We'll feature excerpts from this article by Sam Cholke, October 17, 2016.
Yoko Ono Unveils Her First Installation In America In Jackson Park
“HYDE PARK — On Monday, Yoko Ono unveiled her first permanent art installation in the United States, a sculpture that will live on Wooded Island in Jackson Park. For more than a year, Ono has been working on “Skylanding,” a dozen lotus-shaped metal petals that have been installed between two large berms just outside of the island’s Japanese garden. ”
“HYDE PARK — On Monday, Yoko Ono unveiled her first permanent art installation in the United States, a sculpture that will live on Wooded Island in Jackson Park. For more than a year, Ono has been working on “Skylanding,” a dozen lotus-shaped metal petals that have been installed between two large berms just outside of the island’s Japanese garden. ”
Later in the article, we learn about the companion work to the sculpture.
“Ono will travel to the Art Institute on Tuesday to reveal a companion work to the Jackson Park sculpture. “Mended Petal” will be the 13th petal of the “Skylanding” work and Ono will help to symbolically repair the petal in the Japanese tradition of kintsugi. The event will finish a “ground healing” ceremony Ono started last year before starting on the “Skylanding” piece about bringing the past and the future together in the present to create harmony.”
If you understand how the number 12 signifies time, and 13, the mastery of time, when you read that “Skylanding” is “about bringing the past and the future together in the present,” you know this is more than just a casual work of art. “Mended Petal” became the 13th petal Tuesday in a completion ritual. Yoko performed the ritual working herself in the role of a high priestess and as a goddess of time.
Jackson Park is in Chicago. Many of the city's icons have to do with the subject of time, and this factors in to the potency of the ritual working. Father Time is featured downtown on The Jewelers' Building.
The Fountain Of Time is a massive statue located in Washington Park, dedicated in 1922. It was inspired by Henry Austin Dobson's poem, "Paradox of Time," and it features fully 100 figures passing before Father Time. It's only a few blocks away from Jackson Park.
If you're familiar with our videos about, The Lake House, you may recall that it was filmed in the city and in another park not far away, on Maple Lake. Another classic, Somewhere in Time (1980), was filmed in Chicago, and also on Mackinac Island, Michigan. There's Millennium Park, with a millennium being time, of course. There's Daly Plaza, homonym: DAILY. Each film and other media production, statue and art installation and similar element that relates to time, time travel and time warping draws from and adds to the area's mojo. There's some spiritual reason why Chicago is so identified with time travel and it's probably rooted way back into the past.
Jackson Park's iconic statue is the goddess, dating back to the 1893 Worlds Fair. The Statue of the Republic. During the Columbian Exposition, as it was called, a full size statue faced a domed building, which represents the womb of the goddess. Between them was the Grand Basin, which was for boating and could also be considered as a reflecting pool. Reproductive ritual. Water as time.
The setting of Yoko's exhibit leverages the water as time metaphor because it's on Wooded Island, so it's surrounded by water. The 12 petals were set in the ground between two large berms. This sets it within a standing wave of time, ritually.
“'Beauty is important to us,' Ono said after a team of dancers pulled the wrappings off her work. 'Beauty tells us what things are.' She said beauty gives people an incredible high and she wanted her new work to usher in an age of joy.”
She wanted her new work to usher in an age of joy. To usher in - an age. That kind of working requires a time ritual and Yoko just performed one.
“Bob Karr, president of Project 120, a nonprofit pushing for investment in Jackson Park, brought Ono to the park in 2013 to see if she wanted to tackle a space on the island left empty since the Phoenix Temple burned down in 1946. 'Her vision was for the sky to land here, cool it and thereby heal it,' Karr said.”
The legendary phoenix is the firebird that rises from its own ashes. Yoko's magickal working ritually raises the phoenix from its ashes, giving it continuity through time. Her “bringing the past and the future together in the present to create harmony” involves this Japanese pavilion that was built for the Columbian Exposition. That building was based on the famed ancient Ho-o-Do (Phoenix Hall) of the Byodo-in Temple in Kyoto. In the East, the phoenix bird is a little different from the West's version, but Jackson Park's signifies the firebird as making reference to the Great Chicago Fire of 1871. It is notable that most of the Expo and park burned to the ground in January (the month dedicated to Janus, god of time) of 1894, just after the World Fair closed. The Phoenix Pavilion/Temple burned to the ground in 1946. There's a trend. The phoenix signifies the feathered serpent, the dragon, Amaru and Horus. It's a symbol of hope in his return! Yoko's ritual is working toward that end, which the lotus petals confirm. The only remaining part of the original Phoenix Temple is at the Art Institute, which is the location where Yoko performed the Kintsugi ritual repair of the 13th “Mended Petal” to complete the working. This reveals her intent to ritually connect the piece with its origin, through time and space, raising the phoenix from the ashes of the past.
Kintsugi ("golden joinery"), also known as Kintsukuroi ("golden repair"), is the Japanese art of repairing broken pottery with lacquer dusted or mixed with powdered gold, silver, or platinum, a method similar to the maki-e technique. As a philosophy, it treats breakage and repair as part of the history of an object, rather than something to disguise. ... Kintsugi is the general concept of highlighting or emphasizing imperfections, visualizing mends and seams as additive or an area to celebrate or focus on rather than as absence or missing pieces. (Wikipedia)
Let's consider the symbolism of the lotus flower in this setting.
Yoko Ono unveils lotus-petal sculpture in Chicago park
“Ono says the artwork is a "place where the sky and earth meet and create a seed to learn about the past and come together to create a future of peace and harmony, with nature and each other.”
“Ono says the artwork is a "place where the sky and earth meet and create a seed to learn about the past and come together to create a future of peace and harmony, with nature and each other.”
What kind of seed is she talking about?
Helena P. Blavatsky was the co-founder of the Theosophical Society, which is the religion of the U.N. as seen in their relationship with the Lucis Trust. She wrote “Isis Unveiled” in 1877, which she claimed was directly transmitted through channeling from the Goddess Isis. Blavatsky has been honored by such students of her works as Aleister Crowley, Adolf Hitler and Heinrich Himmler. She recording the following observations.
She connects the lotus to the creation account, and to the messages of Horus in quoting the ancient Egyptian compilation known as the Book of the Dead. Heliofant's imagery flows from this fount of esoteric knowledge. There is more meant by the lotus flower as the one carrying the messages of Horus because it represents the actual physical incarnation of the messianic Horus, as brought forth by Isis through union with Osiris. HPB began the text excerpted above with the following explanation on p. 379.
“There are no ancient symbols, without a deep and philosophical meaning attached to them; their importance and significance increasing with their antiquity. Such is the Lotus. It is the flower sacred to nature and her Gods, and represents the abstract and the Concrete Universes, standing as the emblem of the productive powers of both spiritual and physical nature. ...The lotus is the two-fold type of the Divine and human hermaphrodite, being of dual sex, so to say. The spirit of Fire (or Heat), which stirs up, fructifies, and develops into concrete form everything (from its ideal prototype), which is born of water or primordial Earth, evolved Brahma — with the Hindus. The lotus flower, represented as growing out of Vishnu’s navel — that God resting on the waters of space and his Serpent of Infinity — is the most graphic allegory ever made: the Universe evolving from the central Sun, the point, the ever-concealed germ.”
What kind of seed was Yoko talking about, the ever-concealed germ? She used the merging lotus in a space-time ritual, drawing from that emblem of Vishnu's resting on the waters of space and his Serpent of Infinity. She wanted the sky to touch the ground and heal it.
“Ono will travel to the Art Institute on Tuesday to reveal a companion work to the Jackson Park sculpture. “Mended Petal” will be the 13th petal of the “Skylanding” work and Ono will help to symbolically repair the petal in the Japanese tradition of kintsugi. Ono started last year before starting on the “Skylanding” piece about bringing the past and the future together in the present to create harmony.”
“Bob Karr, president of Project 120, a nonprofit pushing for investment in Jackson Park, brought Ono to the park in 2013 to see if she wanted to tackle a space on the island left empty since the Phoenix Temple burned down in 1946. Karr said.”
The lotus ritual cannot be divorced from connection with the Egyptian Book of the Dead, Isis and Horus. There is in this lotus ritual a drawing from and corruption or perversion of the working of creation itself, as recorded in the book of Genesis.
There are a few more observations that should be made in closing.
The lotus is very dramatically connected with Obama in “I, Pet Goat II,” and this has to do with bringing forth Horus in concrete manifestation as the antichrist beast during his administration. (Likely timeframe is post-time-reset) See the post linked above to see the relevance. On July 27, 2016, President Barack Obama officially selected Jackson Park in Chicago as the location where his presidential library would be built. Obama and the Lotus - together in Jackson Park.
The earth and sky motif and the history of Yoko and Jackson Park intersect in the matter of warfare. Here are a few of the many salient observations that could be made on the topic.
“He praised Ono's as a good friend with a big heart whose work has often dealt with themes of the sky and peace, informed by her own experiences in Tokyo during World War II. "This is a woman who at the young age of 10 woke up to 10,000 incinerator bombs being dropped on Tokyo," Karr said. So it is perhaps fitting that her work is so close to where the Phoenix Temple was burned down by arsonists.
The arsonists must have been very personally impacted by Japan's actions during WWII.
“Ono says the artwork is a 'place where the sky and earth meet and create a seed to learn about the past and come together to create a future of peace and harmony, with nature and each other.'”
“The event will finish a “ground healing” ceremony” -- “Her vision was for the sky to land here, cool it and thereby heal it” -- “where the sky and earth meet”
Incinerator bombs dropped on Tokyo - falling from heaven to earth.
“During the Cold War, part of Jackson Park contained a Nike Surface-to-Air Missile site and the nearby "Point" was used as its radar station.” (Wikipedia)
“In the 1950s, Jackson Park's Wooded Island was almost leased to the Army to become the location of an anti-aircraft installation, but was strongly protested against, as the Park District had given the Army other location options and Jackson Park's Wooded Island was spared.” (Wikipedia)
Radar station - on the ground looking for threats in the sky
Surface-to-Air Missile site - and nearly an anti-aircraft installation - firing from the ground into the sky
Nike - the goddess
We have noted how Yoko was involved with ritual magic during the season of the 2012 Olympics, where time ritual was witnessed that may well be responsible in no small degree for this season where time itself has been strangely skewed. In another Hyde Park, in London, her work was featured at the Serpentine Galleries. This suggests a ritual space-time connection between the works and recalls Vishnu's Serpent of Infinity, evoked by the lotus petals. That temporary exhibit ran for 12 weeks, stamping that TIME period with the primary time number.
“TO THE LIGHT at the Serpentine Gallery was part of the London 2012 Festival, a spectacular 12-week UK-wide celebration featuring internationally renowned artists from Midsummer's Day on 21 June to the final day of the Paralympic Games on 9 September 2012.”
“TO THE LIGHT at the Serpentine Gallery was part of the London 2012 Festival, a spectacular 12-week UK-wide celebration featuring internationally renowned artists from Midsummer's Day on 21 June to the final day of the Paralympic Games on 9 September 2012.”
See also, for more about Yoko Ono in that season - Yoko Ono Introduces Butt-Baring Men's Line
ReplyDeleteAnother witch, like Hillary, promoted by the Satanic Network