Saturday, April 20, 2019

The OA - The cryptic ending as a magick reality interface

We explain the controversial ending of The OA. The show has several Occult layers that are expertly woven together. In the first installment, we focused our attention on a cryptic scene that hints at the pending reset of time. There's more of that in this follow-up, where we put the reality bridging ending of the show on exhibit.

The OA - spills the beans on The TIME RESET (Part 2)


  1. Hello i have seen this blog for some time. Its very good. great Information.I recently saw something on broadcast/regular TV that hints on the 7 year time reset. The Orvile new episode season 2 Tommorow Tommorow and Tomorow'' A character is suprised to find herself 7 years Younger due to a Time distortion. Hail Jesus. He returns very soon.

    1. Thanks for the tip. I just checked it out, and watched the 13th minute to see if there was any time binding. There is! When the counter hits 12, that 13th minute is soaked in time language.
