Greetings in Y'shua. This is Bob. The Rio Olympics have passed. Their ceremonial entertainments (Occult ritual magic) of the opening and closing were interesting but I have nothing to report beyond what I've already written. Except to note that the 8 minutes of the Japan 2020 Ceremony held the most interest. So far. The Rio Paralympics are scheduled for September 7-18, and different opening and closing ceremonies are planned. Lord willing Aaron and I anticipate watching them to see what may be seen.
One of the projects I've been working on has been maintaining, updating some deprecated code, cleaning up dhtml errors, making a few of the many updates that could and should be done. The study, Who is Pope Benedict? was updated with a substantial revision. He is still very relevant, and you'll discover why in the reading.
More time has been devoted recently to personal ministering via email. We rejoice at what the Lord is doing in this hour. This season is, no less than before, one where we must aggressively give our attention both to doctrine and practice, as advancing on these parallel tracks together, for true progress to be made. Our work often shakes things up, turning lives upside down and right-side up as the Lord has ordained it to be. Spiritual warfare is engaged very directly with the attention we give to exposing the secret religion of those who worship the goddess, a spirit who manifests also in practical ways as the spirit of Jezebel - working in in the relationship dynamics of both women and men. There is always blow-back, as it may be considered, and we sincerely thank those of you who engage in spiritual warfare on our behalf, as the Lord has led. We need it.
If the working of the goddess has been highlighted for attention in some aspect of your life recently, we recommend a collection of very practical studies that are filled with insight about how to defend yourselves and effectively engage the adversary in this arena. Set your own houses in order as the first order of business. Your witness will be evident.
The Lord Y'shua is still in the business of bringing His beloved to the conviction of sin, drawing a precious few to Himself as freed from the bondage of the law of sin and death. We rejoice in being touched by His love! We rejoice with those of you who are also being touched by His love!
For a blessing of insight, consider Ephesians 6. See verses 10 and following as related to those before it. It's the how-to, laying the foundation.
Some Recommended Doctrinal/Practical Studies for the Saints:
The Obedient Family
Propriety in the Assembly of the Saints
Jezebel vs Sarah (27 installments)
What's on my Heart Today
Compete According to the Rules - or Forfeit the Prize
Entering into the Freedom of Giving and Receiving
For some closing thoughts, we are well aware of just how much some among us crave the fellowship and companionship of other saints in a local assembly or some online community. While some are able to enjoy this at present, as the Lord's own provision, most of us are not, being denied this for our own good, and actually for everyone else's too. Some among us are settling for some relationship with Mystery Babylon while under conviction that you are compromising yourself and/or your family in the process. We know the temptation. If the Lord has denied you such kinds of fulfillment in this hour, we implore you to accept it and to seek with passionate resolve to find what you crave from the Lord Himself, to find satisfaction in His embrace. What is truly being sacrificed in this season for His sake will reap a harvest of reward in ages to come. You may find that you have a key role to play in this age. Esther 4:14 comes to mind. Is the spirit of the Lord calling to you? Is He knocking at your door? Is the Bridegroom wooing you? Come to where you can answer without reservation. We are praying that the Lord will be satisfied with us, with all who are being made to be found worthy at His coming through much mercy and grace.
Blessings in Y'shua!
Tuesday, August 30, 2016
Saturday, August 27, 2016
Pop Quiz - Four of a Kind - After School Satan ≅ Laguna Seca ≅ Sun Chips ≅ PowerDirector 14 Ad
Sunday, August 21, 2016
A new video: Star Trek Enterprise (Storm Front II) - The Mastery of Time and the Resetting of Time
Season 4's opening episodes feature reptilian aliens who came from the future, as Nazi officers, altering the timeline. They have the mastery of time. What they do brings an intervention, and time is reset to undo the manipulated timeline. What makes this science fiction plot really compelling is the dialog and how the elapsed time of the production exhibits a potent layer of Occult symbolism. This encoding in the presentation layer matches the Occult symbolism we see and hear with the time when we experience it, according to the meaning of the numbers on the counter. It's a potent ritual and one that we've dedicated several videos to already.
“Soon, history will belong to us. We will stretch out our hands and mold it according to our will." This line brings the Mandela Effect to mind, which is not fictional, not imaginary - it's our present reality!
“Not even the gods of our ancestors could have imagined such power.” This is a boast the alien Nazi SS officer makes, and in the context, and what their stated goal is, it's biblical and very openly parallel.

If you visit The open Scroll, you'll notice that this page has been updated to be more useful: The Open Scroll: Video & Interactive
CERN Shiva Sacrifice video
By now, most of you have seen the viral video of the cloak wearing high priest who appears to stab a woman, sacrificing her to Shiva.
CERN Shiva Sacrifice video
This video was made in a room where you can see the reflection of a robed figure in the window. The production is jumpy. This is obviously theater. A staged drama. Filmed and released to wind us up. Like with the Happy at CERN video we recently addressed, folks are having fun with us. (Mandela Effect - Happy At Cern - math-magicians, magic circles and the mastery of time) Physicists are people. Like the official report states, some like to play practical jokes. Mockers are just throwing dirt and water at mud, and stirring it up. Those involved may be intelligent scientists and administrators but they are fools on a fools' mission.
Are there ceremonial sacrifices being made to the ancient gods at CERN? The video has nothing to say about that. Most of the questions that might be asked will have no solid evidence to provide an answer in this season. One thing should be noted. A mock ritual is still a ritual. CERN is still honoring CERNunnos, the horned god invoked in many rituals like the one acted out in front of Shiva.
CERN Shiva Sacrifice video
This video was made in a room where you can see the reflection of a robed figure in the window. The production is jumpy. This is obviously theater. A staged drama. Filmed and released to wind us up. Like with the Happy at CERN video we recently addressed, folks are having fun with us. (Mandela Effect - Happy At Cern - math-magicians, magic circles and the mastery of time) Physicists are people. Like the official report states, some like to play practical jokes. Mockers are just throwing dirt and water at mud, and stirring it up. Those involved may be intelligent scientists and administrators but they are fools on a fools' mission.
Are there ceremonial sacrifices being made to the ancient gods at CERN? The video has nothing to say about that. Most of the questions that might be asked will have no solid evidence to provide an answer in this season. One thing should be noted. A mock ritual is still a ritual. CERN is still honoring CERNunnos, the horned god invoked in many rituals like the one acted out in front of Shiva.
Tuesday, August 16, 2016
Who's “The Boss”?
Who's “The Boss”?
Inanna. The bent elbow bee Goddess flanked by her A shaped escorts. AWA. ABA ~ A BEE A. See Part 7 - Hidden Signs of the Goddess - AWA / ABA. For multitudes, she is The Boss, but the queen of heaven's days are numbered.
MELISSA McCarthy. Melissa, means, honeybee. The ancient queen bee goddess!
Thursday, August 11, 2016
The Rio Olympic Caldron, Our Lady of Candelaria and the hidden head of Satan/Zeus leering from the vault of heaven
Anthony Howe, the designer of the Rio Olympic cauldrons, claims that the design represents the sun. (Diminutive Rio 2016 cauldron complemented by massive kinetic sculpture) I don't disagree, but there's more to this identification than he's letting on. The setting of the church provides more insight because there's another version inside, and the two objects align and resonate, one enhancing the Occult supernaturalism of the other!
Upon seeing the Rio cauldron design, some of us have the immediate impression that it resembles the Roman Catholic monstrance or the Jesuit (cross)IHS idol, whose golden solar rays signify a divine radiance. The installation of this ritual object directly in front of the church of Our Lady of Candelária confirms this identification. When you see the grand altar, the radiant sun is boldly featured with the golden cross made central.
The XO symbolism, of the Mark of the Beast, is evident in the form and is magnified by the motion. The union of the X and O is establishing the celestial throne of the goddess, and that widely accepted Occult supernaturalism could hardly be more significant in this location.
This is the form that is repeated and amplified by the newly installed and activated Olympic cauldron. These beacons resonate as one, as the exalted candle of the goddess Candelária (Lady Liberty-Isis...), shining forth the illuminating light of Lucifer, of Zeus, of Satan. Candelária is Candlemas. (aka Groundhog Day, day of the year #33 - Code 33 - associated with Imbolc and Lupercalia!) The candle is identified with the sun, the sun that lit the torch that lit the cauldron, the light of Zeus.
The gods and goddesses worshiped during the Olympics are the same as those worshiped in Rome, forms of worship that are centralized at the Vatican. What used to be known as the Holy Roman Empire remains still today, and this is one with what has been called, Olympism, by the founder of modern Olympics, Pierre de Coubertin. This broad institution is the biblical Mystery Babylon the Great, a global entity. Coubertin studied humanism in Paris at the Jesuit Saint Ignatius College. His funeral was held at the Notre Dame du Valentin in Lausanne, Switzerland. Notre Dame, means, Our Lady. He loved the goddess who is widely known as the Virgin Mary, who is the Virgin of, or Our Lady of, Candelária. She is Our Lady of the Olympics!
Above the alter inside the Candelária church is an ornate feature that must be seen as the open vault of heaven, where angels reside and overlook the sanctuary. One sits high on a throne, exalted. Here's the front of the church in a picture I found on Wikipedia. The whole thing is really creepy. There's an image concealed in the angelic sculpture in the symbolic vault of heaven. It's more obvious if you flip it over and look at it like you would in a reflection.
This image is like a familiar one in Paris, on the Notre Dame Cathedral. Our Lady. The devil is surveying the city of Paris, his domain.
I note the ritual significance of the time the article was published: 12:12. The time number, repeated. In Rio de Janeiro - again - the January River, devoted to Janus, god of time.
This celestial display is what the Rose windows model, which adorn the front of so many Catholic churches. The sun light streaming through pictures the sun at the center of the Rose, and supernaturally the Luciferian Illumined see this as the divine light from Sirius. And that, right there - THAT'S a big deal. It's the Compass Rose and the Blazing Star of Freemasonry. It is the emblem of a branch of Freemasonry that is mostly for women, The Order of the Eastern Star.
On Mt. Olympus at the Temple of Hera (goddess, wife of Zeus/Satan), the Olympic flame is lit from the light of the sun using a parabolic reflector. The prayer of the ceremonial high priestess is always like this one prayed in 2009.
The Rio Olympic cauldron in front of the Church of Our Lady of Candelária should be recognized as evidence of an Occult supernaturalism, ritual magic, even sex magic. The role of the goddess is on exhibit, who draws all unto herself until the time comes to deliver all over to “her son,” that is, Apollo, Horus, Antichrist.
What is being presented in the city of Rio de Janeiro is perhaps most simply this, that Roman Catholicism is Olympism, is Satanism - but perhaps that has already been revealed to you. Many saints, even though they can agree in principle still habitually practice degrees of denial about this reality, and we ask that you take account of yourselves before the throne of the Most High in prayer about your status before Him, whether some influence of Mystery Babylon holds sway in your life.
See also:
Rio Olympics - Opening Ceremony (of the birth canal) - and TIME
Rihanna as Our Lady of Fatima - Part 44 - 2012 London Paralympics
Tuesday, August 09, 2016
FAQ About Time Travel - Secret Neo-Nazi Codes and the Evocation of the Ancient Aryan Goddess
We began addressing the dark symbolism of this movie in another video series we've been doing, in FAQ About Time Travel - Easter Egg Import - Part 8: The Pairing of Time Travel with Sodomite Programming. This latest video is an adjunct to that, spun off to give special attention to some other important symbolism.
We invite you to discover the Occult embedding of Code 1488 as we present how examples are expertly encoded into two scenes. One of them mimics the closing scene of Back to the Future. The other is layered in with detailed modelings of the goddess who may be identified as AWA, who is Inanna and Freya, who was and is still today worshiped as central to their ancient religion.

Sunday, August 07, 2016
Rio Olympics - Opening Ceremony (of the birth canal) - and TIME
The Olympics are always a big deal because they are very influential and, very simply, they are openly dedicated to Zeus and Apollo. The activities from start to finish are all about honoring the ancient gods and goddesses with sports and arts. There is no effort made to conceal this but they do not openly reveal the fact that this is all attended by private and public mass Occult ritual. The Bible identifies Zeus with Satan in Revelation 2:13 because the throne of Zeus was in Pergamum. The Olympics are literally, Satanic rituals. Most folks don't care, even professing Christians, but some do. This presentation is for you, whose eyes are being opened to see what the Lord Y'shua would have you to see about this age.
What stands out to us so far has to do with the worship of the goddess, as the goddess of time and fertility. This has to do with the Olympics themselves and also our access and interface with them, the NBC network. We can't speak to what's going on elsewhere because our experience is pretty much limited. We have discovered that some really important aspects that had been presented elsewhere were filtered out of our regional experience so it is assumed that this is the case once more. So, we're just going on what we've got.
Goddess worship? Some of this is superficial. The elements of feminine beauty and excessive sexuality were openly featured with the scantily clad dancers associated with the goddess worshiping Catholic Lenten season's "Mardi Gras" Carnival that Rio is famous for, with Gisele parading around like the stadium was her catwalk and with the history of The Girl from Ipanema.
The demographic of the city of Rio de Janeiro is such that it ranks first among Brazilian peripheries in the percentage of Catholics - 51.09% (2009). You can bet that there are plenty of idols dedicated to the goddess that look like these in this little collection, which I have labeled as Images of the Divine Feminine. If you don't see these as being artfully modeled on the female genitalia, you're missing what is so obvious to so many.
The ceremonies compare to those in Beijing, where the reproductive ritual was far more extensive and equally explicit. The more I studied that imagery the more I saw in those Chinese ceremonies, and the more stunning the reality that nobody was calling it out for what it so undeniably was!
When I sought to discover the meaning of the Olympic Rings logo, after reviewing the posters for the Olympics over many years it became apparent that, on one level, the logo was being leveraged as a symbol of the pubic patch of the female and that this was an honoring and evocation of the goddess of love and fertility. Here's a few posters where this rings-logo-as-pubic-patch is featured.
These posters from the Exposition/ Olympic Games in Paris 1900 were from an era before the rings logo but the sexual engagement of the god (Eiffel Tower as phallus) and goddess and the exaltation of the Queen of Heaven that is so broadly worshiped in Paris is pretty obvious.
If you're not familiar with this study, we recommend it for more insight. Our Lady of the Olympics
The opening ceremonies always climax with the lighting of the cauldron. The practice has come to be that, to build drama for the conclusion of the torch relay and victorious lighting of the cauldron, they surprise us with a creative formation of the Olympic rings logo. These ceremonial highlights are connected because both have to do with the goddess.
This year, the parts of the Olympic Rings were hidden inside a number of mirror like boxes. When they opened up like a bunch of jack-in-the-boxes, rings of palm trees sprung up. Trees are goddess symbols.
Right after the Olympic Rings appeared and the celebrants applauded with delight, the cauldron was then ready to be lit. The flame, torch and cauldron have to do with the goddess of the hearth, Hestia. The flame is lit by ceremonial priestesses at the temple of Hera on Mt. Olympus. Hera was the wife of Zeus. You can see the goddess behind the ceremonial lighting of the Cauldron in the lyrics of the Olympic Hymn.
The Olympic Hymn
Immortal spirit of antiquity
Father of the true, beautiful and good
Descend, appear, shed over us thy light
Upon this ground and under this sky
Which has first witnessed thy unperishable fame
Give life and animation to these noble games!
Throw wreaths of fadeless flowers to the victors
In the race and in the strife
Create in our breasts, hearts of steel!
In thy light, plains, mountains and seas
Shine in a roseate hue and form a vast temple
To which all nations throng to adore thee
Oh immortal spirit of antiquity!
Immortal spirit of antiquity
Father of the true, beautiful and good
Descend, appear, shed over us thy light
Upon this ground and under this sky
Which has first witnessed thy unperishable fame
Give life and animation to these noble games!
Throw wreaths of fadeless flowers to the victors
In the race and in the strife
Create in our breasts, hearts of steel!
In thy light, plains, mountains and seas
Shine in a roseate hue and form a vast temple
To which all nations throng to adore thee
Oh immortal spirit of antiquity!
The Hymn is overtly honoring the male parent, Father of the true... who is identified elsewhere as Zeus, but covertly this poetic Hymn is an evocation of the blessing of the goddess. Who wreaths the victors but Nike? Check the award medals and see whose image is featured. The language used, like breasts, roseate hue, (ROSE colored), the thronging of adoring nations, this is the stuff of goddess worship. Once the cauldron is lit, the Olympic Stadium and entire Park become a temple.
Whether just a single name of the gods is named or one gender of the gods is identified in this ceremonial worship, the point really is that these ancient gods are the fallen, the enemies of the Most High God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, father of my Lord Jesus Christ. The Illumined often worship their god in his identity as Lucifer.
Now, what stands out to us in connection with the goddess evocation and exaltation is the matter of the signaling of time and the mastery of time. Some of this is due to the Olympics and some to NBC's presentation.
One of the items of interest is rooted in a fundamental of the celebration of the Olympics. There is an ancient mythology involving a conflict between the titan Cronos (Kronos) and his children, most particularly, Zeus. You can research this yourself to discover how the lighting of the torch and cauldron may be interpreted as a victory celebration. So, the lighting of the torch celebrates how Zeus has defeated his father Cronus and thereby acquired all that was his, even the mastery of time itself. While that's pretty universally applicable to every opening ceremony of the Olympics, Rio's is special. For one thing, Rio de Janeiro, means, January River. January is dedicated to Janus, Roman god of time. (See this post: January River Olympics for Space-Time Mastery) For another thing - and this is big - the cauldron that now burns in Rio de Janeiro's Olympic Park has a design that speaks very loudly to me that this is a ritual object, illustrating our being propelled through time. The cauldron is animated like a golden clockwork, with paddles that move as making passage in a whirling vortex through the river of time, with spheres as bubbles in the water-as-time.
See it here:
We've been tracking with how numbers that appear in the elapsed time counters of media presentations are leveraged in the way of the Occult to add another layer of meaning and magical influence. I first learned about this activity when the Lord brought it to my attention in connection with the NBC presentation of the Beijing Olympics in 2008. In our DVR recording of the opening ceremony in Rio, we note more of the same.
In the 13th minute of the second hour, a commercial is aired. The elapsed time on the counter is that of a minute that signals the mastery of time. It's a one minute commercial, and our recording has it offset by two seconds, which is probably attributable to a Xfinity DVR time synchronization issue.
I found the commercial of that minute on YT.
Following that commercial, another begins at 1:13:58 on our DVR counter. It's for a movie, Pete's Dragon. The word, Timeless, appears on screen, which is fitting, since the minute 12 signaling cycling time and minute 13 signaling the mastery of time has passed.
I was curious what might be found in minutes 12 and 13 of NBC's presentation on Xfinity and found this to be of interest. They feature the dancing queen bee goddess! The goddess of time!
One of the commentators is Hoda Kotb, an Egyptian (Isis, Hathor, etc. ) host (together with Kathie Lee Gifford) of the 4th hour of NBC's Today Show. She appears during minutes 12 and 13 dressed in a striped bee suit, wearing the multiple bracelets that identify her with the queen bee Inanna/Ishtar as in this classic image.
Her "costume" is like that of the girl in the bee suit in the viral Virgin (MARY) Airlines safety video.
Soon enough, the sovereign God will intervene and bring corrective action, bring the fix for this evil, bringing this age to its appointed end - and justice in an exhibit of the ultimate mastery of time, and of His patience - and love!
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