Thursday, March 04, 2010

Vancouver Olympics - Part Two - The Light of Zeus

In Part One I addressed the core IOC agenda for the games and in this second post I'm going to address one of the most celebrated elements of Olympic pageantry. I blogged about the meaning of the Vancouver 2010 Olympic logo already, which, as you may have noticed, didn't really add new elements to the body of insight gleaned from Beijing. Nearly everything I could write about what I observed during the ceremonies in Vancouver has already been written in the series about Beijing. Nearly everything. Yet, there are some really notable insights that relate to the special circumstances surrounding the Olympic cauldron that arose out of the floor of the BC Place stadium venue. The rising, or apparent failure to rise properly, was the subject of a fair bit of drama and garnered a lot of attention. Regardless of whether the failure to raise the fourth leg of the Cauldron was accidental or was actually planned, some very interesting things were signaled!

Here's what happened, as recorded on the Wikipedia entry for Olympic Flame.

"In the 2010 Winter Olympics at Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, only three out of four poles came out of the ground.
The athletes were to simultaneously light the base of the poles, which would then carry the flame upwards to the cauldron. Because the site of the ceremonies - BC Place - was a domed stadium, Wayne Gretzky was sent via the back of a pick-up truck to a secondary site - the Vancouver Convention Centre which serves at the International Broadcast Centre for these Olympics - to light a larger cauldron of a similar design as Olympic rules state that to the flame must in public view for the entirety of the Olympics."

The Olympic cauldron serves as a big torch. The primary function of a torch is to support and present a flame to shine its light. To understand the meaning of the Olympic cauldron you must first understand the flame it holds, so I'm going to focus in this post on the meaning of the light of the flame and then the cauldron. Then, when I address the three legged cauldron incident it will make more sense.

It should be obvious that the value put on the flame is very high. From the creation of the flame that lights the cauldron to the extinguishing of that flame the process is attended to and given honor by thousands, including many celebrities and dignitaries. While it is lit, the cauldron and flame is required by the IOC to be in view of the public, so everyone is illuminated by the light of it throughout the duration the games. The cauldron and flame serve a central role during the opening and closing ceremonies, appearing as a key stage set prop in the stadium and as a primary design element in many of the video and still images. The continual media emphasis on the torch relay that brings the flame to the Olympic venue serves to promote and build anticipation for the upcoming games for months in advance as the flame is followed from it's origin in Greece. It's obvious that the flame is highly exalted. What does it represent, that it should be so exalted?

"Olympia is the home of the Olympic Flame, the sanctuary of Zeus (father of the gods of Olympia) and the site where the Ancient Olympic Games took place . The lighting ceremony of the Olympic Flame takes place at the temple of Hera within the Olympia site, where the ruins of a temple dedicated to this goddess remain. The actual lighting ceremony is a reminder of ancient rituals, in which gods Zeus and Hera were honoured with several fires lit and animal sacrifices in the sanctuary of Olympia."

"First, the Olympic Flame is lit by sunlight focused on a metal reflector – the flame can only be lit this way — and is a part of a ritual including a prayer and a hymn made by a woman representing the ancient role of the high priestess. Maria Nafpliotou is playing the role of high priestess for the Lighting Ceremony of the Vancouver 2010 Olympic Torch Relay.The ceremony also involves a young boy who cuts off an olive branch and gives it to the high priestess, a symbolical gesture."

No effort is made to disguise the fact that the flame honors Zeus in ritual worship. Lit by the sun itself, the flame's origin is heavenly, not earthly, which is noted as a key feature.

UPDATE: Here's the prayer offered in 2009 at the lighting of the flame sent to Vancouver. (

"Apollo God of Sun and the idea of light send your rays and light the sacred torch for the hospitable city of Vancouver and you Zeus give peace to all peoples on earth and wreath the winners of the Sacred race."

I suspect the hymn sung was similar to the Olympic Hymn that was sung both in English and French during the opening and closing ceremonies in Vancouver and which lyrics give further testimony about the meaning of the flame.

Immortal spirit of antiquity
Father of the true, beautiful and good
Descend, appear, shed over us thy light
Upon this ground and under this sky
Which has first witnessed thy unperishable fame

Give life and animation to these noble games!
Throw wreaths of fadeless flowers to the victors
In the race and in the strife
Create in our breasts, hearts of steel!

In thy light, plains, mountains and seas
Shine in a roseate hue and form a vast temple
To which all nations throng to adore thee
Oh immortal spirit of antiquity!

The light from the flame that burns in the cauldron is the light of Zeus.

If this matter could be considered merely empty ritual and superstition, I wouldn't be writing this blog, and neither would the backers of the Olympics lend their support in times of assured financial loss. The flame has a legitimate influence, and the cauldron as its supporting structure has a crucial role. The god worshiped by some as Zeus is identified by others as Lucifer, the dragon who will soon give the Beast his power.

The words to the Olympic Hymn appearing above are considered as a free translation from the Greek. A more literal version of the first verse exhibits Zeus' association with lightning.

O Ancient immortal Spirit, pure father
Of beauty, of greatness and of truth,
Descend, reveal yourself and flash like lightning here,
within the glory of your own earth and sky.

Consider how the words of Luke 10 suggest the identity of the god of Olympism.

17) The seventy returned with joy, saying, "Lord, even the demons are subject to us in Your name."
18) And He said to them, "I was watching Satan fall from heaven like lightning.

Luke 10

The light of the Olympic flame is what puts the "illume" in the illuminati and the illuminated masters. It puts the "light" in spiritual enlightenment. It's the glow behind the eye that floats above the pyramid on the great seal of the US, and the glow in the Vancouver 2010 Olympic motto: "WITH GLOWING HEARTS." It's a legitimate spiritual light, but one that is in truth a counterfeit.

Consider the following passages of scripture.

When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life."
John 8:12

And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light.
2 Corinthians 11:14

The genuine light is Jesus, Y'shua, the Messianic Bridegroom. He is sometimes symbolized by the sun, as in Psalm 19. The light from the sun-ignited Olympic flame is truly a spirit of anti-Messiah, antichrist. The counterfeit light is the one who masquerades, Satan aka Lucifer, the "light-bearer" angel, fallen from heaven as lightning.

This light of Zeus from the Olympic flame shone forth from the cauldrons in Vancouver, from structures that must be seen as counterfeiting the menorah.

1) The Lord said to Moses,
2) "Speak to Aaron and say to him, 'When you set up the seven lamps, they are to light the area in front of the lampstand.'"

Numbers 8:1-2

Are you grasping the reason why the Olympic flame is so highy exalted?

33) No one lights a lamp and puts it in a place where it will be hidden, or under a bowl. Instead he puts it on its stand, so that those who come in may see the light.
34) Your eye is the lamp of your body. When your eyes are good, your whole body also is full of light. But when they are bad, your body also is full of darkness.
35) See to it, then, that the light within you is not darkness.
36) Therefore, if your whole body is full of light, and no part of it dark, it will be completely lighted, as when the light of a lamp shines on you.

Luke 11:33-36

The light sourced from the sun that shone upon Mt. Olympus on the chosen day during the pagan ritual is more accurately identified as a spiritual darkness, a counter-light, an anti-light. A deep shadow is cast before the counterfeit lampstand, a demonic influence that dims the eye and diminishes the ability to perceive truth. If I understand anything about the matter, I have to conclude that the Olympic flame literally casts a spell of antichrist delusion.

Do you think I might be getting a little carried away? Have you considered why the lampstand might be referred to as a cauldron? The cauldron is used to mix potions for the casting of spells. It's an implement witches, warlocks, wizards and sorcerers use. The image you see here is that of a cauldron you can buy from an occult supply shop. Do you recognize the symbol?

Now that you understand the nature and purpose of the light you know the reason why the IOC requires the cauldron flame to be in view of the public during the games. The light of Zeus is cast over everyone with maximum coverage. Recalling the prayerful Olympic hymn you may consider how that, basked in the light of Zeus, plains, mountains and seas shine in a roseate hue and form the vast temple of Zeus, a "temple to which all nations throng to adore" the immortal spirit of antiquity known to the Greeks as Zeus. Where the light shines a worship zone is generated and the flock that has been so craftily shepherded in to see the light is illuminated.

Now you know why the torch relay is featured so reverently and given such worshipful honor, with media coverage the likes of which you could hardly buy for a price.

Lord willing, in the next post I'll address the Vancouver versions of the cauldron and what was signaled in the "malfunctioning" ice crystal leg.


  1. The cauldron video was removed, and the symbol on the cauldron as pictured above is called the triquetra, I used to have a New King James bible with a triquetra on it, creepy. Anyway, lots in Scripture about magicians, alchemy, sorcery that escapse the casual readers attention. Even the language of "bubble, bubble, toil and trouble," employed by Shakespeare (Bacon?) in Macbeth, is derived from a passage in Ezekiel (24:1-14). Romans 1 in the GREEK only, describes the character of reprobates as being those of alchemical/magician/sorcerors, who transmute metals into images of idolatry. Their discernment leaves Him out of the picture, and they are given over to profligate behaviors. Much more to this than one might think, for further reading, please view the article Simon Peter versus Simon the Sorceror by Dr. Ernest L. Martin at ; also worth reading is The People That History Forgot by same author at

  2. Thanks for the excellent comment!
