Tuesday, July 16, 2024

The Luzhin Defence (2000) - Pt10: Is Chess Linked to Death in Media Productions?

In this video: When it comes to the featuring of chess rituals in media, it's not always about death and life. Sometimes, the themes linked with chess involve prison breaks, or stargates, like with the examples found in our series with pianos and stargates. Lord willing, I'll be presenting some examples of those at some point, but here in this 10th installment of the series, we're going to feature more chess-death-life ritual.

Back in the year 2000, a film called, The Luzhin Defence was released. It didn't receive a lot of attention or critical acclaim, but this chess movie is notable for its substantial chess-death ritual.

To Watch: "The Luzhin Defence (2000) - Pt10: Is Chess Linked to Death in Media Productions?"

(full HD version for streaming or download)

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Find series playlist here.

Collateral studies for this video:
The Game of Chess - Beyond Entertainment to the Manipulation of Reality
Janus Ritual - Real, Effectual - and Common!

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→ YouTube: When Cometh That Thief in the Night
→ YouTube: The Open-ish Scroll
→ YouTube: These Patterns are Amazing
→ YouTube: Stormy's Reverse Speech

Sunday, July 14, 2024

The English: "Vultures on the Line" - Pt9: Is Chess Linked to Death in Media Productions?

In this video: If you've been keeping up with this fascinating series on the connections between chess and death and life, you may have been struck with just how blatant it was in the previous installment with the Japanese production simply titled, Chess. In this 9th installment of the series, we're dealing with a more subtle connection. The English, is a revisionist Western television miniseries from 2022. This BBC/Amazon Prime production stars Emily Blunt, but the sequence we'll be featuring today stars the Irish actor Stephen Rea as the Sheriff.

To Watch: "The English: "Vultures on the Line" - Pt9: Is Chess Linked to Death in Media Productions?"

(full HD version for streaming or download)

Please leave your comments here on this blog post or on the Bitchute video.

Find series playlist here.

Resources Referenced in this video:
The Game of Chess - Beyond Entertainment to the Manipulation of Reality
Janus Ritual - Real, Effectual - and Common!

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→ Brighteon: The Open Scroll
→ Rumble: The Open Scroll Mirror
→ YouTube: When Cometh That Thief in the Night
→ YouTube: The Open-ish Scroll
→ YouTube: These Patterns are Amazing
→ YouTube: Stormy's Reverse Speech

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Human Chess In Real Life - Pt8: Is Chess Linked to Death in Media Productions?

In this video: In this 8th installment of our series, we're investigating a media presentation that associates the play of chess with real life in such a way that when a piece is taken by another, it means the death of the person represented by that piece. You'll note that this compares with one we addressed in Part 1 with "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone."

To Watch: "Human Chess In Real Life - Pt8: Is Chess Linked to Death in Media Productions?"

(full HD version for streaming or download)

Please leave your comments here on this blog post or on the Bitchute video.

Find the "playlist" for this chess+death series here.

Collateral study: The Game of Chess - Beyond Entertainment to the Manipulation of Reality

Curious about the pending reset of time? Learn more here: The Pending Reset of Time

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→ Bitchute: The Open Scroll
→ Brighteon: The Open Scroll
→ Rumble: The Open Scroll Mirror
→ YouTube: When Cometh That Thief in the Night
→ YouTube: The Open-ish Scroll
→ YouTube: These Patterns are Amazing
→ YouTube: Stormy's Reverse Speech

Monday, July 08, 2024

News and Commentary - A sweep through the news of the day

To Watch: "News and Commentary - A sweep through the news of the day"

(full HD version for streaming or download)

Please leave your comments here on this blog post or on the Bitchute video.

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→ Bitchute: The Open Scroll
→ Brighteon: The Open Scroll
→ Rumble: The Open Scroll Mirror
→ YouTube: When Cometh That Thief in the Night
→ YouTube: The Open-ish Scroll
→ YouTube: These Patterns are Amazing
→ YouTube: Stormy's Reverse Speech

Tuesday, July 02, 2024

The Count Of Monte Cristo: P7 in Chess-Life/Death Series / P16 in Venus Transit Series

In this video: Featuring a film from 2002 that was inspired by a literary classic, The Count Of Monte Cristo, by Alexandre Dumas. I play several clips that illustrate a connection between chess and death and chess and life, so this will be the 7th installment in the video series called, "Is Chess Linked to Death in Media Productions?" Because there's a scene with a transit of Venus ritual, or perhaps even two, this will also be the 16th installment in the video series called, "The Transit of Venus Ritual Enactments." Heads up - plot spoilers.

To Watch: "The Count Of Monte Cristo: P7 in Chess-Life/Death Series / P16 in Venus Transit Series"

(full HD version for streaming or download)

Please leave your comments here on this blog post or on the Bitchute video.

Find the series "playlists" here:
Is Chess Linked to Death in Media Productions?
The Transit of Venus Ritual Enactments

For Collateral study: Janus Ritual - Real, Effectual - and Common!

Here's two articles (wikiwand and romanpagan.wordpress websites) that will help you learn about Janus and Janus worship, so you can be better able to recognize when Janus rituals are being performed in media productions.

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→ Brighteon: The Open Scroll
→ Rumble: The Open Scroll Mirror
→ YouTube: When Cometh That Thief in the Night
→ YouTube: The Open-ish Scroll
→ YouTube: These Patterns are Amazing
→ YouTube: Stormy's Reverse Speech

Friday, June 21, 2024

The Copper Scroll, Decoded, and Israel's Treasure as a Bride's Dowry

In this video: In 1952, an ancient manuscript known as the Copper Scroll was found in a cave near Qumran. It was recognized as a treasure map, but despite the best efforts of the experts, no one could make enough sense of it to find anything. That is, until Oklahoman Jim Barfield, it appears. When Jim presented his findings to the leading Rabbi of Israel and other authorities they were convinced he had indeed found the treasure of ancient Israel. Because the location is still very politically sensitive, the sites have not been excavated, even 18 years later. The use of ground penetrating radar has, however, confirmed the presence of objects consistent with what is expected to be found. Many see this treasure, which could be accessed in short order, as the dowry for the Bride of the Messiah. While the Rabbi's take on this is that the Messiah's coming is near, and I don't generally disagree with that interpretation, there really is more to be said about the situation! So, I say it!

To Watch: "The Copper Scroll, Decoded, and Israel's Treasure as a Bride's Dowry"

(full HD version for streaming or download)

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→ Bitchute: The Open Scroll
→ Brighteon: The Open Scroll
→ Rumble: The Open Scroll Mirror
→ YouTube: When Cometh That Thief in the Night
→ YouTube: The Open-ish Scroll
→ YouTube: These Patterns are Amazing
→ YouTube: Stormy's Reverse Speech

Friday, June 07, 2024

Blade Runner (1982) Roy Meets His Maker - Pt6: Is Chess Linked to Death in Media Productions?

In this video: In this 6th installment in the series, we explore a scene from the classic sci-fi neo-noir cyberpunk film, Blade Runner, from 1982. The intimidating replicant Roy gains access to Tyrell's private chambers using a surprise checkmate. Once inside, there's a play on the phrase, meet your maker, which is a euphemism for dying. In the room with the chess game, Roy murders his maker and his chess opponent, Sebastian.

To Watch: "Blade Runner (1982) Roy Meets His Maker - Pt6: Is Chess Linked to Death in Media Productions?"

(full HD version for streaming or download)

Please leave your comments here on this blog post or on the Bitchute video.

Find the "playlist" for this code series here.

Resources referenced in the video:

See this study for details on that biblical character, Jesus Barabbas, an Antichrist type: When Will the Lawless One be Revealed? The Sign for the Bride - Part 2

Collateral Study: The Game of Chess - Beyond Entertainment to the Manipulation of Reality

Curious about the pending reset of time? Learn more here: The Pending Reset of Time

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→ Bitchute: The Open Scroll
→ Brighteon: The Open Scroll
→ Rumble: The Open Scroll Mirror
→ YouTube: When Cometh That Thief in the Night
→ YouTube: The Open-ish Scroll
→ YouTube: These Patterns are Amazing
→ YouTube: Stormy's Reverse Speech

Wednesday, June 05, 2024

Atlas (2024) on Netflix - Pt5: Is Chess Linked to Death in Media Productions?

In this video: In this 5th installment in the series, we explore a scene from a new Netflix movie called, Atlas, starring Jennifer Lopez. The game of chess is a recurring theme in the film. When a robot says that he can't die, Atlas uses her favorite chess piece as a weapon and "kills" him. The conspiratorially-minded among us will see this film as I do, as an effort to get people to overcome their mistrust of AI, like how Atlas, the protagonist, does by the end of the film. The kinds of magic ritual I call out are there to support that goal. Ultimately, this kind of production is drawing people to embrace the beasts and to accept the mark of the beast, as per Revelation 13.

NOTE: The name of the robot head in a suitcase who can't die: 'Casca' is the pen name of Albert Pike, Freemason and influential author of "Morals and Dogma." Documentation: Manly P. Hall talking about Albert Pike: https://youtu.be/2W77qcQfKuk?t=155 Further documentation: "The anonymous letters, signed “Casca” after one of the Roman politicians who assassinated Julius Caesar, were considered very persuasive and secured for him (Albert Pike) a statewide reputation as a writer." (Moneyhon, Carl H. "Albert Pike (1809–1891)". Encyclopedia of Arkansas History & Culture (EOA. Central Arkansas Library System) https://encyclopediaofarkansas.net/entries/albert-pike-1737/ )

To Watch: "Atlas (2024) on Netflix - Pt5: Is Chess Linked to Death in Media Productions?"

(full HD version for streaming or download)

Please leave your comments here on this blog post or on the Bitchute video.

Find the "playlist" for this series here.

Collateral study: The Game of Chess - Beyond Entertainment to the Manipulation of Reality

Curious about the pending reset of time? Learn more here: The Pending Reset of Time

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→ Brighteon: The Open Scroll
→ Rumble: The Open Scroll Mirror
→ YouTube: When Cometh That Thief in the Night
→ YouTube: The Open-ish Scroll
→ YouTube: These Patterns are Amazing
→ YouTube: Stormy's Reverse Speech

Friday, May 31, 2024

The Great Pyramid - P3 - Time Machine? Power Plant? Death Star? Industrial Chemicals for Mining?

In this video:

The Great Pyramid - A Weapon of Note in Extradimensional Warfare -- The Science+Magic Technologies of Angel Wars in the Heavenlies -- Part 3 - Time Machine? Power Plant? Death Star? Industrial Chemicals for Mining? None of the above, or ALL of the above?

This third installment in the series makes reference to the work of Christopher Dunn and Joseph P. Farrell and to the additional work of Geoffrey Drumm and Joe Parr.

My conclusion about the ultimate purpose of the Great Pyramid remains. It's expected to be leveraged as "the ultimate" weapon in an upcoming conflict!

And I saw the beast and the kings of the earth and their armies assembled to make war against Him who sat on the horse and against His army. ~ Revelation 19:19

To Watch: "The Great Pyramid - P3 - Time Machine? Power Plant? Death Star? Industrial Chemicals for Mining?"

(full HD version for streaming or download)

Please leave your comments here on this blog post or on the Bitchute video.

Find the "playlist" for this series "The Great Pyramid - A Weapon of Note in Extradimensional Warfare" here.

Curious about the pending reset of time? Learn more here: The Pending Reset of Time

Find our published video and audio linked on this blog's posts, and much of it here:
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→ Bitchute: The Open Scroll
→ Brighteon: The Open Scroll
→ Rumble: The Open Scroll Mirror
→ YouTube: When Cometh That Thief in the Night
→ YouTube: The Open-ish Scroll
→ YouTube: These Patterns are Amazing
→ YouTube: Stormy's Reverse Speech

Friday, May 24, 2024

Eurovision 2024 - Rampant Paganism

In this video: How does this Eurovision 2024 production rank on your weird-o-meter? Grade it on a curve given the late hour of the age. To me, it still seems pretty weird! What does it mean? Watch and see!

To Watch: "Eurovision 2024 - Rampant Paganism"

(full HD version for streaming or download)

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→ Bitchute: The Open Scroll
→ Brighteon: The Open Scroll
→ Rumble: The Open Scroll Mirror
→ YouTube: When Cometh That Thief in the Night
→ YouTube: The Open-ish Scroll
→ YouTube: These Patterns are Amazing
→ YouTube: Stormy's Reverse Speech