Wednesday, July 26, 2023

A Big Encouraging Sign! The Lazarus Project and a return back to 2012

Last night, I called Aaron on the phone and woke him up. And, he was glad I did! I had been watching the latest episode of a TV series and I recognized a sign that was worth getting excited about! I had to share it with Aaron, and we want to share it with you! It's not the missing piece of the puzzle we're looking for, but it's still very encouraging!

To Watch: "A Big Encouraging Sign! The Lazarus Project and a return back to 2012"

(full HD version for streaming or download)

Please leave your comments here on this blog post or on the Bitchute video.

Resources referenced in the video:

Part 1 - The London 2012 Olympics: Revisited
The Pending Reset of Time

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→ YouTube: These Patterns are Amazing
→ YouTube: Stormy's Reverse Speech


  1. Anonymous3:33 PM

    Excellent! Thank you and blessings.

  2. Christine from the UK12:49 AM

    I was wondering when you would get to the end of the Lazarus Project. When I saw it, I thought the same that time reset was going to mean a replay of the Olympics in 2012. CERN was very active at the beginning of July 2012.
