Monday, July 17, 2023

What's the Piano Got to do With Death and Birth? - Part 2: 17 MORE Examples of "Either/Or"

This post announces a video presentation and supplements it with some detailed observations about the nature of the content.

Here's 17 MORE examples from 9 different shows that illustrate how the piano is linked either with death, or with life, even birth.

To Watch: "What's the Piano Got to do With Death and Birth? - Part 2: 17 MORE Examples of "Either/Or""

(full HD version for streaming or download)

Please leave your comments here on this blog post or on the Bitchute video.

Find the "playlist" for this series here.

Resources referenced in the video:
Janus Ritual - Real, Effectual - and Common!
Find the "playlist" for the piano stargates series here.
Find the "playlist" for the Piano-Janus series here.
Find the "playlist" for Donnie Darko - The Tale of a Spurious Timeline, here.

Clip list:

1) Hand of God S1E2
2) Hand of God S1E10
3) The Goonies
4-6) The Road
7-8) Donnie Darko
9) WestWorld S4E3
10) Fringe S2E22
11) Fringe S5E11
12-15) The Pianist
16) Automata
17) Midsomer Murders S8E8

Hand of God S1E2 & S1E10

Scene (in chapel - move dead body):
gun-12/252(12*21), flock-88 of doves, brick brick BB-22-88, Pastor Pianist-88 (pp-22), Playing Piano (pp-22) on the bench-22
dead-22 body
Just out of clip range: "NOW it's-12 TIME we open-13 our doors" * Janus god of time rules over doors

Scene (policeman confronted):
woman rises from the piano*88 bench-22 when men enter the chapel through the doorway-88(Janus) under the EXIT-22 sign-22 to confront the policeman-88
"What the-12 f-ck-22 are-21 you doin-21/252 (12*21) here-18/216 (6*6*6)."
"I'm-22/13 the-12 one who brought you here-18/216...bugged my car-22/13...Dropped a few bread-21 crumbs-22..."
"...wasting each others' TIME."
Set against the window-88 with an angel-21 statue overlooking
"...hell-222...turn up-222 in-13 the-12 morgue and you go-22-13(root of the word, Janus, is, "to go") down you dumb-13"
"...die-18-18-18-108 like-222 ..."
shooter's wristwatch is TIMEPIECE
time-soaked language:
"I'm-22/13 kind of-21/12 NEW-21/252 (12*21) at this...HOW LONG-21 (in time) do we have-18-18-216 BEFORE..."
"Call NOW!"
"HANG ON. I'm-22/13 gonna-21 have-18-18-216 to ask you some questions FIRST..."
"F**k-22 you!...HURRY UP-222"
"Why'd-12 you kill my son-12?" Janus rules over death - and then we see the piano
"The-12 LONGER you lie..."
"...please-22 please-22 call."
"...say please-22 when-13 you were-21 having her-22..."
"In for a penny in for a pound." * Time is money
blood-21 splatters-113, dead-22 body

The Goonies

This clip should look familiar from Piano Stargates in Media:
skeletal-22 remains, cave-13

The Road

Scene (opening narration):
Time-soaked dialog while on their journey(Janus)
"OCTOBER...haven't kept a CALENDAR for-21 YEARS."
dead-22 Trees-22 anagram RESET in water-22 (water as time)
"Each DAY-12 is more-21 gray-21 than the-12 one SLOWLY dies-222...crops are LONG gone. SOON all the-12 trees/reset-22 in-13 the-12
world will fall-13."

Scene (opening narration):
Time-soaked dialog while on their journey(Janus)
"OCTOBER...haven't kept a CALENDAR for-21 YEARS."
dead-22 Trees-22 anagram RESET in water-22 (water as time)
"Each DAY-12 is more-21 gray-21 than the-12 one SLOWLY dies-222...crops are LONG gone. SOON all the-12 trees/reset-22 in-13 the-12 world will fall-13."

Scene (corpse piano):
house-22, dead-22, window-88
Time soaked self dialog:
"Every DAY-12...I'm-22/13 SLOWLY dying-22. That-13 is not-13 a lie. I'm-22/13 trying to prepare him-13 for-21 the-12 day-12 when-13 I'm-22/13 gone."
"Nothing we haven't seen BEFORE."
wind-22, window-88 pane-22 of-21-12 glass-13 * drawing our attention because it's broken.

Scene (death wish flashbacks):
gun-12/252, food-22
"Everything depends on reaching the-12 coast-13"
Ok*666" -- Ok*666
"I-54/18 wish-22 I-54/18 was with-21 my mom-13."
"You mean you wish-22 you were-21 dead-22."
"...have to STOP thinking about her-22" (Janus, god of endings)
Playing Piano PP-22, Holding Hands HH-88, axe-12, chop-12-252(12x21)

Donnie Darko

Scene (jet engine kills Donnie):
Piano Stargate installment
Donnie flashes a smile-22 and we see his teeth-22.
Horn Honks-22 - HH-88
Jet engine falls through the house-22 (gravity)
We see his sister slide - ss-88 (when z=1) down the door (Janus - doors)
Giant hole-22 in the house-22.

Scene (Donnie is remembered):
Mom wearing pink-22 on the lawn-22 leaning against a tree-21.

WestWorld S4E3

"We have-18-18-216 to make our-54-18-18 way underground."
"How are we going to get underground?"
"We die-18-18-18-108."
"do not"-22 pick-21 that-13 up-222!
Brick Building BB-22-88 with a big sign-22.
Oyster Bar-21-12, car-22-13, smoking-88
through gold-22 doorway-88(Janus)
Billie-113 Eilish
"They've made-22 a few changes." * Janus rules over transformations
"Same OLD story."
rose-21 on table-13, smoking-88, pinstripe-54-54
"So what do we do NOW?
"We WAIT."
"For-21 what?"
"For-21 HISTORY to REPEAT itself" * resonating "Return back and reset Code 22"
Player Piano PP-22

Fringe S2E22 & S5E11

Scene (Bell's sacrifice S2E22):
S2E22 resonating Code 22 and 222
focus is on the power-22 to get back home-13 *power combo*
neon-21 sign-22 flame-222
"...a few MINUTES-88."
"Yes-13. It's-12 opening a crack-18/216 (6*6*6) in-13 the-12 door, but we don't have-18-18/216 enough power-22 to keep-222 it open-13."
"Olivia doesn't have-18-18/216 the-12 power-22...ALWAYS..."
"Walter, I-18/54 will be the-12 power-22...enough power-22 to get-13 you ALWAYS were-21 as stubborn as a donkey-88 with-21 a nail in-13 his-18/18/216 head-18/18/18/108 (His Head HH-88)"
atom-13 bomb-22 *power combo*
Walter asked to have part of his brain removed because of what he was becoming * Janus, god of transformations
"Welcome-113 back."
This scene (with his sacrifice and his lines, "traveled between universes so many times", and "stars in the sky" * STAR TREK)) harnesses energy for the ritual through the casting resonance of Leonard Nimoy as Spock in the acclaimed film, Star Trek 2: The Wrath of Kahn, and Star Trek 3: The Search for Spock.

Scene (Donald's apartment S5E11):
Episode title: "The-12 Boy-12-252 Must Live-21"
"It's-12 been quite a journey"(Janus)
"A lot of good-13 people-21 sacrificed themselves to get us to you."
"BEFORE the-12 invasion-113...for my CONTINUED interference in-13 the-12 TIMELINE"
piano behind the boy and a partially completed wood-21 model-22 on the table-13
"As punishment, they-22 removed my device, and NOW I-18/54 am-13 no LONGER able-88 to move through TIME."

The Pianist

Scene (food delivery):
Pianist-88, Time-soaked Language!
Enters through doorway-88(Janus)
"STILL alive-22 THEN?"
food-22, bottle-88 of vodka
oval-22 mirror is framed(Janus) lamp-21-252(12x21), window-88, bread-21
"How LONG-21 is this meant to LAST?"
"Not LONG-21 NOW."
"Why didn't you come-18/18/216 (6*6*6) SOONER? It's-12 been OVER-21 TWO-13 WEEKS."
"Money...I've-18/18/216 got-12/252 (12*21) to raise money to buy-12 the-12 food-22. I-18/54 need things to sell-12. It's-12 not-13 easy-22."
"Here-18/216, sell-12 this. Food's-22 more-21 important than TIME." * selling watch for money * time is money
"Allies-22 have-18/18/216 landed-22 in-13 France. Russians will be here-18/216 SOON-18/18...any DAY-12 NOW."
lingers on door(Janus) at his departure and afterward

Scene (in bed with fever):
running water-22 (as time) bottle bottle BB22-88 and bottle-88
clock above sink * Janus, god of time
leaving - journey(Janus)
"Baby's ALREADY there..."
"BEGIN any DAY NOW" * Janus, god of beginnings
focus on money - time is money
"...collected a tidy-22 sum..."
Dr-22-13 *power combo*
"'s not easy-22"
"can you visit him-13 AGAIN?"
"I brought you some food-22...I'll prepare something NOW for-21 you THEN we must go-22/13."
Brown Bag BB-22-88 on the table-13 - goes through a doorway-88(Janus)

Scene (dinnertime Gestapo raid):
"for-21 my work-22"
"your work-22"
"yes-13 thats right I-18/54 work-22"
"yes-13 your work-22. Playing the piano ..."
"boys..boys" BB-22-88
"I see it EVERY DAY."
"...declare war-21/252(12*21) on Germany." * Janus, associated with war
Nazi-22, shoot-22, dead-22

Scene (slaughtering Nazis):
at the window-88 with piano*88 behind him
shoot-22, dead-22, Nazi-22


"There are-21 people-21 out here-18/216 who are-21 ... People-21 who don't want-13 to sleep-21 a wink-21 ALL NIGHT. People-21 who want-13 this silence to be over-21."
"Hi-" -- "Hi" HH-88
piano seen behind bottle-88 glass-13 of-21-12 wine-21, bench-22, candles-22
"...special NIGHT."
"Maybe leaving this place..." * Janus rules over journeys
"Leaving? Where-22?"
"ALREADY talked about this...NOW it's-21 different. NOW is a real-18/216 opportunity to get-13 out of-21-12 here-18/216." puts Hands on Hips HH-88
"Get-13 on a bus-21-252 and THEN START(Janus) from scratch in-13 another city-21 with-21 an EXPIRATION DATE?" * Janus - beginnings, endings & time.
"You're ABOUT to have-18-18-216 a daughter, Jacq-13!" * parenthood - Janus rules over transitions, birth
"Where-22 the-12 hell-222 do you want-13 "to go-22-13?" * root of word, Janus: "to go"
"Where-22 there is a damn-22 FUTURE."
"There has to be one somewhere-666."

Midsomer Murders S8E8

"Midsomer" is a place name but it evokes a season of time(Janus)
wind-22, bell-13
snow - frozen water as time - falling (gravity * caused by warping time)
grave of Joan-13 Alder-22
on gravestone: BIRTH and DEATH DATES(Janus)

Curious about the pending reset of time? Learn more here: The Pending Reset of Time

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