodomy. That imagery is shared with the regular London Olympics logo. What is added by the Paralympics version is the embedding of the obfuscated letters q and u, for “queer,” homosexual. Also, (warning - graphic) the two agitos forming the letter q can be interpreted anatomically as the buttocks of a sodomizer, facing right towards the reclined green, or as his scrotum.

Flying the 666 flag over No. 10 Downing makes a statement about who runs what. And, how.
Video - London 2012 Paralympics Closing Ceremony: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1yC8EzCI0RM