Wednesday, September 04, 2019

1 Kings 19:3-21 (6 keystones) and the resonating reset of time - with Bob and Aaron

In this latest video we feature more deep insights into the scriptures (with another new interactive study) and resonant indicators of the pending reset of time - and preach!

1 Kings 19:3-21 (6 keystones) and the resonating reset of time - with Bob and Aaron

"In the Ballpark" - the Jerusalem-time "reset" countdown clock

The presentation of the context that frames 1 Kings 19:3-21 is here: 1 Kings 18-19 (1 of 3 - the framework) - Interactive

Curious about the pending reset of time? See The Pending Reset of Time


  1. Thank You Brothers! Blessings and much love to you in Our Lord Yeshua. Your ministry is invaluable.
