The TV show, Departure, is now playing on the Peacock channel. The final episode of season 1 is called, Endgame, which seems fitting because of the symbolism shows us the actual "endgame." It features a black box that was recovered from a submerged aircraft in a race against time. Submerged in water as time, and water is 22 in gematria. When they play back what was recorded on the Black Box (BB=22), they found what they were looking for at 3 hours 42 minutes. Do the math. (3x60)+42=222! The crew had discovered that the NAVI system had been hacked, which was responsible for the crash. They tried to solve the problem, which required rebooting the computer(666). Does this seem familiar? It sure does to us!
I recently watched a YT vid from the PBS Space Time channel called, "Does Time Cause Gravity?" When I heard the speaker say that "THE WARPING OF TIME CAUSES GRAVITY," I reflected upon a very familiar line of scripture in the 18th chapter of John and the insight I had about it. In verse 6 we see people drawing back and falling to the ground, right where the reset of time back into the past is being modeled. We've talked about this previously about how their falling back to the ground suggested a gravity wave in connection with a time wave and warp.
Again, if it's not what we think it is, then WHAT IS GOING ON?!?!?!?

Here's a study referenced in the video: John 17:1-18:9 - Interactive
Curious about the pending reset of time? Learn more here: The Pending Reset of Time
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