Friday, December 30, 2016

More videos: Pizza Esoterica 3: E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial (1982)

We're excited to announce that another new video has just been produced, the third in the Pizza Esoterica series. This time, it's all about a pizza scene from 1982's Spielberg classic, E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial. It's the scene where little Elliot encounters the alien in the tool shed. Just like with alien encounters that are abductions, anal probing is involved, although you wouldn't perceive it unless you were tracking the clues, like the pizza code. Pizza is connected with trauma-based sodomy mind control programming themes: Black Magick, sex trafficking of a young boy, torture, incest, and pedophile anal sex between minors and an adult - and reciprocal sodomy with a demon.

It's difficult to see these kinds of things, this manifest evil, even when the actions are dramatized in symbol. However, it is a witness to the reality of our world that goes on in the background of our daily lives, and a facet of reality that we should neither be ignorant about nor dismissive of. What Pizzagate has brought to light is real and this touches your life in most significant ways. If you find this subject matter disturbing, and we certainly do, avail yourself of an audience with the King of Kings, to pour out your heart before Him. He has a fit provision for you in this season, to help you endure and to find and maintain joy and peace. His love is constant.

Find the "Pizza Esoterica 3 of 8: E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial (1982)" video in the playlist here!

Curious about the pending reset of time? Learn more here: The Pending Reset of Time

Find our published video and audio linked on this blog's posts, and much of it here:
Video & Audio Catalog
Video "Playlist" Catalog

Our Channels

→ Bitchute: The Open Scroll
→ Brighteon: The Open Scroll
→ Rumble: The Open Scroll Mirror
→ YouTube: When Cometh That Thief in the Night
→ YouTube: The Open-ish Scroll
→ YouTube: These Patterns are Amazing
→ YouTube: Stormy's Reverse Speech

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

SIGNS: Warp Zone + Past 2 Present

Yesterday, on 12/27/16, I was returning home after a routine walk around the hilly neighborhood for some fresh air and exercise and I came upon this scene. I had to take a couple snaps. You might think I staged this, but no. It's just another sign. Well, signs - that are a sign. When I got home, I checked the time stamp and both of the snaps I took were at 3:33 PM.

Warp Zone - Where Past Meets Present
Past 2 Present - on a transport vehicle

The Lord keeps the reality of our predicament pretty fresh in mind, no matter how involving our other projects may become. We await a time reset. We don't yet have confirmation on when, but it's pending. We see the evidence in the Bible, in media productions and logos and works of art, and in "supernatural" signs. We have a foundation for our conviction, knowing what time it is, on the Lord's calendar, and we are very aware that this manifestation of the present is not yet what it will be!

There is a reason why the word AGAIN is used in the passage below.

8 Then the voice that I had heard from heaven spoke to me again, saying, “Go, take the scroll that is open in the hand of the angel who is standing on the sea and on the land.” 9 So I went to the angel and told him to give me the little scroll. And he said to me, “Take and eat it; it will make your stomach bitter, but in your mouth it will be sweet as honey.” 10 And I took the little scroll from the hand of the angel and ate it. It was sweet as honey in my mouth, but when I had eaten it my stomach was made bitter. 11 And I was told, “You must again prophesy about many peoples and nations and languages and kings.” ~ Revelation 10:8-11 ESV

I'll decode what we see in the logo graphic sign on the vehicle hauler, but first, I'll list some of the media that has really spoken very loudly to us recently about trending themes like how time itself is threatened, time resets, or how the present is manipulated by changing the past.

Dr. Strange (2016)
Alice Through the Looking Glass (with Sacha Baron Cohen as Time)
The Man in the High Castle - S2 on Amazon
11-22-63 - on Hulu

On Netflix:
Travelers - projecting souls into bodies living hundreds of years in the past
The OA
Sense 8

On network TV
Falling Water
The Librarians
SHIELD Ghost Rider
The Magicians
12 Monkeys

There are so many more we could add to the list, but these are the recent stand-outs. The Magicians and 12 Monkeys are included mostly because these have really been so epic and because they are returning soon with new episodes.

There's one more production that Aaron and I felt had to be mentioned here. Intersteller. Because we had a memorable sign associated with it, which you can read about here: Notes on the Trending Time Signs (4/7/16)

About the Past 2 Present graphic, here's some observations.

If you remove the P and N from PRESENT, you're left with RESET. Read backwards, the result is - RESET 2 PAST. The horizontal of the numeral 2 is an arrow vector, as pointing to the future. Backwards, as rendering - (p)RESE(n)T 2 PAST - it points into the past. A peculiar white vertical outlined in blue appears to the right of the, 2 - rendering 21, a number that signals time, eternity and timelessness. A space-time symbol appears in the XO formed as the circle of the 2 engages the Tau cross at the end of PAST on its circumference.The lining up of the double S signals the dimension transiting psychopomp, Mercury (88 day year, and S=8 when Z=1) The sun god is named redundantly, RE and from the adjacent line, RA. P and P present 11 11 when Z=1 - which is stargate code, twin pillars. When A=1, P=16, and P+P = 32 - one of the key Masonic Degrees, and this identification really resonates with us.

A familiar 3 letter word appears when you start with the A then S then down to the next line for another S. It's in that A-S-S that the phallic god is signaled (SS/88) emphasizing ritual sodomy illumination. Which explains the checkerboard pattern motif - signaling the knowledge of good and evil aquired as the gnosis and enlightenment. P-ast and P-resent = PP ~ pee pee, which goes along with the 2 as a #2, in potty code - which has a phallic arrow.

It seems worth noting that, SS, is most obviously a Nazi symbol, and that 420 (address of Warp Zone) is code for Hitler's birthday, April 20, 1889.

Some insist that we're bonkers, reading into everything what's not really there. Call it as you see it. To us, it just is what it is. And we see it everywhere - over and over and over again! There is a reason why the sovereign God gave us the 2nd commandment. It was for our protection. The sum of the influence is not without substantial impact. Open your eyes. Let the reality of this world bear witness.

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Pizza Esoterica - Another Video in Series (Deadpool, The OA, TMNT, Home Alone, Smurfs, Longmire)

The second video in the Pizza Esoterica series has been produced, continuing the work of exposing and decoding the pizza code language used by the undergrounders, Hollywood and the elite. Here, the focus is on examples where pizza is connected with mind control programming elements of incest, torture, ritual abuse, pedophelia, coprophilia, sodomy and the Spirit Cooking related cakes of light, Nazi and Neo-Nazi code and tributes to the ancient gods. You'll see clips from diverse media including, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Deadpool, Home Alone, The OA, The Smurfs, and Longmire.

Find the "Pizza Esoterica (2 of 8) - Pizzagate or The Pizza Gate? Pizza Code in Media" video in the playlist here!

Please note that this video is intended for a mature audience. We have not censored the language used in the featured media clips so it's not recommended to watch this at work with the volume up, or where others might hear and take offense.

Curious about the pending reset of time? Learn more here: The Pending Reset of Time

Find our published video and audio linked on this blog's posts, and much of it here:
Video & Audio Catalog
Video "Playlist" Catalog

Our Channels

→ Bitchute: The Open Scroll
→ Brighteon: The Open Scroll
→ Rumble: The Open Scroll Mirror
→ YouTube: When Cometh That Thief in the Night
→ YouTube: The Open-ish Scroll
→ YouTube: These Patterns are Amazing
→ YouTube: Stormy's Reverse Speech

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

New MP3 Audio is Now Available

You can now download the MP3 files made from all the recent videos of Aaron reading studies from, The Open Scroll.

You'll find them on our video and audio links page.

Now on Video and MP3: Will No One Know the Day? - from, Beyond the Veil

Another new video has just been published to our YouTube channel, with Aaron reading, Will No One Know the Day? - from, Beyond the Veil.

Beyond the Veil (2) Will No One Know the Day? - The Open Scroll

Here's an mp3: Audio Download

Sunday, December 18, 2016

The Remarkable Keystone Prophecy of 1 Kings 19

We often mention a pending reset of time and act like it's really going to happen - because it is! This isn't something we think about constantly, but its never really very far from view because, really, everything hinges on it - our hope and yours. The Lord continues to call it to our attention in ways that are sometimes pretty spectacular. We definitely get excited about the supernatural signs, which are sometimes pretty dramatic. We also get excited about insights that are opened into what is being signaled about the reset in trending media, because the Devil has to blab about what's going on via the ritual mass programming of Mystery Babylon's pharmakeia. What we get really excited about is when He opens up new insights about the time reset from the Bible! We have more to report! While it's not entirely new, it does represent a significant addition!

Last month, we published a new page on The Open Scroll that fit into the collection we call, Beyond the Veil. Just after publishing that study, called, Indications of a Time Reset in the Keystone Prophecies, I discovered another example of the keystone pattern, one that I really didn't know what to do with. Aaron and I discussed it, and like so many items that cross our desks, we kind of set it on the shelf to await further insight. Yesterday, the Lord brought such a blessing, and with His welcome provision, the record of 1 Kings 19 was subsequently added to the collection of keystone prophecies and those that indicate a time reset! Today, it is with joy that I announce this news and invite you to check it out!

The Keystone Pattern - Three Things Then the Fourth: 1 Kings 19 - Elijah's Journey and Encounter with the Lord in the Wind

Indications of a Time Reset in the Keystone Prophecies: 1 Kings 19 - The Mysterious "Echo" at Horeb

The extraordinary nested example of 1 Kings 19 brings the total number of examples of the keystone pattern to 18, if you count John 13:38, which is the foundation - or 19, if you count the doubling as separate examples. The number of keystone prophecies that indicate a time reset is now 7, and this is not insubstantial.

If you don't know how the chronology of the end times has been concealed and revealed this won't make much sense. It's our confidence in this revelation that gives us hope in this strange season, knowing that the Lord God is sovereign still - and always. In this day when the lion and the lamb has become the wolf and the lamb, there needs to be a sanity check and an anchor beyond what may have served you in past seasons. Press in to the Lord Y'shua and get everything He has for you. It's worth everything - He's worth everything!

Friday, December 16, 2016

Pizza Esoterica - Pizzagate or The Pizza Gate? Pizza Code in Media

We've just launched another video series. We published the first one and it's our expectation that at least one more will follow, Lord willing.

Find the "Pizza Esoterica (P1 of 8) - Pizzagate or The Pizza Gate? Pizza Code in Media" video in the playlist here!

The #Pizzagate controversy has captured the attention of many folks, many of whom are just now becoming aware of the reality of how the elite communicate in secret code language. We're weighing in on this topic as the Lord leads and provides, with something significant to add - insight into the meaning of the symbols - yes, but primarily, wisdom; a higher perspective! We've been tracking and reporting on the coded language of the elite for several years, but this video represents the first significant exposure of the pizza code. In an upcoming installment we expect to present a couple scenes where pizza is linked to ping pong, films that probably inspired the naming of Comet Ping Pong Pizza.

In this first installment of the planned series you'll see a range of clips that illustrate the pizza code (and hot dogs) from Inside Out, Stranger Things, Men in Black 2, Coraline, X-Men Apocalypse, Frequency, and even Katy Perry's live performances! Awaiting future installments are pizza scenes from Spielberg's E.T., Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Home Alone, The Librarians, Deadpool, Longmire, The Smurfs, The Magicians, and more!

In clips from the Netflix hit series, Stranger Things, we expose the secret of the Eggo waffles and how that's related to the pizza scene. Another surprising insight exposes how the Men in Black are secretly identified with the Nazi SS. In a surprising revelation, another clip from, Men in Black 2, bears witness to the kind of thing that has become known as, Spirit Cooking, and suggests Thelema and the OTO in their sacred communion, with mini pizza "Cakes of Light."

The term, witch hunt, comes to mind when I see how some are handling the situation, with the characteristic emotionalism and ignorance that is popularly associated with the term.

What these clips all demonstrate is that the pizza and hot dog code is the Occult language of Hollywood, as it is in Washington DC - and every other power center. It's the language of mind control programmers and slaves, who are embedded deeply among us.

About this ongoing controversy, we're glad to see people who care, seeing the evidence of such evil and wanting it to stop. We also see the enemy adeptly controlling the situation by leading the opposition.

Ask yourself, what does winning look like? What is the ultimate victory, and what constitutes a victory toward that goal. If taking direct action until a few of the people seen as responsible are behind bars will satisfy you, you're missing perspective. See the scope of this pervasive evil beyond Comet Ping Pong Pizza. You don't destroy icebergs by chiseling off the tops that stick out of the water. Even that small effort is a losing proposition. Bryan Singer is still doing what he ever did. Bill and Hillary Clinton are still free and exalted. Jimmy Savile is dead and gone, but the BBC and the Monarchy and Parliament and all their support systems are still in place. The world's religious authorities and the UN and all the courts, policing agencies and mass media put on a show of concern but are part of the system that feeds on the abuse of children and adults. The god of this world age, Satan, or Lucifer, if you will, demands worship in the way of the pizza tribute, with pedophile sex, child abuse and sacrifice, copraphagy and cannibalism. Until he's gone, his followers will worship him in the way he demands and receive from him what seems worth their very lives, and yours.

This is not to say - do nothing. If you see what's going on, pray about it, to know what the Lord Jesus Christ might ask of you. Becoming aware of the pizza code and other codes like it does have a very practical application.

If you have children, please don't trust them to the care of institutions, even where your neighbors, friends and family might be directly involved. If you're involved in the care of children or in some institution or agency that has authority - consider what you are being asked to do and asking others to do - and seek the Lord about what your greater responsibilities might be. When Cain was asked about Abel, his brother, he asked in response, Am I my brother's keeper? The Lord Jesus Christ makes it plain. Yes. Yes, we are. Don't protect the guilty. Protect the innocent.

We are really grateful to have a role in exposing these things. We are privileged to share these things with you. This is our way of alerting those who are navigating the iceberg infested waters about the dangers and how to identify the threats and respond in appropriate ways.

We encourage you to pray for those who are struggling to understand what they see. Many folks are rattled by what's being exposed, shaken to the core. The Lord Y'shua haMashiach continues to draw men, women and children to Himself in this strange season, for comfort and protection and for blessing in this age and in those to come!

Monday, December 12, 2016

Decoding: The "Shut Eye" on Hulu Promo

There's a new series on Hulu called, Shut Eye. Can you decode some of the Occult symbolism in this promotional graphic? This decoding is NSFW and intended for a mature audience because we're going to expose what it really is - a foul magickal ritual image.

What is Shut Eye? Anagram: TUSH EYE. That's where the demonic psychic powers are installed that open the shut third eye.

The TUSH EYE is the Eye of Horus, which is made completely obvious by the eye inside the mouth. This Horus Eye is anatomical and is found at the opposite end of the GI tract from the mouth that's pictured. It's the Lips and Teeth of the iconic Midnight Movie, The Rocky Horror Picture Show. (See our videos decoding the, "Let's do the Time Warp" routine.) This mouth you see is like the mouth of a river, which is a misnomer because that's not the inlet but where the water is discharged. Shut Eye is the Tush Eye, you see. ShutEye ~ Shute eye ~ Crap shoot or poop chute Eye.

One might take this also as the mouth of Isis, which Aleister Crowley contrasted with the Eye of Horus in expressing his preference of that orifice for sexual intercourse.

About the eye seen in this mouth, think, "one-eyed snake" or phallus - which reveals this as a picture of sodomy. Another slang term for the phallus is gun, and there's a pair of those in the sign. Like the eye in the mouth, these phallic objects are also in red neon. Red blood, in light. Bloody violent ritual sodomy, the kind that opens the third eye in illuminati initiation ritual.

Yes. Illuminati. See the blue neon triangle as a pyramid. The all-seeing Eye of Horus is detached, as hovering over it - just like on the most widely recognized Illuminati symbol that appears on the Great Seal of the USA.

As we have learned from one signal instance after another, the Great Giza Pyramid in the desert is often presented in a way like it is here, with the obfuscation of the pyramid seen in connection with weapons (her neon (ray) guns). In The Lake House we hear an obfuscated: “Butt Eye can Dance” at a signal moment in the film! Dancing is fighting. The Butt Eye is the pyramid, a weapon of incredible power, resonant with space and time. ShutEye ~ Shute ye ~ shoot you - bang bang.

And speaking of Isis, here's the woman, dressed up like a common picture of the Virgin Mary. AKA Isis, The Queen of Heaven. Usually there's some XO imagery to support the goddess, because the union of the X and O is claimed to establish the celestial throne of the goddess, who is pictured here with a celestial crown on her head, and who may be seated, for all we can tell. Where is it, this X union O? See the round open mouth as the O. Centered right above it is the T in shuT, which is the kind of cross called the Tau Cross, which is equivalent to the X.

Behind her and the sign are the shadows of palm trees. The palm tree imagery supports the goddess imagery as Leto, wife of Zeus, gave birth to Apollo while clinging to the trunk of a palm tree on the magical isle of Delos. (Yes, like the WestWorld corporation!) Apollo aka Horus. These are Phoenix palms, which signify, victory over death. This is the goal of the illumined, to gain eternal life outside the parameters set by the Sovereign God, which they plan to attain through the agency of another incarnation of Apollo/Horus, the antichrist beast. This is about Isis raising Osiris into Horus.

The psychic goddess appears to be labeled, PSY CHIC, with CHIC like CHICK, reference to a female. PSY CHICK, a female psychic, and as a programmed Illuminati slave she would have the Theta programming that exploits her psychic gifts, tapping into the demonic with remote viewing/astral projection abilities. Such slaves frequently have Beta sex kitten and Delta assassin alters. Thus, she's like Venus/Aphrodite - with red hot pistols in hand.

The sidewalk billboard reads, “Fortune comes at a cost.” The T in, Fortune, is right under another circle for another XO symbol. It's a starburst, star of Inanna, celestial goddess Venus symbol.

The letters on the front read down: FCC. In the US, the FCC is the agency known as the Federal Communications Commission, which operates as the official regulatory agency for interstate communications by radio, television, wire, satellite, and cable. It doesn't explicitly state that Psychic Communications are included, but, hey - what might be going on behind closed doors is not mine to say.

Saturday, December 10, 2016

Beyond the Veil - Introduction and Summary Overview - now on Video

The first two pages of the collection titled, Beyond the Veil are combined in this first in series (Lord willing) video. We consider this to be a milestone achievement and we are so grateful. The Lord's favor is awesome!

Beyond the Veil (1) Introduction and Summary Overview

Friday, December 09, 2016

Remembering J. R. Church and His Key Role in our Discovery

I'm glad to see that Prophecy in the News is revisiting this classic, a reprint of an article about how the Lord blessed brother J. R. and I in that season with a refinement of what Ernest Martin had discovered almost a decade earlier. I had learned of the interpretation of Revelation 12:1 as a celestial sign from a book called, Jesus Christ our Promised Seed, which appeared to have been inspired by Dr. Martin's work.

Exact Birthdate for Christ Discovered? Written by: J. R. Church

I wrote about it here, When Jesus was Born - The Celestial Signs, and here's J. R.'s testimony about that insight he had and the excitement of our discovery.

“Only once every 12 years will Jupiter be found in the head of Virgo. But rarely will we find Jupiter in the head of Virgo when she is clothed with the sun and the moon directly under her feet!

I called Bob Schlenker and asked him to crank up his computer program on astronomy and tell me in what year Jupiter would be found in the head of Virgo on the evening when the sun was in Virgo and the moon was under her feet.

He has one of those computer programs that can tell you precisely where any heavenly body can be found from any location on our planet at any time from 4,000 B.C. to 10,000 A.D.

It took him about 5 minutes to pinpoint the exact date recorded in the story of Revelation 12:1-5. He found Jupiter in the head of Virgo with the sun clothing the constellation and the moon under her feet on September 28, 2 B.C. The moon was .01 degrees from the sun. On the next evening, September 29, the moon was .04 degrees from the sun and moving into Libra.

Therefore, the date of 2 B.C. seems more likely to me to be the year for the birth of Christ than any other suggested date. Though calendars may change, the movement of the heavens are constant enough to give us a precise accounting of ancient events.”

He called around dinner time and I remember using an obscure shareware astronomy program on a 5 1/4 floppy disk, on my IBM-clone 286-12 with a 14" VGA monitor and a 9-pin dot matrix printer. As I recall, as long as you weren't trying to actually use Windows 3.0 for multi-tasking or run anything too serious with the native DOS 4, it worked fairly reliably. J. R. was really very accomplished with the Apple equipment, with impressive skills in desktop publishing. I believe he was very gracious to share his insight and include me in that discovery!

So, what difference does it make whether Jesus was born then or at some other time? Details matter - truth matters. While the date has become known to some, with some even discerning it from their study of the Bible and well sifted historical evidence, it's still hidden from most, obscured as one of the Lord's valuables; one of the precious keys to discerning the chronology of these end times with confidence!

Thursday, December 08, 2016

Pop Quiz - Decode "Shut Eye" on Hulu Promo

There's a new series on Hulu called, Shut Eye. Can you decode the Occult symbolism of the promotional graphic? If you can, what happens in this trailer makes perfect sense.

UPDATE: For our follow-up, see Decoding: The "Shut Eye" on Hulu Promo

Tuesday, December 06, 2016

The Story of Christmas That Should be - Heard

It's become our tradition at this time of year to call attention to something you won't hear being sung about in stores. Neither is it likely to be preached in your pulpits - but it really should be!

Nearly 20 years ago, something quite unexpected happened to me. In a memorably dramatic way, the Lord brought insight that has had a lasting impact, something we want to share with you.

In this video, Aaron is reading this study that has been featured on The Open Scroll for many years.

If you're already familiar with the legacy version, I think you'll enjoy this substantially improved edition - and the new format!

Here's some other items of interest relative to this season:

When Jesus was Born - The Celestial Signs
What Was it That is Called the Star of Bethlehem

Sunday, December 04, 2016

Decoding: The Jubilee Year of Mercy Logo - The Vatican's Dark Secrets

It's been longer than usual between the posting of our decoding effort and when we first presented this logo as a Pop Quiz. Thanks for your patience. And thank you Erin and Paul for sharing your excellent observations and insights in the comments!

Pope Francis officially closed the Jubilee Year of Mercy on the 20th of November, 2016. You may have noticed the creepy logo associated with that event. There's several layers of Occult imagery in this branding, and it conceals some of the Vatican's dark secrets. We decode it to discover what that ritual working was about. This exposes their belief in and exploitation of the ancient Pyramid Texts. The Eye of Horus is the key. You'll see layers of symbolism that expose a secret about Exodus 33 as a foundation of their spiritual authority and the incredible immunity they enjoy.

Decoding this logo and its associated mass ritual required a video, and here it is!

Caveat - NSFW - Not Safe For Work

Decoding the Jubilee Year of Mercy Logo - The Vatican's Dark Secrets

The third eye with the halo illumination is pretty obvious. The goddess imagery is expected, really - given the source. The celestial stargate known as the Silver Gate is embedded - evil genius! stacking What may be shocking is how they expertly feature the Eye of Horus. The ritual sodomizing of the Most High God is at the heart of this offensive graphic, it may be said, and this is overlaid with the illustration of a key section in the ancient Pyramid Texts. The evidence of the ritual binding of the sun god is also present. The all-seeing eye of the Illuminati pyramid is modeled in a clever way. Some notable anagrams are identified, like LUCIFER. This evil logo and motto are rich and potent!

Aaron connected the official explanation of the shared eye with the Garden of Eden. "Christ sees with the eyes of Adam, and Adam with the eyes of Christ." The Garden of Eden was where Eve conceived Cain with the Serpent and where she and Adam became like gods, knowing good and evil, illuminated by being engaged by the sodomizing Serpent. Relative to that scenario, Aaron recognized the halo as the obfuscated serpent, with the head that looks like fake Jesus' twin being that of the serpent!

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Keys to Developing a Hearing Ear - Now on video!

We're excited to announce the availability of another video, with Aaron Hermann reading one of our all time favorite studies.

Keys to Developing a Hearing Ear - Part 1

We hope to be able to supplement this with other video soon, Lord willing. Thanks for your notes of encouragement. We pray that this effort will pay huge dividends as the Lord draws you near and nearer, as the Bridegroom to His Bride!

Blessings in Y'shua!

Bob and Aaron

Monday, November 28, 2016

Decoding Neo-Nazi Codes in German Grocery Commercial

A couple days ago, news was published about a Christmas commercial accused of containing Neo-Nazi codes. This came to my attention when I visited a friend's YouTube channel, dumbbell33. He linked to the news page for Australia's 9 News, titled German supermarket denies neo-Nazi code in Christmas ad'
The codes they found were in the fake licence plates seen on 2 cars that appear in the commercial. I call attention to those and others, and some other Occult symbols in this video I published to our YouTube channel. The commercial has Neo Nazi codes 14-88, 84 and 39, and loads of SS! I don't call it out, but you will find Monarch/ MK-Ultra imagery too.

Decoding Neo-Nazi Codes in German Grocery Commercial

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Launched: The Open Scroll "Audio" Series

Sometimes, reading is just not an option. For those times, we've launched another format, with Aaron Hermann reading studies on The Open Scroll.

Okay, yes, it's video, not just audio, but you can just enjoy listening or convert these to mp3 for listening on the go.

** Update ** All 3 parts of the study called Who is Cain's Father? are now published to our YouTube channel.

Who is Cain's Father? on The Open Scroll (playlist)

Lord willing, more of these will be produced.

We are so grateful for the support we receive in sponsoring this effort; your prayers, the encouragement in word and funding. God is so good to us!

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Pop Quiz - Decode the Vatican's Logo for the Jubilee Year of Mercy

An extensive ritual recently closed with a symbolic closing of a door at the Vatican. Ominous, yes? Here's one Catholic description of what you're looking at in the official branding. There, you'll find this description.

“The motto, “Merciful Like the Father,” (taken from the Gospel of Luke, 6:36) serves as an invitation to follow the merciful example of the Father who asks us not to judge or condemn but to forgive and to give love and forgiveness without measure.

The logo features Jesus, the Good Shepherd, taking upon his shoulders the lost soul, demonstrating that it is the love of Christ that brings to completion the mystery of his incarnation ending in redemption. The image, created by Jesuit Fr. Marko Rupnik, shows that while the Good Shepherd, in his great mercy, takes humanity upon himself, his eyes are merged with those of man. ”

Here's another Catholic interpretation and here's the official website.

Every communication put out by the Vatican has to be reinterpreted. You have to decode it to discover what it really means.

Can you interpret this Occult image?

UPDATE: Our decoding work was made into a video.

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Time Reset? Really? Yes!

When we mention a pending time reset, we know it seems really fringe to some. For many, even those who have been following this blog pretty regularly, it's still pretty hard to get the mind wrapped around. We always get really excited when the Lord shines more light on how this is a reality and part of our hope, especially where it's found in the Bible! And we're really excited to announce that we just updated a page that was added to fairly recently and added a new one with some fresh insight into the pending reset!

These are both in the collection titled, Beyond the Veil. You'll want to read this one first, The Keystone Pattern - Three Things Then the Fourth, and then this one, Indications of a Time Reset in the Keystone Prophecies.

Shabbat Shalom - and blessings in Y'shua!

Bob and Aaron

Monday, November 14, 2016

Decoding John Podesta's pic with 14 and a fish drawn on his palms

This pic surfaced recently in the midst of a lot of controversy. It's John Podesta with 14 and a fish drawn on his palms.

As the story goes, Osiris was killed and chopped into 14 pieces. Isis was able to retrieve 13 of them but the penis was lost, eaten by a fish. She substituted another phallus and magically used it to bring forth Horus, from dead Osiris.

Hillary's 2016 campaign chairman has long been a Washington insider. He was Bill's chief of staff. I have no doubt that he understands and practices the secret religion of the Federal government, which is that of the illumined global elite. The iconic Washington Monument is the world's largest obelisk. This is what John Podesta is signaling, in part. The vesica piscis figure seen around the giant phallus of Osiris is the divine feminine (Isis), and that fish-phallus.

Pisces ~ piscis

A figure formed around the Washington Monument is also known as the ICHTHUS.

On this theme, the drawing of this code on his palms speak to me of the phoenix palm. It's a symbol of victory over death, as in how Isis raised dead Osiris into her son Horus, after magically fashioning a phallus to replace the one that had been eaten by the fish. In a parallel legend, Apollo (akin to Horus) was born to Leto as she clung to the phoenix palm on the magickal isle of Delos.

With his hands in that position, John is signaling a squared circle, framing his round face as inside a square. The grid of ceiling tiles completes the square. This form is linked to Freemasonry (squaring the circle as an adept with a square and compass) but this is really a sign of the act of sodomy, a ritual act through which he was very likely illumined and initiated into the ancient sun cult.

("Crocodile Smiles" video published on Dec 17, 2018)

Friday, November 11, 2016

FAQ About Time Travel - Evil Genius Subtlety and Range and MK-ULTRA Programming Cues - Part 9: TTSP Series

It's been nearly 4 months since the last installment in this series was published - we've been busy! Like in Part 8, we give the British film called “FAQ About Time Travel” some well deserved attention. There's a wide range of subtle instances of the pairing of time travel and sodomy programming that we expose in this installment. We also give attention to some of the celestial stargate and trauma-based Illuminati mind-control programming cues we found woven into this unassuming Occult film, which openly draws upon and gives tribute to so many science fiction classics of this era.

Due to blocking polices relating to content rights claims, this “Fair Use” video is not expected to be available for viewing on our YouTube channel.

Time Travel and Sodomite Programming in Film and TV - Part 9 - FAQ About Time Travel - Evil Genius Subtlety and Range and MK-ULTRA Programming Cues

Wednesday, November 02, 2016

The Open Scroll for the Nations

We'd like see The Open Scroll become more accessible to our brothers and sisters in Christ who don't read English. Can you help? Is there a study or a post that has touched your life that you would like to translate - or to see translated? Let us know.

A small work has already begun, Le Parchemin Ouvert. When there is something substantial to publish, we will give notice, Lord willing.

Are you familiar with the parables on the talents and minas in Matthew 25 and Luke 19? The lesson about what is expected of us as stewards is sobering. This is not a matter to be taken lightly.

The following passage also speaks to me.

35 Jesus was going through all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues and proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every kind of disease and every kind of sickness. 36 Seeing the people, He felt compassion for them, because they were distressed and dispirited like sheep without a shepherd. 37 Then He said to His disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. 38 Therefore beseech the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into His harvest.” ~ Matthew 9:35-38

Pray with us accordingly, for the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into His harvest. “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few." If you can do more than pray, we invite you to do so, as the Lord leads and provides.

Tuesday, November 01, 2016

Decoding the Kenzo World Fragrance Film

We just published a new video, explaining the symbolism in the short film/commercial promoting ZENZO World fragrance.

Decoding the Kenzo World Fragrance Film

It's a dramatization of MKULTRA/Monarch programming, the triggering of a "secret agent, sent on a mission to assassinate a target. The short film stars Margaret Qualley. Directed by Spike Jonze.

Monday, October 31, 2016

More Observations on the Watch Season

Between the time of the previous post and the initial watch report we observed some other news that spoke to us as being worth reporting.

Before we get to that lets consider what it means, the point of this exercise that seems so peculiar to some. Watching, first, is simply being obedient to what the Lord commanded us to do. Mark 13:37. There's a special benefit in the practice of informed watching, which is based on a sense of knowing what to look for and when to look for it. Seeing recognizable signs validates the reasoning behind the determination of the what and when. It's pretty simple really. What is being validated by the observations in this season supports what was already witnessed in previous rounds, which we've addressed at length elsewhere. This watching is rooted in a confidence in a knowing of the times and seasons. (Will No One Know the Day?) The sign of 1991. The count of Shemitah from that Yom Teruah. The template of the Shemitah matching the creation week and the millennial week, according to the secrets of Psalm 90:4. The thing that is still the most strange is being mindful that time itself has, in this season, been skewed in some way, and that the sad result is that our hope is deferred as we await the pending reset that will set us back on the biblical prophetic schedule, back into the past.

Here's the events that project into this season from the millennial week.

We're also watching for signs of the mark of the beast because this is the time during the prime Shemitah when we anticipate the full implementation. While we see MOB signs pretty constantly, that doesn't mean we can just ignore them in this brief season when they have special significance.

This watch season has a pivot on Yom Teruah, October 2, and which corresponds to the Creation week transitioning from the 4th to the 5th days.

One passage linking the creation week and the millennial week has a focus on this transitional season, John 1, because this is the dawning of the Sun of Righteousness.

Here's some items we noted, some of which speak to us as being pretty significant.

October 4 - Exclusive - Yahoo secretly scanned customer emails for U.S. intelligence: sources * Surveilance toward Control
October 10 - Exclusive: ‘3-parent’ baby method already used for infertility * DNA merging (triple-helix) - Dad, Mom and the Beast
October 28 - The Watson AI Is Hitting the Road in 2017: IBM and GM Team up for OnStar Go * Surveilance toward Control

Day 4 of Creation week Also, the Magi see His star in the rising and visit Jesus as a young child. Star as angel.
Lights in the heavens + IS(I)S goddess + MOB extra-terrestrial or non-human celestial life
WHAT THE HELL IS IT? Mystery as alien hunters catch bizarre UFO spotted on International Space Station live stream (10/2/16) - “It is now being used as the latest amongst UFO enthusiasts to promote the existence of extra terrestrial life.”

October 3 - Sprites Dance Above Hurricane Matthew

Day 5 of Creation week
Genesis 1:21a: “God created the great sea monsters”
The scheduled events were disrupted by rain (Hurricane Matthew) during the NASCAR weekend in Dover DE. The track is called the Monster Mile.

Genesis 1:21a: “God created the great sea monsters” - MONSTER HURRICANE SWIRLS IN CARIBBEAN - Hurricane Matthew - the name of the Apostle and the 1st book of the New Testament

Genesis 1:20: “birds of the air” - Many churches in the United States celebrate the Feast of St Francis of Assisi on October 4 each year. The feast commemorates the life of St Francis, who was born in the 12th century and is the Catholic Church’s patron saint of animals and the environment. It is a popular day for pets to be “blessed”.

Jesus of Nazareth was probably seen by most as illegitimate, a bastard. ("Born of a virgin? Sure. Right. Nice story.") In most of the important watch seasons over many years of watching, Bill Clinton is usually in the news modeling something fit for the informed watching. Bill is always presented as an antichrist figure, a beast, a counterfeit Bridegroom. Danney Williams-Clinton, who claims to be his love-child, has been in the news during this watch season. Beast reproduction MOB sign and also a birth in the counterfeit messianic line.
October 31 - 'CLINTON'S BLACK SON' TO MAKE 'BOMBSHELL ANNOUNCEMENT' - Sources believe it will 'rock Hillary's campaign'

Bill was also in the news on October 5, pictured wearing a kippah at the funeral of Shimon Peres.
Did Peres’s Death Signal End of Josephic Messiah and Beginning of Davidic Messiah? - “When Shimon Peres, last of the leaders who founded the modern state of Israel, was eulogized last Friday by a historic gathering of over 90 world leaders from over 70 countries, it dramatically and emphatically marked the end of an era for Israel. One noted rabbi and educator recognized an even more significant transition taking place: the end of one Messianic age and the beginning of another. In Jewish tradition, there are two stages in the Messiah: initially Moshiach Ben Yosef (Messiah from the house of Joseph) and, subsequently, Moshiach Ben David (Messiah from the House of David).”

Did you catch that?

...the end of one Messianic age and the beginning of another

The so-called "slaughter of the innocents" due to Herod's decree
October 2 - El Salvador judge reopens case of 1981 civil war massacre * Mostly women and children - revisiting a crime from the past

In Poland, thousands of women were protesting the near-ban on abortion - for their right to "slaughter the innocents," as it were.
October 3 - Polish women hold nationwide strike against abortion ban “Warsaw (AFP) - Tens of thousands of black-clad women protested across Poland Monday against a proposed near-total abortion ban in the devoutly Catholic country, where the law is already among the most restrictive in Europe.”

Jesus was found in the Temple when he was 12.
Likely, this was for his bar mitzvah. This would have been at the age of 12 instead of 13 due to his presumed illegitimate status.
October 2 - 113 Years And Counting: World’s Oldest Man Celebrates Bar Mitzvah “The world’s oldest man, Holocaust survivor Yisrael Kristal, celebrated his bar mitzvah this weekend — 100 years late. Born in Poland in 1903, Kristal studied Hebrew and Jewish law as a youngster. But he missed his bar mitzvah — a Jewish coming-of-age ceremony celebrated when a boy turns 13 — because of World War I....Kristal was officially recognized as the world’s oldest man by Guinness World Records in March 2016.”

Baptism of John and Jesus
October 2 - An underground Christian ministry is claiming a “miracle” saved its some 50 people from an attack today by Islamic militants following the secret baptism of 24 Muslim converts near the Arabian Sea.
October 16 - Over 1,000 Muslims in Mideast, Africa and Asia Await Baptism as They Are Set to Begin New Lives as Followers of Christ

Death of Jesus & Resurrecton
October 26 - Exclusive: Christ's Burial Place Exposed for First Time in Centuries
Restorers working in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Israel uncover stone slab venerated as the resting place of Jesus Christ.

October 30 - Jesus's tomb opened for first time in centuries * slab put back in place after THREE DAYS - the length of time Jesus' body was in a tomb before he was raised from the dead, rolled away the stone and left.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Watch Report

We're still in the watch season for first century signs, according to the esoteric principle of Psalm 90:4. We've reported some (Yom Teruah - The Initial Watch Report) but most of what we've seen hasn't been reported yet. We still hope to get to that. Meanwhile, we'll address the latest signs.

Here's the projection into our calendar.

64 AD >> October 26, 2016 | Apostle Paul's and Apostle Peter's Death
70 AD >> October 28, 2016 | Seige of Jerusalm and destruction of Temple by Rome (Titus)
73-74 AD >> October 29, 2016 | The siege of Masada
100 AD >> November 8, 2016 | Apostle John's death

With regard to the destruction of Jerusalem by Rome, we have a sign. Earthquakes used to be called, acts of God. Jerusalem is known as the city where God dwelled or had his throne.

Powerful earthquakes hit Italy shaking Rome's ancient ruins 'including Colosseum and Pantheon'

The epicentre was in countryside 80 miles from Rome.

Leading up to that: Published: October 20, 2016 : BATTLE SITE FOUND WHERE ROMANS BREACHED JERUSALEM WALLS - Discovery confirms Josephus' account of conflict nearly 2,000 years ago

Here's another article about the earthquakes.

Gone in 16 seconds: The devastating moment a 700-year-old church crumbles into dust as two immense earthquakes bring fresh heartache to Italy

A church. It's considered to be a house of God. 700 years ~ 70 AD x 10

Aaron noted these observations about the church incident. It was 14th century - which means 1300's - time number 13. Crews couldn't get started because of the rain - water as time. The "rose window facade" of the church was seen to fall to rubble - goddess crashing down. Second quake was two hours after the first - 120 minutes - time number 12.

The temple mount with its still-ruined condition has been in the news recently.

Published: October 13, 2016: U.N. BODY VOTES TEMPLE MOUNT NO LONGER JEWISH - 'What's next? A decision denying the connection between peanut butter and jelly?'

Published same day as the quakes outside Rome: October 26, 2016: For First Time Ever, Jews Allowed to Pray on Temple Mount as Thousands Ascend for Holidays

Here's another one from today that points back to the 1st century. Exclusive: Christ's Burial Place Exposed for First Time in Centuries - Restorers working in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Israel uncover stone slab venerated as the resting place of Jesus Christ.

UPDATE - Another registering 6.6 on October 30 - (Reuters) INTERVIEW- Italian earthquakes could go on for weeks in domino effect -scientist

"ROME, Oct 30 (Reuters) - The earthquakes that have buffeted central Italy over the last two months could continue in a devastating domino effect with one large quake leading to another along the central Apennine fault system, a leading seismologist warned on Sunday. An earthquake measuring 6.6 according to the U.S. Geological Survey struck on Sunday in the same region where a 6.2 quake on Aug. 24 killed 297 people. In between there have been thousands of smaller tremors, including a 6.1 quake on Wednesday. The latest earthquake caused no known casualties but was the strongest to hit Italy, one of the world's most seismically active countries, since 1980."

Friday, October 21, 2016

“Skylanding” - Yoko Ono's Globe Spanning Magick Ritual Evokes Horus

Yoko Ono is the famous ex-wife of John Lennon, murdered member of the iconic band, The Beatles. She's a professional musician and artist (and is openly lesbian/bi-sexual - claiming, Yoko Ono: “I had an Affair with Hillary Clinton in the ’70s”). She also appears to be a witch, as revealed by her working of a magick ritual under the guise of a permanent art installation called, Skylanding. You would be wrong to simply dismiss this as harmless artsy new age nonsense. This is a public exhibition of the mastery of space and time. It's openly claimed to be intended for one kind of magickal-supernatural ritual but, beyond that, it actually celebrates and evokes the antichrist beast and his mark through the agency of the ancient gods. If your eyes are opening to understand biblical symbols and the way of the Luciferian elite with their Occult symbol language, the nature and purpose of this ritual working should become rather obvious.

We'll feature excerpts from this article by Sam Cholke, October 17, 2016.

Yoko Ono Unveils Her First Installation In America In Jackson Park

“HYDE PARK — On Monday, Yoko Ono unveiled her first permanent art installation in the United States, a sculpture that will live on Wooded Island in Jackson Park. For more than a year, Ono has been working on “Skylanding,” a dozen lotus-shaped metal petals that have been installed between two large berms just outside of the island’s Japanese garden. ”

Later in the article, we learn about the companion work to the sculpture.

“Ono will travel to the Art Institute on Tuesday to reveal a companion work to the Jackson Park sculpture. “Mended Petal” will be the 13th petal of the “Skylanding” work and Ono will help to symbolically repair the petal in the Japanese tradition of kintsugi. The event will finish a “ground healing” ceremony Ono started last year before starting on the “Skylanding” piece about bringing the past and the future together in the present to create harmony.”

If you understand how the number 12 signifies time, and 13, the mastery of time, when you read that “Skylanding” is “about bringing the past and the future together in the present,” you know this is more than just a casual work of art. “Mended Petal” became the 13th petal Tuesday in a completion ritual. Yoko performed the ritual working herself in the role of a high priestess and as a goddess of time.

Jackson Park is in Chicago. Many of the city's icons have to do with the subject of time, and this factors in to the potency of the ritual working. Father Time is featured downtown on The Jewelers' Building.

The Fountain Of Time is a massive statue located in Washington Park, dedicated in 1922. It was inspired by Henry Austin Dobson's poem, "Paradox of Time," and it features fully 100 figures passing before Father Time. It's only a few blocks away from Jackson Park. As a fountain, the metaphor of water as time is certainly in play.

If you're familiar with our videos about, The Lake House, you may recall that it was filmed in the city and in another park not far away, on Maple Lake. Another classic, Somewhere in Time (1980), was filmed in Chicago, and also on Mackinac Island, Michigan. There's Millennium Park, with a millennium being time, of course. There's Daly Plaza, homonym: DAILY. Each film and other media production, statue and art installation and similar element that relates to time, time travel and time warping draws from and adds to the area's mojo. There's some spiritual reason why Chicago is so identified with time travel and it's probably rooted way back into the past.

Jackson Park's iconic statue is the goddess, dating back to the 1893 Worlds Fair. The Statue of the Republic. During the Columbian Exposition, as it was called, a full size statue faced a domed building, which represents the womb of the goddess. Between them was the Grand Basin, which was for boating and could also be considered as a reflecting pool. Reproductive ritual. Water as time.

The setting of Yoko's exhibit leverages the water as time metaphor because it's on Wooded Island, so it's surrounded by water. The 12 petals were set in the ground between two large berms. This sets it within a standing wave of time, ritually.

“'Beauty is important to us,' Ono said after a team of dancers pulled the wrappings off her work. 'Beauty tells us what things are.' She said beauty gives people an incredible high and she wanted her new work to usher in an age of joy.”

She wanted her new work to usher in an age of joy. To usher in - an age. That kind of working requires a time ritual and Yoko just performed one.

“Bob Karr, president of Project 120, a nonprofit pushing for investment in Jackson Park, brought Ono to the park in 2013 to see if she wanted to tackle a space on the island left empty since the Phoenix Temple burned down in 1946. 'Her vision was for the sky to land here, cool it and thereby heal it,' Karr said.”

Yoko's vision is for the sky to heal the ground, and this is an expression of intent for the ritual working. There are two elements that point to Horus as the inspiration of her vision for this ritual. One is the history of the location, with her art installation being where the Phoenix Temple had been. The other is her choice of a lotus flower as the solitary design element.

The legendary phoenix is the firebird that rises from its own ashes. Yoko's magickal working ritually raises the phoenix from its ashes, giving it continuity through time. Her “bringing the past and the future together in the present to create harmony” involves this Japanese pavilion that was built for the Columbian Exposition. That building was based on the famed ancient Ho-o-Do (Phoenix Hall) of the Byodo-in Temple in Kyoto. In the East, the phoenix bird is a little different from the West's version, but Jackson Park's signifies the firebird as making reference to the Great Chicago Fire of 1871. It is notable that most of the Expo and park burned to the ground in January (the month dedicated to Janus, god of time) of 1894, just after the World Fair closed. The Phoenix Pavilion/Temple burned to the ground in 1946. There's a trend. The phoenix signifies the feathered serpent, the dragon, Amaru and Horus. It's a symbol of hope in his return! Yoko's ritual is working toward that end, which the lotus petals confirm. The only remaining part of the original Phoenix Temple is at the Art Institute, which is the location where Yoko performed the Kintsugi ritual repair of the 13th “Mended Petal” to complete the working. This reveals her intent to ritually connect the piece with its origin, through time and space, raising the phoenix from the ashes of the past.

Kintsugi ("golden joinery"), also known as Kintsukuroi ("golden repair"), is the Japanese art of repairing broken pottery with lacquer dusted or mixed with powdered gold, silver, or platinum, a method similar to the maki-e technique. As a philosophy, it treats breakage and repair as part of the history of an object, rather than something to disguise. ... Kintsugi is the general concept of highlighting or emphasizing imperfections, visualizing mends and seams as additive or an area to celebrate or focus on rather than as absence or missing pieces. (Wikipedia)

Yoko's working thus becomes an integral part of the history of the phoenix. The 13th petal, the “Mending Petal” is the key. The numbering has to do with the mastery of time and the combination of rebel, lord and beast.

Let's consider the symbolism of the lotus flower in this setting.

Yoko Ono unveils lotus-petal sculpture in Chicago park

“Ono says the artwork is a "place where the sky and earth meet and create a seed to learn about the past and come together to create a future of peace and harmony, with nature and each other.”

What kind of seed is she talking about?

The following is what I wrote in the post, Part 33 - Celestial Stargates - The Flowering Lotus that Terrifies Obama in “I, Pet Goat II”

Helena P. Blavatsky was the co-founder of the Theosophical Society, which is the religion of the U.N. as seen in their relationship with the Lucis Trust. She wrote “Isis Unveiled” in 1877, which she claimed was directly transmitted through channeling from the Goddess Isis. Blavatsky has been honored by such students of her works as Aleister Crowley, Adolf Hitler and Heinrich Himmler. She recording the following observations.

“In chapter lxxxi. of the Ritual (Book of the Dead), called “Transformation into the Lotus,” a head emerging from this flower, the god exclaims: “I am the pure lotus, emerging from the Luminous one. . . . . I carry the messages of Horus. I am the pure lotus which comes from the Solar Fields. . . . . The lotus-idea may be traced even in the Elohistic chapter, the 1st of Genesis, as stated in Isis.” (The Secret Doctrine by H. P. Blavatsky — Vol. 1, Page 380 LOTUS AND LILY. § VIII. THE LOTUS, AS A UNIVERSAL SYMBOL.)

She connects the lotus to the creation account, and to the messages of Horus in quoting the ancient Egyptian compilation known as the Book of the Dead. Heliofant's imagery flows from this fount of esoteric knowledge. There is more meant by the lotus flower as the one carrying the messages of Horus because it represents the actual physical incarnation of the messianic Horus, as brought forth by Isis through union with Osiris. HPB began the text excerpted above with the following explanation on p. 379.

“There are no ancient symbols, without a deep and philosophical meaning attached to them; their importance and significance increasing with their antiquity. Such is the Lotus. It is the flower sacred to nature and her Gods, and represents the abstract and the Concrete Universes, standing as the emblem of the productive powers of both spiritual and physical nature. ...The lotus is the two-fold type of the Divine and human hermaphrodite, being of dual sex, so to say. The spirit of Fire (or Heat), which stirs up, fructifies, and develops into concrete form everything (from its ideal prototype), which is born of water or primordial Earth, evolved Brahma — with the Hindus. The lotus flower, represented as growing out of Vishnu’s navel — that God resting on the waters of space and his Serpent of Infinity — is the most graphic allegory ever made: the Universe evolving from the central Sun, the point, the ever-concealed germ.”

What kind of seed was Yoko talking about, the ever-concealed germ? She used the merging lotus in a space-time ritual, drawing from that emblem of Vishnu's resting on the waters of space and his Serpent of Infinity. She wanted the sky to touch the ground and heal it.

“Ono will travel to the Art Institute on Tuesday to reveal a companion work to the Jackson Park sculpture. “Mended Petal” will be the 13th petal of the “Skylanding” work and Ono will help to symbolically repair the petal in the Japanese tradition of kintsugi. Ono started last year before starting on the “Skylanding” piece about bringing the past and the future together in the present to create harmony.”

“Bob Karr, president of Project 120, a nonprofit pushing for investment in Jackson Park, brought Ono to the park in 2013 to see if she wanted to tackle a space on the island left empty since the Phoenix Temple burned down in 1946. Karr said.”

The lotus ritual cannot be divorced from connection with the Egyptian Book of the Dead, Isis and Horus. There is in this lotus ritual a drawing from and corruption or perversion of the working of creation itself, as recorded in the book of Genesis.

There are a few more observations that should be made in closing.

The lotus is very dramatically connected with Obama in “I, Pet Goat II,” and this has to do with bringing forth Horus in concrete manifestation as the antichrist beast during his administration. (Likely timeframe is post-time-reset) See the post linked above to see the relevance. On July 27, 2016, President Barack Obama officially selected Jackson Park in Chicago as the location where his presidential library would be built. Obama and the Lotus - together in Jackson Park.

The earth and sky motif and the history of Yoko and Jackson Park intersect in the matter of warfare. Here are a few of the many salient observations that could be made on the topic.

“He praised Ono's as a good friend with a big heart whose work has often dealt with themes of the sky and peace, informed by her own experiences in Tokyo during World War II. "This is a woman who at the young age of 10 woke up to 10,000 incinerator bombs being dropped on Tokyo," Karr said. So it is perhaps fitting that her work is so close to where the Phoenix Temple was burned down by arsonists.

The arsonists must have been very personally impacted by Japan's actions during WWII.

“Ono says the artwork is a 'place where the sky and earth meet and create a seed to learn about the past and come together to create a future of peace and harmony, with nature and each other.'”

“The event will finish a “ground healing” ceremony” -- “Her vision was for the sky to land here, cool it and thereby heal it” -- “where the sky and earth meet”

Incinerator bombs dropped on Tokyo - falling from heaven to earth.

During the Cold War, part of Jackson Park contained a Nike Surface-to-Air Missile site and the nearby "Point" was used as its radar station.” (Wikipedia)

In the 1950s, Jackson Park's Wooded Island was almost leased to the Army to become the location of an anti-aircraft installation, but was strongly protested against, as the Park District had given the Army other location options and Jackson Park's Wooded Island was spared.” (Wikipedia)

Radar station - on the ground looking for threats in the sky
Surface-to-Air Missile site - and nearly an anti-aircraft installation - firing from the ground into the sky
Nike - the goddess

We have noted how Yoko was involved with ritual magic during the season of the 2012 Olympics, where time ritual was witnessed that may well be responsible in no small degree for this season where time itself has been strangely skewed. In another Hyde Park, in London, her work was featured at the Serpentine Galleries. This suggests a ritual space-time connection between the works and recalls Vishnu's Serpent of Infinity, evoked by the lotus petals. That temporary exhibit ran for 12 weeks, stamping that TIME period with the primary time number.


“TO THE LIGHT at the Serpentine Gallery was part of the London 2012 Festival, a spectacular 12-week UK-wide celebration featuring internationally renowned artists from Midsummer's Day on 21 June to the final day of the Paralympic Games on 9 September 2012.”

See also, for more about Yoko Ono in that season - Yoko Ono Introduces Butt-Baring Men's Line