Sunday, June 30, 2019

Bob and Aaron (June 29) on the reset of time in scriptures, signs - with preaching

Hi everybody!

Another time sign involving a RESET was witnessed while we were recording the previous session and then producing that video where Ezekiel 47 was highlighted! We talk about that and much more in another video chat in the three-part format!

  • The prophetic feeding of the 4000 (Matthew 15-16 / Mark 8)
  • The triquetra symbol as TIME - Past, Present and Future - and the intersection
  • Dark - Season 2 (Netflix) - dancing ALL OVER the primary themes
  • The sign of 6/28/19 - power outage and water flow RESET
  • A recent prophetic word given to Aaron
  • The report of dates to expect arrival of Yom Teruah in 2019
  • The requirement of competing according to the rules

* Spoiler Alert for: "Dark" Season 2
Skip over from 27:31 through 48:05

Bob and Aaron (June 10) - more testimony about the pending reset of time!

Curious about the pending reset of time and what it means to you?

See: The Pending Reset of Time

Friday, June 28, 2019

Epic prophetic scenario - Ezekiel 47 illustrates reset of time

A little over a month ago, a friend asked the Lord: "God, please give me an insight about the time reset".
What she got was Ezekiel 47. She shared this with me in an email, saying, "Measured four times then turned talks to me about time reset." And so it does to us! We expound and celebrate it - and you may want to bring your dancing shoes to the party!

A special new and very exciting page is featured in this video: An Interactive Presentation of Ezekiel 47 - Thematic Symmetry

Epic prophetic scenario - Ezekiel 47 illustrates reset of time

Curious about the pending reset of time and the chronology of the end times?
See: The Pending Reset of Time

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

"Highwire Live in Times Square" - Bob and Aaron on June 24 - Scriptures, Signs, and the Provision of Forgiveness

Hi everybody! Love and many enduring blessings in Y'shua!

In the latest video we talk about timely scriptures, signs, and minister to the saints.

  • Introducing a keystone pattern in Exodus 6
  • Introducing the spacetime dividing theme from Psalm 74
  • The Ouroboros - illustrating the time reset * devoured and devouring
  • "Highwire Live in Times Square" with Nik and Lijana Wallenda - a time space ritual!
  • Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. S6E6
  • Freddie Mercury (from out of the past) 'Time Waits For No One'
  • The Provision of FORGIVENESS

Bob and Aaron on June 24 - Scriptures, Signs, and the Provision of Forgiveness

Saturday, June 22, 2019

A new video and format - recorded June 21

Bob and Aaron talk about familiar themes and minister a sobering message.

Got questions? We encourage you to explore these resources as you seek to satisfy your curiosity.
The Pending Reset of Time

We're introducing a more structured format for this type of presentation, which we intend to continue as the Lord provides.

A: Scripture of keystone/reset
B: Signs of the reset of time, in media, etc.
C: Preaching / Practical matters

In this latest video of a chat session recorded on June 21, we talk about:

A: The curious echo events in John 18 and 1 Kings 19 plus the epic revelation of Genesis 29


  • Why Everyone's Leaving YouTube - 2019 energy harvest - to a large degree this is about being "Demonitized" or DEMON-itized i.e. devil spirit possession - the terminology of YouTube/Google/Alphabet
  • Speaking from the heart and bearing witness to the holy spirit about the coming season and our preparation

Bob and Aaron talk - in a 3 part format - recorded June 21

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

The Pending Reset of Time

Update: This post was formerly offered as the essential guide and central resource to help you come to grips with the pending reset of time in the context of the unfolding revelation of the end times.  Now, we recommend a page that is much more streamlined and simple, so follow this link: The Pending Reset of Time

We now believe that we know when time is going to be reset! We're not claiming, thus saith the Lord, but, with the accountability of watchmen on the wall, we must give a faithful report.

In the middle of February 2021, I had an insight, and in less than a week, Aaron and I were brought to a level of confidence that's far beyond any previous time! Back in 2019, we didn't think we had any revelation insight or the kinds of signs that we needed to fully convince us. Although we were very, very hopeful that time would be reset in that season of the Fall holy days, we tried to temper our expectations accordingly. That was then. What we've witnessed recently has already convinced us that we've learned when time will be reset!

The insight simply had to do with what year the reset will happen. The basis for this involved drawing a logical conclusion. The validation involved many indicators, not the least of which was a word that Aaron received on Yom Teruah in 2019.

We were already convinced that time will be reset back when the lawless one will be in the midst of being revealed, interrupting that event. We believe that will happen on the 13th day of the 1st month (called by some Aviv or Nisan) on the Lord's calendar - in the year 2022. This day will most likely arrive around the full moon of April 16. As always, future dates are never known with exactness until the barley and new moon watches.

Why the Spring of 2022? The revealing of the lawless one is appointed for the third year of the shemitah of fulfillment. And so the pattern goes for any shemitah cycle in this period of the counting off from the celestial sign of 1991. This is according to theory and observation over many years, with shadows cast very distinctly into 2001, 2008, and 2015, which was duly witnessed and documented on The Open Scroll.

For more, see this video: When will time be reset? This is an announcement we've been looking forward to making for years!

First, if my expectations about dates throws up a red flag (date setter) for you, I invite you to challenge what you've been taught because what the Bible actually says about the subject stands in stark contrast to the popular theory. See: Will No One Know the Day?

He who gives an answer before he hears, It is folly and shame to him. ~ Proverbs 18:13

Some will know the times, even when the Lord comes for His Bride.

Jesus upbraided the crowds in Luke 12:56, saying,  "You hypocrites! You know how to interpret the appearance of earth and sky, but why do you not know how to interpret the present time?"

How about you and me? Where do we stand? The hour is late. Much has been revealed about the times but precious few are able to interpret the present time.  

The next big thing on the Lord's calendar is probably not what you think it is. Signs of the impending arrival of the beasts and the implementation of the mark of the beast abound. However, there's a twist in the plot, so to speak. While that prophesied scenario is to be watched for, the dangers are more like a dress rehearsal. "Showtime" is coming, but there's something that must come first. It's not "the rapture" but something that involves the fullness of the preparation for the season when the beasts will actually be revealed. 

How do we know? Profound insight into the scriptures providing specifics, like the celestial sign of 1991 and the Keystone Pattern.  Dreams and visions and revelations. Signs including the controversial phenomenon called the Mandela Effect. Testimonies of people involved in the enemy's work. Secrets divulged by the Occult Elite in media productions and entertainments. These are independent witnesses and they set forth a very consistent message. To most, there is no evidence whatsoever. To those of us whose eyes have been opened to see what's being revealed - this an incredibly exciting season!

Time itself is going to be reset back, and we believe we will find ourselves back in 2012. It's not "time travel," technically, but a literal reset of time itself. This return back to a former time has a precedent in the sign that was long ago given to King Hezekiah, when the shadow of the sun was made to go back 10 steps or degrees on the sundial of Ahaz. The reset will effectively terminate this "spurious timeline" that we recognize as our present reality. It will establish the biblical timeline as that which has been prophesied in the biblical text.  Only then will the appointed Harvests of the earth manifest! 

11 Who considers the power of your anger, and your wrath according to the fear of you? 12 So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom. 13 Return, O Lord! How long? ~ Psalms 90:11-13a

8 I heard, but I did not understand. Then I said, “O my lord, what shall be the outcome of these things?” 9 He said, “Go your way, Daniel, for the words are shut up and sealed until the time of the end. 10 Many shall purify themselves and make themselves white and be refined, but the wicked shall act wickedly. And none of the wicked shall understand, but those who are wise shall understand. ~ Daniel 12:8-10

If you want to see some of the content we've published that might provide more insight, here's a short list.  

We have published extensively with posts to this blog and videos to our video channels and studies to our site,  Back in 2019 we offered the following collection of resources to help you get a leg up. 

These are not matters of secondary importance. 

Here's that collection.

Got questions? You may find this post and brief video helpful: FAQ - Top Ten Questions About the Pending Reset of Time.

Here's a solid recommendation. Get familiar with these three:

When Cometh That Thief in the Night - Preface * The Unfolding Revelation of the Chronology of the End Times

Introduction and Summary Overview of, When Cometh That Thief in the Night

The Keystone Pattern, Extended Keystone, and the Reset of Time

We put together this video series of most of that collection of studies on called, When Cometh That Thief in the Night.

Signs in abundance have attended the outpouring of insight about the schedule of the pending reset. Some of these are absolutely remarkable! This video series tells some of that important story: Signs Attending the outpouring of insight about the schedule of the Reset of Time.

Because so few people are able to get hold of what we say in the video about one subject in particular, we're going to elaborate a little here.

What will you remember or take with you after time has been reset back to 2012? This is a concern but one that many are giving far too much of their attention. You cannot send a list of notes-to-self into the past, and it wouldn't help if you could. Is God unable to alert and inform you about what you need to know? Both now - and then? What is truly important in this season is what may be laid up in store that is of the eternal and not the temporal realm, of "the grain of salvation." The Lord is good and He cares more than you and I possibly could! He absolutely will manage with perfection the matter of every person's birth (and "un-birth"), of every person's death (and "undeath"), and every minute detail of what pertains to salvation. If you trust in that you can move ahead with peace of mind and a strategy that works toward the best outcome for you, personally, and for the body of Christ - even toward the ultimate restoration of all things in ages to come. What you do now does matter because this season serves an important purpose and you may well have an important part in it.

Here's a playlist of related videos: The Pending Reset of Time - making sense of how we know its coming and when

Post #1 - About the Schedule of the Pending Reset of Time - A brief review of some of the signs received in connection with the outpouring of insight about the schedule of the pending reset of time.

Post #2 - Featuring the devoured shemitah 860 and the devouring shemitah 861 from Exodus 7 (staff/serpent of Moses devours staffs/serpents of Pharaoh's magicians) and Genesis 41 (Joseph interprets Pharaoh's dreams about the 7 years of plenty followed by 7 years of famine.

Post #3 - Featuring the devoured shemitah 860 and the devouring shemitah 861 in Genesis 29 where Jacob labors 7 Years for Rachel twice under contract with Laban.

Post #4 - Featuring the miraculous sign attending Bob's hearing of Henry Gruver's Rabbi and gold dust story with Henry's 12 arrows in the quiver and 1 in the bow. Also featuring Daniel 3 and the repetition of the specially numbered Hebrew word for, furnace.

Post #5 - Continuing the theme of the shemitah-referencing of Strong's H860 and H861 plus the shemitah-referencing of Strong's G860 and G861.

Post #6 - More insights into key shemitah-numbered Strong's words (relating to a donkey) and the relationship with the scripture that declares the celestial sign of 1991.

Post #7 - Features the remarkable acrostic Psalm 119 as a highly ordered prophecy of the end of this timeline in 2019 and the branching off a new beginning. This presents an exhibit of the mastery of time with 11:11, menorah, and "Code 88" celestial themes.

Post #8 - Presenting the symmetrical special collection of 15 Psalms (1/10 of the book!) that are the "Songs of THE Degrees" (of the sundial sign to Hezekiah). These follow on the tail of Psalm 119 and support the "Hidden Prophecies in the Psalms" theory that Psalm 119-as-2019 functions as a hinge for the reset of time back into the past.

Post #9 - This begins with a report about the miracle sign of the clocks flashing 1:19 and some reflection on the miraculous sign from Yom Teruah 2014 of the fallen apple clock with an ejected battery that expires in 2019. Then, we continue with the acrostic Psalm 119's time-soaked "Mem" and 13th set and how it exhibits the Keystone pattern, discussing also the relevant linking to Revelation 10 and Psalm 19.

Post #10 - Proverbs 30 is featured with its sets of riddles exhibiting the Keystone pattern. This highly esoteric chapter also suggests the "reset" pattern of the shemitah, devoured and devouring. An interactive presentation is embedded here for your exploration and inspiration. Also featured is a signal event that was addressed when we last wrote about Proverbs 30, the Vancouver Winter Olympics pyramid cauldron glitch signs.

Post #11 - This post is all about a remarkable sign, highlighting the extended Keystone pattern. This involved tax voucher forms, American flag stamps and an uncanceled "Forever" stamp that completed "the mission"!

Post #12 - Job models the doubled shemitah with his doubled life. Beyond that the keystone pattern appears in the series of tragedies - and the extended keystone pattern appears in the series of those who lecture Job. There's a cryptic referencing of Job in Luke 22 and a profound reference to Job in James 5:7-12 (includes a presentation of thematic symmetry).

Post #13 - Featuring the extended keystone pattern encrypted into the travels of Joseph's brothers back and forth between Canaan and Egypt in the account spanning Genesis 42-46. This is a hugely significant passage of scripture that puts emphasis on the importance of the grain of salvation, a key metaphor. We also address the time-signaling combo of numbers 12 and 5, a time mission and the doubled shemitah.

Post #14 - The book of Esther pivots around the drama of evil Haman's plans for Mordecai and the Jews, and Esther the queen's role in turning around the fortunes of God's people. At the heart of the story, the extended keystone pattern appears in the three days of fasting followed by the two days of banqueting. A familiar time-reset model is evident in the book's structure.

Post #15 - When Joshua led Israel into the promised land the miraculous crossing of the Jordan River was prophetic. Many very significant things were done that may be recognized as space-time ritual. With nested keystone patterns (fractal) and time reset implications, the account recorded in the Joshua 3-5 has a lot to reveal about the pending reset of time. This study includes an interactive thematic presentation of the text of Joshua 3:1-5:1.

Post #16 - A sign attended the outpouring of insight about the keystone patterned moving of the stones at Israel's miraculous crossing of the Jordan River. This sign involved stone moving and plumbing-ceramic tank leaking or water and a stone fountain. The fountain's design illustrates the keystone pattern as it functions with a circulation of water-as-time. Also, we present the "We can ERASE time!" Groupon email promo of TIME TO ERASE TIME!

Post #17 - Picking up where we left off in Post #15, the action of the narrative is modeled in the structure of the text. Consider the ways of the crossings of the stones ritual and in the crossing over of the Jordan by the nation of Israel, and their nesting in space and time.

Post #18 - Picking up where we left off in Post #17, the circles of stones in the Jordan and at Gilgal are enormously significant. The wall around Jericho is a related circle of stone. The implication of connecting space-time rituals is awesome! Also addressed are the echoes through time into our near future.


Israeli scientist, Saul Kullok, discovers significant evidence of the end coming in 2019! - An Israeli scientist discovers time-space formula (akin to David Flynn's) that points to 2019 as marking the final return of exiles into the promised land - fulfilling Hebrews chapters 3-4 on the basis of Joshua's crossing of the Jordan.

Secrets of The Crossing (ABC Network) - This is a highly recommended witness to the end of this timeline in 2019!

More suggestive "time reset" NLP from Target email ad
Update and another ad with time reset trend
7 years younger! Turn Back the Clock!
"Reset" trending in the news
The Arrow of Time and its Reversal

12:21 - Some Time Code Signaling and Signs Links (in chronological order) :

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

FAQ - Top Ten Questions About the Pending Reset of Time

1. Is the reset of time addressed in the Bible? Where and how?

Yes, the reset of time is in the Bible, hidden in plain sight! So far we've found more than 51 examples spanning from Genesis to Revelation. A good place to start looking into this is in our video series that begins with one titled, The Pending Reset of Time - making sense of how we know its coming - and when (Part 1)

What we know about the reset of time was inspired by some simple revelation insight but comes from our study of the Bible. We learned that the reset of time has been part of His great plan. It's a strategic maneuver and a key to achieving victory in the war that His enemies so desperately want to win. There is an appointed biblical schedule that will be fulfilled - right on time as it must be.

2. Do you have any proof of your claims?

We aren't trying to prove anything, here. We are tasked with reporting, according to the Lord's provision, for the preparation of His people. The testimony is being set before you with witnesses of many kinds, from the biblical text, from signs and from media productions and however else it appears to be echoing or reverberating or resonating. If this is perceived as evidence and the weight of it is compelling, there is conviction, faith.

3. Why isn't anybody else talking about the reset of time?

How many witnesses do you think you need? Let your reading of the Bible inform you that there is no safety in numbers but only a false assurance. The record is consistently this, that most people are deceived and only a very small number actually love and receive the truth.

4. Can I opt out of this?

No, this is not something you can opt out of, and rejecting or denying it won't help you. It's just something that is going to happen.

5. Will there be many returns back or time loops, like in the movie Groundhog Day?

No, just one return back. This is clear from the biblical record.

6. How do we know time hasn't been reset already?

We know because of what has been prophesied to happen in the years 2012-2019, because several key transitional events and their schedule have been revealed. These have not happened yet but they will on the appointed schedule after time has been reset.

7. I am starting to think time will be reset, but what does it mean for me, personally?

When it begins to sink in that time is actually going to be reset there is typically a very emotional response. If you have been living with the expectation that your life in this world will just continue on pretty much as it has, this revelation will be a shock. Because time is being reset back to 2012, you may have reflected upon how things went for you personally since 2012. For some, a return back to that time is very welcome but for others this is an absolutely horrifying prospect, because bad things happened or there is a fear of losing what has been gained. If you are struggling let us encourage you by offering some perspective. This is not about your personal situation, it's bigger than you. It's about the Lord's plan for the salvation of all flesh and the redemption of all things.

Do you trust the Lord Y'shua, in His goodness, that love is His very nature? Do you trust that He is unchangeable in His nature? If you do, there is nothing to fear. If you haven't learned to trust Him yet, well, here's your opportunity. Get to know Him better and you will trust Him more, and He will trust you more because you will be earning His trust.

8. What about people who have died since 2012 and people who have been born, or born again? If time is going to be reset, why does it matter what we do now?

Has God neglected to account for such matters? No. His accounting is perfect. His ways are higher than our ways. Trust Him. He is faithful and endlessly good!

9. Will I remember what has happened in this season after time is reset to 2012?

Probably not. We believe a very small number will. The value of what is wrought in this season does not depend upon remembering. God remembers, and what He intends to persist will persist and it will accomplish what is intended.

10. I believe time will soon be reset. I'm a little frantic. What should I do - or, what can I do about it?

You have come to believe this for a reason, so you can prepare. This is for us as individuals and for us as a family. Get tight with God and love and serve Him! The choices you can make here and now have to do with your role both now and after the reset. Can you pray? Pray! Can you contribute in some way with your gifts as the Lord inspires and provides? Do so!

13 The end of the matter; all has been heard. Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man. 14 For God will bring every deed into judgment, with every secret thing, whether good or evil. ~ Ecclesiastes 12:13-14

FAQ - Top Ten Questions About the Pending Reset of Time

Monday, June 10, 2019

Bob and Aaron (June 10) - more testimony about the pending reset of time!

In a session recorded on June 10, Bob and Aaron talk about more witnesses testifying about the pending reset of time!

  • Raleigh Richie "Time in a Tree" echoes the Keystone Pattern
  • The Avengers
  • Star Wars
  • Game of Thrones
  • Dark Phoenix - X-Men
  • Deadwood
  • The Big Bang Theory
  • Tyler Perry's Family Funeral
  • Orange is the New Black
  • James Bond 007
  • The Umbrella Academy

Spoiler Alert for: The Umbrella Academy - a Netflix Original series
Skip over from 40:20 through 41:43

Bob and Aaron (June 10) - more testimony about the pending reset of time!

Curious about the pending reset of time and what it means to you?

See: The Pending Reset of Time

Sunday, June 02, 2019

Updates from Bob

Hi Everybody,

We haven't been able to publish anything lately because of a combination of issues including that my Dad had a stroke. He has lost a lot of mobility and some degree of function. We're still in the early process of evaluating his condition and whether he can have an operation that might help his recovery. How that might impact his need for additional care is unknown, of course.

He lives in NY so that's where I've been. My 2 sisters have been doing what they can, and with my flexibility in schedule, I've been staying with him since he was discharged from the hospital. I'll be in NY to help with follow-up appointments. At this point, I might be able to return to PA this week, with my sister filling in for me as caretaker for the time it will take to travel, take care of some business, and return. That's the plan but we're still taking everything very tentatively. According to the Lord's provision.

And, according to the Lord's provision, Aaron and I intend to be continuing with the video and blog ministry, and attending to email and comments. We continue to log our observations and make note of the timely observations and insights you pass on to us.

We still need your support, depending on you as much as ever, your prayers (Thank you so much!) and your financial support (again, thank you!) and your encouragement. We know many of you are dealing with very significant challenges in this season, with huge impact on your lives. We know this is related to no small degree to what will be going on at this time in the shemitah to come. Patient endurance and a commitment to persist in well-doing is essential for victory, and we pray that you will find the fullness of Lord's bountiful provision. He is so good to His beloved!

Blessings in Y'shua!
