Up until now, pretenders have largely stood shoulder to shoulder with those saints who truly have faith, but in the midst of trial a separation manifests. Aaron and I pray that your faith will not fail, as the Lord did for Peter when Satan was granted permission to sift him like wheat.
The enemy has, in this recent ritual season that has seen two notable celestial events aiding their cause, received a substantial upgrade, and this has been duly noted by perceptive saints who have been engaged in the spiritual battle. The Lord's provision of armor and weaponry is adequate for the task, but yet there are casualties, there have been some and there will be many more. Pray, with diligence, as the Lord leads, and wield your weapons of warfare (that are not carnal) with authority. Expect Him to bare His mighty arm and yet also to withhold it as it pleases Him, not you. If you have accepted His invitation to become a sacrifice, that's an honor and a commitment that is real and binding, and whatever He requires of you and yours is His to do with as He wills. Do not yield to the temptation to draw back.

Here's a kind of an overarching sign of the times, received at a fit moment. According to the Social Security Administration, Top baby names for 2013: “Noah sailed past Jacob to become the most popular baby name for boys in 2013, ending Jacob's 14-year run at the top.” These are the days of the coming of the son of man, and quite literally also the days of Noah when that very name has become preeminent.
For the coming of the Son of Man will be just like the days of Noah. ~ Matthew 24:37
As you should know, the well-kept secret underlying that example involves advance knowledge of the timing of the impending events. This announcement about the emergence of the name of Noah comes today, on May 9, in this season when we are on watch specifically for signs of the coming flood of Noah's day! Indicators suggest May 17-18 for what corresponds to the flood, and the potential for a 7 day advance notice has been suggested for related watching, which is May 10-11.
The most popular girl's name for 3 years running is “Sophia.” Given how relevant the male name is, let's consider the import of the female counterpart. Sophia “Means "wisdom" in Greek. This was the name of an early, probably mythical, saint who died of grief after her three daughters were martyred. Legends about her probably arose as a result of a medieval misunderstanding of the phrase Hagia Sophia "Holy Wisdom", which was the name of a large basilica in Constantinople.” (source) As recently published to the blog (City of Blood - Signaling the Black Awakening) another name sign relating to martyrdom of the saints was brought to our attention, Sebastian, Sebastian Blood, from a Arrow episode. Sophia is exalted as the personification of wisdom and worshiped by those on the left hand path. But the Greek word sophia is also used in the Bible.
For this reason also the wisdom of God said, ‘I will send to them prophets and apostles, and some of them they will kill and some they will persecute, ~ Luke 11:49

It may be said that wisdom dictates (the wisdom of God) that we give attention to the name signs of the times.
In the image used as the default in the slideshow on the myfoxny article linked, we see a striking image of a blue baby. Blue is typically identifying a male, in the context, but a blue baby being born is a bad sign. It is the sign of oxygen deficiency, which may signal cyanotic heart defects or it may be due to suffocation, which will quickly result in dire consequences. There's a sign. Babies are born when the mother's water breaks, producing a flood, if you will.
The Russell Crowe film, Noah, is still playing at the local theater. There are genetic aspects to the flood operations of our day, and a genetic breakthrough has just been announced that has unavoidable post-human implications.

I remain confident that we are crossing over a threshold of major transition, convinced by the biblical evidence, the way of the Lord's working with me, personally, and with Aaron, with the faithfulness of the Lord to prepare us and others of His people, and encouraged by the attending signs. The Lord has opened our eyes to see what was, what is, and what is coming. Our expectation and eager anticipation is built upon promises that have been fulfilled and are being fulfilled, and beyond this life and, yes, in this life, are based upon promises that are yet unfulfilled. That's why it's faith and hope.
I'll list some of these below in the interesting of mutual watching. For those of you who participate in and support this activity, I am grateful for your efforts. Before I offer that content I want to offer a brief review of the basis for why I have come to expect what I do at this present time. You can read more about here, Part 9 - To Number Our Days Aright - The Farmer's Almanac - For Laborers in the Lord's Harvest Field and in the rest of that series, To Number Our Days Aright
We are in a very special week of years. We learn about how events the flood of Noah projects very specifically into this week based upon patterns of similitude, counts and a fundamental celestial sign, which is according to the ways familiar to those who account time as the Lord directs in the Bible. Psalm 90:4 establishes the pattern that invites us, with a mathematical precision, to identify the point of alignment within the seven - provided we can identify the year that corresponds to the second millennium from Creation. This requires that we can properly identify our year with correct end points, and that we can properly identify the week within which this unit exists. The week is identified by counting off from the celestial sign of 1991. It's the long running Shemitah count, and the week of note is the 4th in sequence counted off from that Yom Teruah. This 2nd year was observed as beginning on September 8, 2013. It is likely to be about a 384 day long year, and using the ratio of when the flood of Noah's occurred, the 18th of May, 2014 is thus brought to our attention. The flood of Noah's day began on the 17th day of the 2nd month, and that will be the 17th of May, 2014, a day earlier. Notable. Noah knew exactly when to expect when it would begin, having been involved in the ark's construction and preparation, which gave him a pretty reasonable gauge of readiness, and also having been told the very day the flood would come 7 days in advance.
According to the Lord's subtle promise, as it was in the days of Noah, some will know of key events and even their timing in advance. We have promises, dear friends. Many of these are quite subtle, but they are legitimate, and they are ours.
Of note, this just in (Thanks John), from the web log of Dr. Steven Jones, which I have not been following. I consider this as a notable independent witness. His watch dates are given as May 10, 14/15, 18.
From Two visions of the New World Order:
“In conclusion, it appears that some key events are just now happening behind the scenes which will seal the doom of the Western power brokers of Babylon. Pastor Lindsay Williams reported a few days ago that he received an email from one of those power brokers, saying:
It is unclear what that means, but the “Elite” are the leaders of Babylon. What is it that just occurred that would induce them to implement “drastic measures” immediately, knowing that this will cause “catastrophic events in the monetary world”? It is obviously a reaction to some great loss of power in the battle between East and West.
It is also unclear why he used the word “nature,” unless they are planning to use their HAARP technology to cause severe weather problems or a catastrophic earthquake.
We can only guess why “the Elite expect divine repercussions.” From our definition of the terms, we might interpret this as divine judgments in the earth upon Babylon. But if they consider themselves to be gods, this email could refer to their own ability to cause catastrophic events against their own enemies.
Whatever the case, we should be watchful in the days ahead, especially on our own watch dates (May 10, 14/15, 18).”
“In conclusion, it appears that some key events are just now happening behind the scenes which will seal the doom of the Western power brokers of Babylon. Pastor Lindsay Williams reported a few days ago that he received an email from one of those power brokers, saying:
“The Elite are instituting drastic measures which will be implemented immediately. The world as we know it will never be the same again. Expect catastrophic events in the monetary world, nature and the Elite expect divine repercussions.”
It is unclear what that means, but the “Elite” are the leaders of Babylon. What is it that just occurred that would induce them to implement “drastic measures” immediately, knowing that this will cause “catastrophic events in the monetary world”? It is obviously a reaction to some great loss of power in the battle between East and West.
It is also unclear why he used the word “nature,” unless they are planning to use their HAARP technology to cause severe weather problems or a catastrophic earthquake.
We can only guess why “the Elite expect divine repercussions.” From our definition of the terms, we might interpret this as divine judgments in the earth upon Babylon. But if they consider themselves to be gods, this email could refer to their own ability to cause catastrophic events against their own enemies.
Whatever the case, we should be watchful in the days ahead, especially on our own watch dates (May 10, 14/15, 18).”
Noted. Thank you Lord!
Here's a review of the scriptural indicators of the pattern I refer to as “3 things and then a 4th,” which represents the most recently received piece of revelation about the chronology of the end times. See it as a reminder of the substantial basis for the expectation of the fulfillment of our hope.
- John 13:36-38 - Peter's 3 denials then the rooster crows
- Luke 8:5-8 - Parable of the 4 soils where only the 4th is good and produces a crop
- 1 Samuel 3:3-10 - Calling of Samuel where he responds appropriately the 4th time
- 2 Kings 2:1-14 - Journey resulting in Elisha witnessing the taking up of Elijah in a whirlwind in the 4th round
- Acts 7:23, 29-30 and 36 - Moses' 3 seasons of 40 years pass then Joshua leads Israel into Promised Land
- Luke 20:9-16 - Parable of the vine growers and the vineyard owner's son
- Daniel 7:1-3, 7, 23-27 - Daniel interprets Belshazzar's dream of 4 beasts
- Daniel 2:32-34, 40-45 - Statue of 4 metals as 4 kingdoms in sequence
- Luke 13:6-9 - Parable of fertilizing the fig tree to produce fruit and save it in the 4th year
- Luke 13:4-5 - Tower of Siloam (a bookend framing the above)
- Luke 13:10-14 - Healing of woman who was bent double “the other bookend”
- 4 occurrences of 666; 3 in the OT and 1 in the NT
- Matthew 26:36-50 - Three rounds of prayer in Garden of Gethsemane asking for cup to be removed, if possible, followed by the drinking of that cup
- Acts 10:9-20 - Peter witnessed sheet with unclean animals let down from heaven 3 times, followed by arrival of Gentiles
- 1 Kings 18:31-38 - Elijah's contest on Mt Carmel, 3 times sacrifice was drenched with water, 4th was with fire from heaven that consumed the sacrifice
- Matthew 12:38-40 - The sign of Jonah and the Lord's own resurrection - 3 full days in grave, then He arose!
- Luke 23:20-25 - 3 times the crowd demands for Barabbas to be released but Pilate denies them. The 4th time, he relents and delivers up Y'shua to be crucified
While on watch...
- April 26-May 1: The (Satanic Ritual Season) Grand Climax
- April 29: Solar Eclipse, followed Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse 2 weeks earlier
- April 30: 'Harbinger' - Jonathan Cahn: 'Smile of heaven' removed from America, speaking before a gathering at the US Capitol's Statuary Hall on the 225th anniversary of George Washington's inaugural speech. Also, Walpurgisnacht
- May 1: Beltane, Walpurgis - May Day! Residual activity extended through 5/3.
- May 5: SpaceX's Innovative Reusable Rocket Soars to 3,300 Feet and Lands Safely - "Space Sex" Dragon and Falcon 9 ritual of Code 33
- May 7: Scientists Create 1st Living Organism From Artificial DNA
- May 9: Announcement of Noah as top male name for 2013.
- May 12: Washington Monument reopens after 3 years of repairs- -Huge obelisk as phallus of Osiris sits between VIRGINia and MARYland - Virgin Mary - Mothers Day ritual May 11
- May 12: Harvard Will Host 'Reenactment' of Satanic Mass in Memorial Hall, in the underground Queen's Head Pub.
- May 13: 33 year anniversary of Pope John Paul II's assassination attempt on May 13, 1981 -- Code 33
- May 16: Godzilla movie opens, and TRN goes offline
- May 17: Michelle Obama speaks at Topeka, Kansas High School - -Kansas means “People of the South Wind” - Wizard of Oz - the Star the Witch of the South fell from in a death blow delivering whirlwind
- May 18: SpaceX Dragon to "fall to earth from heaven" bringing back almost 3,500 pounds of scientific experiments, hardware, supplies and tools. The beast will land in then rise out of the sea.
- May 18: Italy: Underwater Christ of the Abyss statue to stir Palermo tourism Again, messianic sea beast ritual
- May 18: Pope John Paul II birthday (94) - Just canonized April 27: in double ritual at Vatican involving literal flesh and blood.
- May 19: Coldplay album "Ghost Stories" Magic and Midnight - MM ~ Code 33 Midnight begins the witching hour.
- May 21: NYC museum opening dedicated to 9/11 victims - tribute to 2,983 people killed, planned ticket price of $24
- May 23: X-Men Days of Future Past - film opens
- May 24-26: Pope Francis visit to Israel - the Holy Land
- May 24: Comet Linear - Meteor showers
(Thanks to Jen and everyone supporting the watch.)
topeka's post mark is 666, Japanese have said in movies that radiation will bring about the beast from the sea. their flag is the beast rising from the sea.
ReplyDeletehonest abe sits on his throne in his temple looking at the phallus in the vesica piscis/cosmic union reflecting off the pool with the womb of isis/capital in the back ground. the red dot on the steps of Lincoln's memorial on google earth gives us a before sunrise picture of this. it shows written in stone, the temple and throne ref.
ReplyDeleteMay 11 as you say is Mother's Day and it is also 8x8 days after flight MH370 went missing. ie the 8th group of 8 days. And 6x4 = 24 or 8+8+8.
ReplyDeleteMay 11 is also the centre day between two sets of 13's relating to Pope Francis I.
13 days before 11/5 is 27/4 with the double canonization by himself and Benedict XVI of PJPII and PJXXIII PLUS the 3D televising it to a worldwide audience.
13 days after 11/5 is 25/5, the centre day of PJFI's 3 day visit to Jerusalem.
Thus, between the dates of 27/4 and 25/5 are 27 days or 9+9+9 days.
Also, if you add 8+8+8 days to 11/5 we come to 4/6 the 88th day since flight MH370 went missing. ie the 11th group of 8 days.
1/6 is 666 days since Obama's birthday at the centre of the London Olympics on 4/8/2012 with 8 days either side of it.
From 21/4, when HM QEII was 88, to 4/6, 88th day since flight MH370 went missing is 44 days. So that gives us 44+44+44+44+44 if you like or 8+8+8+8+8 = 40, a time of testing.
5 x 44 = 220 which was the number of floors in the WTC twin towers - 110 + 110.
The light memorial for the twin towers had 44 + 44 xenon lights shining into the sky forming an 11.
From 11/9/2001 to 16/6/2014 counting both dates is 666 weeks. There is a video on YT that claims there will be a bombing of the World Cup in Brazil on that day.
From 11/9/2001 to 11/5/2014 is 4625 days or 6,660,000 minutes or 152 months. 1 month later on 11/6 will be 153 months.
4625 days is 5 x 37 x 5 days.
4x6x2x5 = 240 or 80+80+80.
Come Lord Jesus.
Reading this blog and hearing the mention of Steven Jones' time for the Black Awakening of May 14/15 made my eyes pop out of my head. Within the past two or three hours, I was outside playing with my kids on a play set we have. For some reason, I began to make a scourge of sorts out of a piece of PVC pipe and a plastic-like jump rope and began whipping the top of the play set. What is significant about this is that when I whipped the crossbar, it left marks on it. It was as though I could feel the lashes being given across our Lord's back. I explained to my children that Jesus went through something similar when he laid down his life for us.
ReplyDeleteNow the scourging took place on the day of his crucifixion, early in the morning. Today is May 11, 2014. Three days from today is May 14, which would, using an overlay system, be the day he rose up from the grave. He was spotted the following day, which would be the 15th. These are the very same days proposed by Mr. Jones for the date of the Black Awakening.
What I believe is that during this time period or shortly thereafter, a Messiah-type figure will rise up and minister to the people of the earth. His sign will be a black phoenix with red talons.
He will be known by those in power. He will be a man that has been accused of crimes he has not committed. He will have been tried to be killed by drone strike without going through the courts, that is, being given proper trial. He will not be Antichrist, nor yet Jesus Christ, though he is related to both.
Hard times are coming, but also times of exaltation for those that fear the Lord. May you be counted worthy to be exalted.