Darnell: Have you ever looked up at the stars and wondered?
Dr. Pyatt: Yeah, yeah. Always.
Darnell: I wondered too. I was fascinated by the universe. Space-time - are we alone - what happens next? I wondered so much I felt like nobody saw what I did.
Dr. Pyatt: "Like you're a man in the world, beneath the world."
Darnell: Yes! Exactly!
Dr. Pyatt: Yeah, yeah. Always.
Darnell: I wondered too. I was fascinated by the universe. Space-time - are we alone - what happens next? I wondered so much I felt like nobody saw what I did.
Dr. Pyatt: "Like you're a man in the world, beneath the world."
Darnell: Yes! Exactly!
In Part 1, some evidence was presented to illustrate the Occult nature of the film. I showed how some of the dialogue suggests the deception that will precede the revealing of the lawless one (2 Thes. 2:1-2). In this 2nd post I'm going to give some attention to the climax, which presents some of the facets of the revealing itself.
Darnell plays Osiris to Pyatt's Horus. Even though Darnell is the older Pyatt, returned from the future, Pyatt represents his second chance. In the closing scenes, Darnell dies in an incident where Pyatt receives a head wound. (Revelation 13:3) Pyatt goes into a coma as a result of the injury. When he awakens it is with an epiphany, knowing Darnell's great secret about wormhole manipulation, time viewing and travel. This takes place in a sequence where the goddess is given a substantial supporting role. I've been writing about the raising of Osiris into Horus and the manipulation of time that will be central to the event, and how Isis has a key role. In biblical language, the event is referred to as the revealing of the lawless one, which comes with a baptism and anointing.
I should make a few fundamental observations before decoding the film's climax.
There are many theories about time travel. Is it possible for Darnell to go back and converse with his younger self? No, and the reason why it's not goes beyond physics. It's a matter of spiritual authority. The sovereign God of time-space has complete oversight, and outside His own instances of exploitation, many of which are recorded in the Bible, that activity is strictly denied. The popular plot device where a man invents a time machine or special methodology and subsequently travels through time - it's fiction. Several years ago, the Lord took me and a friend for a visit to the timeless place, near to His throne. The immediate reason for the trip was to show her that Her God is the God of time, according to the narrative given to me. We understood. It's His domain. He's appointed a brief season for a limited exploitation of control, and there will be made an open show of it. Yet, it won't involve straight up “time travel” because it will involve lying signs and wonders. What will be achieved by the temporary temporal exploitation is just what the sovereign God intends, and nothing more or less than that. Time-space, and His adversary, are both, “servant constructs.” Do you know it yet?
So, if we accept that the plot device in The Penitent Man is just that, the next point that should be made is how Darnell was not truly penitent. Think about the situation rationally. Instead of making an experiment of the probably unique opportunity presented to him, Darnell would have simply assassinated Pyatt. If the consequences were so dire, he would not have risked failure. He wasn't truly penitent. He lied because he's a representative of the father of lies.
What I'm going to share about the meaning of the film's climax requires a little more plot summary for background.
The incident where Darnell dies and Pyatt receives the head wound involves “his” friend Ovid. Ovid is Pyatt's best and only friend. He remains his friend after coming out of the coma, as a kind of Pyatt 2.0, or as we know him, Darnell. Ovid somehow traveled back in time just like Darnell. He had the good sense to know that his “good intentioned” friend had to be stopped in order to save the world from certain destruction. He brought a gun and was going to assassinate Pyatt, but Darnell intervened. In the scuffle, a stray bullet from Ovid's gun caused the head wound that put Pyatt into a coma. It was when he awakened from the coma that he received the secret knowledge that would bring the world to ruin. Both Darnell and future-Ovid die in the scuffle.
From the perspective of a film reviewer, the way the film ends suggests the answer to Darnell's questions about whether fate or destiny could be changed. It suggests, no, because despite having convinced Pyatt of the need to avoid going down the same road, the secret was recorded, and due to his negligence, his selfish and greedy wife was able to acquire it. We are left with the sense that she will use it to go down the same road of destruction. I note with interest that the Devil's own bid for and temporary grant of (limited) control will likewise fail to change his fate. The lawless one is doomed to destruction. All will be brought into judgment. There will eventually be a restoration of all things, but ultimate justice will manifest according to what is fit for the ages to come.
Again, the key to understanding the climax that is the Pyatt-into-Darnell transformation as the esoteric raising of Osiris into Horus, with the work of Isis. Perhaps the most succinct snapshot is evident when we perceive the role played by Ovid in the transformation.
Who is Ovid's namesake? Ovid was a famous Roman poet. (43 BC - 17 or 18 AD). He was best known for, Metamorphoses, which is considered to be one of the most important sources of classical mythology. Ovid - Metamorphosis. His bullet caused the Pyatt-to-Darnell transformation. Clever. Because Ovid the poet lived at the time when my Lord was a youth in his earthly body, when Rome occupied his land, there's a messianic association.
I'll be giving the requisite goddess symbolism some attention too, but here's how the Osiris and Horus identities are supported.
When Mr. Darnell walks into Dr. Pyatt's office without an appointment, Darnell is not surprised that Dr. Pyatt isn't busy with other clients. He shows Pyatt his advertising brochure, pointing out a spelling error he had overlooked in the unprofessional effort to market his services. The part with the error reads, “dedicated to you happiness.” That's a common mistake, and one that is easily overlooked, of course. In this esoteric work, it identifies an essential element in the raising of Osiris into Horus, the phallus. “Happiness” is being used as code for, penis, ha-penis. As the story goes, Osiris was killed and chopped into 14 pieces. Isis was able to retrieve 13, but the penis was lost, eaten by a fish. She substituted another phallus and magickally used it to bring forth Horus, from dead Osiris. Ha-penis plays a central role.
The writer's choice of the name, Darnell, suggests access to another dimension. Darnell, means, “hidden alcove, hidden niche.” According to surnamedb.com, “This very interesting old name is one with a medicinal or herbal origin, deriving from the French "darnal", a plant which was thought to have the ability to produce an intoxicating substance.” Such a substance might be considered entheogenic or as useful for shamanic or magical purposes.
Dr. Jason Pyatt's first name evokes the Argonaut from ancient Greece, who led the quest for the golden fleece. With Ovid making such an obvious connection to ancient mythology we can hardly ignore this allusion to Jason the Argonaut. Dr. Jason was certainly a man on a quest. The constellation, Argo, was his ship, so there is a celestial body and celestial quest in view.
The name, Pyatt, means, “little magpie or sign of the magpie, dweller near or at the sign of the magpie.” This bird is of the crow family, and the crow is associated with Apollo. A magpie is one of the few animal species known to be able to recognize itself in a mirror test. Given that the film is a Mirror Images LTD production, and that it is the clever writer-producer's own entity, I have to think he's chosen the name with this in mind. A magpie is inherently linked with self recognition and identification, and so is Darnell, who sees himself, Pyatt, as in a mirror. Yellow-billed magpie flocks, which I used to see nearly every day when I lived in the Sacramento area, are known to engage in funeral-like behaviour for their dead. Osiris-Darnell, god of the dead, raised into Horus - Pyatt.
The Dr. got his diploma from the University of Northern Acadia. The name Acadia can be linked to the Akkadian Empire, where the Akkadian people of Mesopotamia worshipped Isis in the north as Inanna.
Dr. Pyatt's wife's name is Evelyn Pyatt - Eve. The first woman brought forth the first manchild, Cain, the first murderer. She was pregnant with Pyatt's baby, and the connection with Eve should be obvious as her sin brought the world to ruin, yet not without her husband.
In the movie's promo poster, Darnell has just arrived in the present. He's sitting on a park bench. The back of the bench has three boards, and his body visually divides the bench in two. Code 33. One of the central aspects of Code 33 is a referencing of Jesus Christ, who died when he was 33 years old, and who was subsequently raised to eternal life. The scene in the park presents Darnell as the messianic pretender. It's set in the Fall of the year. In the Fall, right? He's not truly penitent, of course. The book of Enoch relates how the fallen angels petitioned for a penalty to be remitted, which is pertinent. With his second chance, the Adversary is going to try to succeed where he failed before, in seizing the throne of the Most High God in a time-control ploy.
To be continued, Lord willing.
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