- The Matrix Resurrections targeting 12.22.21 - a palindrome/mirror of time numbers pivoting on 22
- On The Occult Meaning Of The Term "COVID" - Solve et coagula - "The Alchemical Processing of Humanity through Public Psychodrama"
- This rebate returns her money back to her with an expiration date of 2/22/2022
- National Geographic Instagram post calls the pyramids of Giza "time machines" and says they "snap us back in time like rubber bands."
- Starbucks makes 22 the new number of K-cup pods in a package Decoding the Kourig 11-22-33 wordmark
- Jack Reacher (2012) features a bold 666 marking of the Pittsburgh location that was staged by assassins to frame their patsy.

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...like a dog pisses on his teritory..they the cabala li.za.r.d.s are marking their territory