Thursday, April 21, 2022

Apocalyptic NEWS: Is Nuke war waiting for planets to align? They ARE! CERN Restart! High Ritual

Discussed in this video:

  • If Russia intends to start a nuclear war, what are they waiting for? The planets to align? They actually are aligning, and this kind of thing has a huge impact on the yield of nuclear weapons.
  • April's Celestial Signs? conjunction of Saturn and Mars (Time War) and conjunction of Jupiter and Venus (union of King and Queen)
  • CERN's LHC is scheduled to restart this week
  • The High Satanic ritual sacrifice season is nigh
  • Easter Bunny saves Commander-in-Chief. Confidence inspiring?

Apocalyptic NEWS: Is Nuke war waiting for planets to align? They ARE! CERN Restart! High Ritual (full HD version for streaming or download)
Apocalyptic NEWS: Is Nuke war waiting for planets to align?
Apocalyptic NEWS: Is Nuke war waiting for planets to align?

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1 comment:

  1. adrenogate dot net and
