An astute reader named Charlie left a comment on Part 38 to share his observation. “Bob, as I was reading this blog I happened to look over at the power button on my computer. If you just lok at the symbol for a minute the meaning is quickly revealed. A circle with a line penetrating the top. When the button is pressed it gives access to knowledge by turning on the computer a type of "illumination" if you will and we are progremmed to press this button. I feel like such a sucker sometimes! I thought I would share this with you.” [sic] I had given some thought to this a while back but it had not yet really been brought to the fore. Over the past couple weeks, the leveraging of this symbol in popular media has been unavoidable and the Lord has really highlighted it for me.
Ritual sodomy facilitates a dimensional gateway. In a practical sense this can be considered like a power button that, through ritually abuse, is used to turn on the power of children. Ritual sodomy creates a slave of a child around the age of three that is entirely subject to the programing of the handlers. What makes them so useful to the Illuminati programmers is the psi power they wield once the abilities of the installed demonic entities are acquired. The demons are installed through ritual sodomy, called Key of David or Rothschild sodomy by the Illuminated brotherhoods.
The familiar power button symbol is technically the standby symbol. In 2004, the standby symbol was accepted as a symbol for a more inclusive “power” functionality.

Because the familiar power button symbol is technically the standby symbol, its leveraging to symbolize the activation of SRA multiples is evil genius.
“IEC 5009, the standby symbol (line partially within a broken circle), indicates a sleep mode or low power state. The switch does not fully disconnect the device from its power supply. This may appear on a toggle switch opposite a power on symbol, alone on a pushbutton that places the device into a standby state, or alone on a button that switches between on and standby. Alternatively, under IEEE 1621, this symbol simply means "power".” (power button)
Standby. Perfect, because this is the current mode of the army of Manchurian Candidate supersoldiers who await the mass trigger for the Black Awakening. These are sleeper agents, in sleep or standby mode. When their power button is pushed, they are activated - POWER ON! They will switch into their Delta alters that have been programmed for coordinated large scale missions.
Farmer and deliverance minister Marion Knox understands the basis for the power button metaphor.
- “Sodomy is the biggest occult power source there is”
- “Basically, Satan cannot sodomize someone on his own, but he can influence somebody to sodomize someone else and then it’s like having Satan sodomize them and put the sodomy power within them.”
- “We have more sodomy now out in the open than we’ve ever had. Lot was in Sodom -- that’s where the word sodomy comes from. It meant anal sex, or as they’re calling it now anal intercourse. What other kind of sex do you think they could produce on those angels that they tried to break the door down to get to? They wanted to get their supernatural power. The belief in the occult world is if you could sodomize God, you’d get God’s power. You become as gods through sodomy; that’s the way the Greek gods became gods.”
- “Sodomy has a spiritual component in it that is far more sinister than anybody recognizes. It is the most underrated evil power to the general public. But to the people who are in the know, they know that this is the ultimate rebellion against God Himself. This is what they hope to use to gain the whole human race for their side and defeat God Himself.”
I spoke with the man interviewed above for an hour or so on the phone a few weeks ago. He knows what he's talking about. I found my conversation with Marion very comforting. This was in stark contrast to my interaction with Doug Riggs in Syracuse, NY over the span of several days last year. I learned enough about matters of trauma based mind control and the involvement of ritual sodomy to have developed a strong sense that Marion was legit but I wanted to test that a little further. My reasons for contacting him were beyond casual research; it was personal. (I was married to a chosen one for 15 years and our two children received that “heritage.”) I like Marion. I'm really grateful for the interviews he's given that are posted online.

An ad for the new hit series on NBC titled “Revolution” features the illuminated symbol of the power button. An abundance of clues in the show identify the subtext of MK-ULTRA programming to those of us who can read them. I'll expand upon this in another post, Lord willing, where the featuring of the illuminated power button that conceals and reveals ritual sodomy will explain a lot about the show!
Ha, I must have written that comment at about 3 am! Thanks for the follow-up article. I notice many times that the power-on button itself is square with this symbol in the center which is consistent with the "squaring of the circle" theme you have been writing about. I now find myself constantly scrutinizing every symbol that I observe.
ReplyDeleteGood observation again! Thanks and blessings Charlie!