The usual caveats apply, so if you're a victim of ritual abuse who is still being delivered or you're easily offended by mature subjects and descriptive language, please move on. If you're new to this series, welcome! You may want to start at the beginning to get the foundation for what's here. Series Links: The Sodomite Gateway

It's worth noting that there are three stylized letters that can each be identified as a 6. Yup. 666.

I believe the letter “m” is a Masonic backside because the arc extending from the “d” of the “dp”appears to be pointing it out as from a phallic package, like redbox.

A pair of hearts are featured in the UK's Health Lottery promotion, a rainbow version and an orange version.
Orbs (demons) fly right out of the butt on the Bifröst, the rainbow bridge, a dimensional gateway! The orange heart presents the dot in the “i” as the anus. Sodomize the celestial being (see the starry backdrop?) and get the fallen angel's power, as the promise goes. The dot that receives special attention calls it out as an “i” of Horus, the third eye illuminated through ritual sodomy. Wednesday is the fourth day, code for this Shemittah when the Luciferian's presume to hit the JACKPOT! Win on Saturdays and Wednesdays because we are in the seventh Millennium!

The images in this collection feature rainbows proceeding out of the bottoms concealed in the clouds, like Podomatic, or the bottoms are spanned from cheek to cheek.
One of them features a city, the great city Babylon. Babel built by Nimrod. Cain was the builder of cities.
The clouds?
11 Woe to them! For they have gone the way of Cain, and for pay they have rushed headlong into the error of Balaam, and perished in the rebellion of Korah. 12 These are the men who are hidden reefs in your love feasts when they feast with you without fear, caring for themselves; CLOUDS WITHOUT WATER, carried along by winds; autumn trees without fruit, doubly dead, uprooted; 13 wild waves of the sea, casting up their own shame like foam; wandering stars, for whom the black darkness has been reserved forever. ~ Jude 11-13
One graphic announces. Hello! I echo that. Hello! Rainbow dimension bridging ritual sodomy! There's a phallic arrow on the left, like a serpent ready to strike at a little bottom. At the end of the rainbow are “hands up” people, getting the hookup of the promised pot of gold from sodomizing the gold pooper in the clouds. Hello Humpty Dumpty and Puss in Boots!
I first got a clue what Skype branding meant when I was seeing lots of mard-savoring imagery. That's a common practice of those involved with trauma-based mind-control programming. While using the Skype app, this image at lower right is used for a generic avatar. It's a stylized bust seen from the front, or is it really to be seen from above as one of those sneaky heart bottoms, with someone else's head? I'm thinking, both.
With all that in mind, I suspect there's a dynamic projected with the peculiar name and any confusion relating to how it might be pronounced. Skype = Sky Pee? Sky pee or actually rain as semen is leveraged as a profound figure in the Bible (Olympic Ceremony Symbolism - Part Seven), and by the illuminated esoterics on the left hand path, who prey upon the ignorant and vulnerable.
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