I was recently led to give my attention to a passage of scripture that has been very dear to me, and one that probably has been to you, also. The 4th and 5th chapters of 1 Thessalonians are about love, faith and our hope! I had published a special kind of study on this several years ago, proposing a version of the thematic structure that I found compelling. I was recently led to look at it again as part of a related study. I still find that version compelling, but I had a sense that there was something more there. That impression grew on me so I knew I had to pursue it.
The spirit was highlighting a certain pairing to me, one that had not been connected in the previous work, and I knew that was the place to start. So that's what I did.
On the first day of the effort I came to a place where I was pretty satisfied with the result and began adding some commentary. The next day when I returned to the task I was seeing it in a slightly brighter light, like the 25-watt bulb got swapped out for a 40-watt bulb. So, with that added provision, I refined what I had done until I was satisfied with that, continuing with the commentary. And, over the next day or two the light got brighter until on the 3rd or 4th day of the work I became satisfied that the structure really was dialed in. When I had that sense and was starting to return to the commentary, it was then that I heard that still small voice - Keystone. Look for the keystone. So I did, and there it was - right in the text where I had just made the final round of refinement! The keystone pattern appeared multiple times, and with indications of the reset of time! These are woven into the text right where they made the most sense!
I didn't go there looking for this familiar pattern. I just knew there was something in there that I had to go find. I knew what my starting point had to be and how to take it from there with the Lord's continual help. When the work was brought to completion, the Lord revealed what was concealed and revealed - and what a welcome and encouraging blessing it is!
This kind of interactive presentation will challenge even the best students to follow. I've tried to help with instruction and teaching by adding many comment windows. Lord willing, a video will be produced alongside this interactive presentation to make the instruction and revelation insight more accessible.
Blessings and love in Y'shua!
Bob (and Aaron)
The Thematic Symmetry of 1 Thessalonians 4:1-5:11 - an Interactive Presentation
Thank You dear brothers! Brought tears to my eyes! Tears of Joy! Much love to you in Our Lord Yeshua. Appreciate you so much.