If you read through the comments left on the viral YouTube video it's obvious to many that this is really about sex.
Some inspiration might have been taken from this scene from 1993:

What none of the Watermelon Sugar commenters seem to have grasped is that there is much more to this watermelon bit than melon-breasts and "love" juices - and some of it is really very dark and disturbing.

If you are familiar with this 11 part video series called Watermelon Love & Code 54 you will probably recognize many of the same elements in "Watermelon Sugar." That music video features another layer of symbolism that we have actually been exposing for several years; ritual sodomy. For more info, we recommend this blog series: The Sodomite Gateway. There is also a layering of symbolism that makes this very evidently a space-time ritual, with some Code 88 and the setting at the beach, the shore.
The video begins with this title screen: "This video is dedicated to touching. May 18, 2020"
During the Covid-19 season of "social distancing" that makes sense, since there's plenty of intimate contact in the music video.
It starts out with Harry enjoying a simple watermelon breakfast on the beach and it turns into a beach party that is more like an orgy, with erotic scenes of lesbian sexuality and ecstatic pleasure.
The breakfast scene features the color orange, a color used to signal ritual sodomy. Orange juice, orange tablecloth and effeminate orange shirt. Wearing sungl-ASS-es, naturally. He's wearing pink nailpolish, singing "tastes like strawberries." Hey - if it's about watermelon sugar then why sing about strawberries? The strawberry is slang for the anus, an abused anus. That's a gross breakfast, and that's the way of sodomite ritual.
Watch the video and you'll see these elements being featured:
Venus (the pentagram (witchcraft) earrings are a symbol of Venus, the planet and goddess of love)
These elements are what we call Code 54 because of the values of the letters in the words. You can use this app to look them up. Occult Code (Gematria) Calculator App

We believe some words have to be considered code 54-ish, because it is the "mean" value.
anus (the strawberry) 55/53
nailpolish 52/56
There is a pedophile angle to Harry Style's flamboyant style because the red heart sunglasses is a Lolita symbol. "Pedophile" is Code 54, as is "sunglasses Hearts" and "red."
"sugar" and "gay" are code 33. The stylized heart shape of some of the sungl-ASS-es is a butt shape.

The beach party orgy-like lesbian activity is not very subtle. What is more subtle is the playful scene where people fall onto a blanket, all in a line. Have you ever watched, The Rocky Horror Picture Show? "Let's Do the Time Warp Again" - that song and dance routine, literally and figuratively, is a modeling of the "male train" sodomite orgy. That's what we see in Watermelon Sugar.
At 1:02 a woman is sitting on the beach with a watermelon pressed up against her crotch. This is two things. One, she is pleasuring herself in way that caused some viewers to recognize the watermelon-as-vagina metaphor in their comments. Two, she has just given birth to the watermelon-as-baby. This is a reproductive ritual that layers up several code 54 elements, watermelon, vagina, red, navel, and the code 54-ish, nailpolish.
The worst of the offensive song and music video has to do with the watermelon sugar high that Harry sings about, which he can't live without. This is not simply about orgasmic pleasure, or homosexuality or even pedophelia. Remember, the woman gave birth on the beach to a watermelon - which they were consuming ecstatically! It's an energy raising and harnessing ritual. Watermelon-as-baby. What we see in "Watermelon Sugar" is a party where people are experiencing orgasmic ecstasy while eating watermelon-babies. Watermelon sugar high is a reference to the extreme high attained from ingesting adrenochrome which is the adrenaline-rich blood and flesh of traumatized victims. If this doesn't make sense to you or you find it hard to accept this interpretation, we recommend watching all the videos in the Watermelon Love series. Pay close attention to where little Jimmy turns into a watermelon - and the other children eat him up. See the entertainment industry for what it is - as real magicians plying their trade as they harness YOUR energy toward their selfish ends.
So wicked. Thanks for exposing them.
ReplyDeleteIs green the only color that symbolizes positive things? I know it can mean poison, but is more often a sign of truth and life, especially immortality. All the other colors in the visible spectrum seem to herald bad stuff. White and black, too, have their meanings.
ReplyDeleteEvil is as prevalent in the world as is Covid19 and way more deadly. It's scary out there and not because of viruses.
Thanks for keeping the faith and keeping us all informed.
Actually, green is the occult color of the devil, as revealed through the Illuminati programming color code.
ReplyDeleteWe know that the Creator made colors - as with all things. The devil works with what he can while he can, and ultimately this will be found to have served the purposes of the Most High God - Who is truly good and Who knows the end from the beginning.
green symbolizes the mask of loki - and dionysus- God of pleasure and intoxication... many become addicted and intoxicated about the pedovore watermelon obsession and these people(demons) really must have been bredin to this culture as the rituals are usually familial (illuminti families of incest and hardcore inversion and ritual abuse...
ReplyDeleteI actually worked this out myself intuitively . Yep seems watermelon is code for Adrenochrome sick people.
ReplyDeleteVery informative
ReplyDeleteI found out myself then look if somebody else had same idea and wow found this thanks very much