"Fruit that comes from heaven"
"Quench your thirst forever"
REALLY? Anybody read John 4 and John 6 lately?
Plenty of Love Code 54 obsession here! "WATERMELON," "RED," "HOOP," "SHOOTING HOOPS"
More reference is made here to Aleister Crowley's Book of Lies, Chapter 46: Buttons and Rosettes.

Curious about the pending reset of time? See The Pending Reset of Time
I know this is not the right place to contact you in this regard but i thought you needed to see this: By sister Barbra (278pikelk)
ReplyDeletePrepare for a long labor
Posted on March 19, 2020
My daughter, write My words for those with ears to hear. With all the distractions gone, many will seek Me now, but just for a time. It may seem for some time in the future that things are getting better. There will be many turning to Me as they experience My justice falling upon their lands. Many will be thankful that they have been spared and receive Me into their hearts. Still, there will be some that remain in the darkness. Many of My messengers and prophets are jumping ahead. They refuse to see that I still have things I need to accomplish within My creation. This plague you are seeing spread across your earth is simply a birth pain. There are many more to come, My loves. During this time, you will observe the enemy attempting to carry out his plans, and many will be affected by greater earthquakes, tidal waves and weather events. Many will be shaken so that turning to Me will be their only option. For My own, this will be a time of further refinement, a time of refreshing and even jubilee, for it is My good pleasure to shower My own with My blessings. Be careful, My love, as to whose truth you believe. Will it be Mine or those that wish to cause you fear. Fear is not of Me, My children, and I will keep you on the wing of My protection when you rely upon Me. Some will be disappointed in hearing these words, as many have run ahead proclaiming an immediate rescue scenario for My church. Sadly, these false reports will leave many disappointed, as My timing is My own, and it will not be skewed. They present small pieces of My puzzle as if they are able to see My entire grand plan, filling in the blanks with their personal intuitions. This is why I ask, My children, come to Me directly through prayer and seek Me in My word, as things will not come to pass as quickly as many have proclaimed. Many birth pains coming closer and closer together lead to the eventual crowning of a baby. True birth pains are just beginning. The water has not yet broken, and your earth will be experiencing a much longer labor than many have suggested. Do not be fooled by these who wish to run ahead promoting their own intuitions and sharing their own thoughts as if they are My truth. These would serve Me better by remaining silent, as presenting their own predictions does nothing to further My kingdom. Itching ears long to hear that they will be subject to nothing. These place their hopes in the words of men as opposed to Me. I promote myself with love and hope through words of promise, not demise. Seek My wisdom to discern, for much of what My messengers have warned of will come to pass eventually, but all according to My timing. Again, My own will witness much, but you will be called upon to share My love and peace throughout this portion of your journey home. Do not be dismayed if the journey seems longer than you’ve been led to believe, and do not be surprised when you see My own basking in My victory, and darkness being defeated before your very eyes. There is much to come, but in My perfect timing, not on a false timeline that many have presented. Take these opportunities to share My love and shine My peace that resides within you. Allow these things to come to pass throughout this time, seeking My wisdom and walking in the assurance of the blessed hope that resides within your hearts. Do not become weary, My children, for I am here to renew you and to renew your strength, so that you will be strong towers for those that have yet to know Me. You will present to Me a great harvest, but only when it is fully ripened. This process will not be rushed. I love you, My children. Yeshua Ha’Mashiach
That is not consistent with the reality of the season; the reset of time is a key factor.
ReplyDeleteThank you! "not on a false timeline that many have presented." this is the part that caught my eye.
DeleteI see. thank you, Myna!